Easton's Bible Dictionary Homage rendered to God which it is sinful (idolatry) to render to any created being ( Exodus 34:14; Isaiah 2:8). Such worship was refused by Peter ( Acts 10:25, 26) and by an angel ( Revelation 22:8, 9). Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. ( a.) Excellence of character; dignity; worth; worthiness. 2. (a.) Honor; respect; civil deference. 3. (a.) Hence, a title of honor, used in addresses to certain magistrates and others of rank or station. 4. (n.) The act of paying divine honors to the Supreme Being; religious reverence and homage; adoration, or acts of reverence, paid to God, or a being viewed as God. 5. (a.) Obsequious or submissive respect; extravagant admiration; adoration. 6. (n.) An object of worship. 7. (v. t.) To respect; to honor; to treat with civil reverence. 8. (v. t.) To pay divine honors to; to reverence with supreme respect and veneration; to perform religious exercises in honor of; to adore; to venerate. 9. (v. t.) To honor with extravagant love and extreme submission, as a lover; to adore; to idolize. 10. (v. i.) To perform acts of homage or adoration; esp., to perform religious service. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia SERPENT WORSHIPwur'-ship: Traces of this superstition are thought by certain critics to be discoverable in the religion of Israel. Stade mentions that W. R. Smith supposed the serpent to be the totem of the house of David (Geschichte, I, 465). H. P. Smith says: "We know of a Serpent's Stone near Jerusalem, which was the site of a sanctuary (1 Kings 1:9), and this sanctuary was dedicated to Yahweh" (Hist of Old Testament, 239, 240). Special reliance is placed on the narrative of the brazen serpent, which Hezekiah is recorded to have destroyed as leading to idolatry, (2 Kings 18:4). "In that case," says H. P. Smith, "we must treat the Nehushtan as a veritable idol of the house of Israel, which had been worshipped in the temple from the time of its erection. Serpent worship is so widespread that we should be surprised not to find traces of it in Israel" (ut supra). In the same line, see G. B. Gray, Numbers, 275-76. The fancifulness of these deductions is obvious.
James Orr WORSHIP wur'-ship (Anglo-Saxon: weorthscipe, wyrthscype, "honor," from weorth, wurth, "worthy," "honorable," and scipe, "ship"):
1. Terms
2. Old Testament Worship
3. New Testament Worship
4. Public Christian Worship
Honor, reverence, homage, in thought, feeling, or act, paid to men, angels, or other "spiritual" beings, and figuratively to other entities, ideas, powers or qualities, but specifically and supremely to Deity.
1. Terms:
The principal Old Testament word is shachah, "depress," "bow down," "prostrate" (Hithpael), as in Exodus 4:31, "bowed their heads and worshipped"; so in 94 other places. The context determines more or less clearly whether the physical act or the volitional and emotional idea is intended. The word is applied to acts of reverence to human superiors as well as supernatural. the Revised Version (British and American) renders it according to its physical aspect, as indicated by the context, "bowed himself down" (the King James Version "worshipped," Genesis 24:52; compare 23:7; 27:29, etc.).
Other words are: caghadh, "prostrate," occurring in Isaiah 44:15, 17, 19; Isaiah 46:6, but rendered (English Versions of the Bible) "fall down." In Daniel 2:46; Daniel 3:5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 18, 28, it (Aramaic ceghidh) is "worship" (English Versions of the Bible), 7 times associated with "falling down" and 5 times with "serve." `abhadh, "work," "labor," "serve," is rendered "worship" by English Versions of the Bible in 2 Kings 10:19, 21;: "the worshippers (servants) of Baal." In Isaiah 19:21 the Revised Version (British and American) has "worship with sacrifice and oblation" (the King James Version "do sacrifice"). Isaiah 19:23 the King James Version has "served," the Revised Version (British and American) "worship." `atsabh, "carve," "fabricate," "fashion," is once given "worship," i.e. "make (an object of) worship" (Jeremiah 44:19, the American Revised Version margin "portray").
The Old Testament idea is therefore the reverential attitude of mind or body or both, combined with the more generic notions of religions adoration, obedience, service.
The principal New Testament word (59 times) is proskuneo, "kiss (the hand or the ground) toward," hence, often in the oriental fashion bowing prostrate upon the ground; accordingly, Septuagint uses it for the Hithpael of shachah (hishtachawah), "prostrate oneself." It is to render homage to men, angels, demons, the Devil, the "beast," idols, or to God. It is rendered 16 times to Jesus as a beneficent superior; at least 24 times to God or to Jesus as God. The root idea of bodily prostration is much less prominent than in the Old Testament. It is always translated "worship."
Next in frequency is sebomai, "venerate," and its various cognates, sebazomai, eusebeo, theosebes, sebasma. Its root is sebas, "fear," but this primitive meaning is completely merged into "reverence," "hold in awe": "In vain do they worship me" (Matthew 15:9, etc.). latreuo, is "serve" (religiously), or "worship publicly," "perform sacred services," "offer gifts," "worship God in the observance of the rites instituted for His worship." It is translated "worship" in Acts 7:42; Acts 24:14 the King James Version, but "serve," American Standard Revised Version: "serve the host of heaven," "serve I the God of our fathers"; but both the King James Version and the American Standard Revised Version render Philippians 3:3, "worship by the Spirit of God," and Hebrews 10:2, "the worshippers," the context in the first two being general, in the second two specific. In 2 Timothy 1:3 and many other cases both the King James Version and the Revised Version (British and American) give "serve," the meaning not being confined to worship; but compare Luke 2:37 Revised Version: "worshipping (the King James Version "served") with fastings and supplications." Romans 1:25 gives both sebazomai and latreuo in their specific meanings: "worshipped (venerated) and served (religiously,) the creature." doxa, "glory" (Luke 14:10, King James Version: "Thou shalt have worship," is a survival of an old English use, rightly discarded in the Revised Version (British and American)). threskeia (Colossians 2:18), "a voluntary humility and worshipping of the angels" (the American Revised Version margin "an act of reverence"), has the root idea of trembling or fear. therapeuo, "serve," "heal," "tend" (Acts 17:25, King James Version: "neither is worshipped by men's hands"), is "served" in the Revised Version (British and American), perhaps properly, but its close connection with "temples made with hands" makes this questionable. neokoros, "temple-sweepers," "temple-keeper" (Acts 19:35), has its true meaning in the Revised Version (British and American), but "worshipper" is needed to complete the idea, in our modern idiom.
In the Apocrypha the usage is the same as in the New Testament, the verbs used being, in the order of their frequency, proskuneo, sebomai, threskeuo, and latreuo.
The New Testament idea of worship is a combination of the reverential attitude of mind and body, the general ceremonial and religious service of God, the feeling of awe, veneration, adoration; with the outward and ceremonial aspects approaching, but not reaching, the vanishing point. The total idea of worship, however, both in the Old Testament and New Testament, must be built up, not from the words specifically so translated, but also, and chiefly, from the whole body of description of worshipful feeling and action, whether of individuals singly and privately, or of larger bodies engaged in the public services of sanctuary, tabernacle, temple, synagogue, upper room or meeting-place.
Space permits no discussion of the universality of worship in some form, ranging from superstitious fear or fetishism to the highest spiritual exercise of which man is capable; nor of the primary motive of worship, whether from a desire to placate, ingratiate, or propitiate some higher power, or to commune and share with him or it, or express instinctive or purposed devotion to him. On the face of the Bible narratives, the instinct of communion, praise, adoring gratitude would seem to be the earliest moving force (compare Genesis 4:3, 4, Cain, Abel; Romans 1:18-25, the primitive knowledge of God as perverted to creature-worship; Genesis 8:20, Noah's altar; and Genesis 12:7, Abram's altar). That propitiation was an early element is indicated probably by Abel's offering from the flock, certainly by the whole system of sacrifice. Whatever its origin, worship as developed in the Old Testament is the expression of the religious instinct in penitence, prostration, adoration, and the uplift of holy joy before the Creator.
2. Old Testament Worship:
In detail, Old Testament worship was individual and private, though not necessarily secret, as with Eliezer (Genesis 24:26 f), the expression of personal gratitude for the success of a mission, or with Moses (Exodus 34:8), seeking God's favor in intercessory prayer; it was sometimes, again, though private, in closest association with others, perhaps with a family significance (Genesis 8:20, Noah; Genesis 12:7; 22:5, Abraham: "I and the lad will go yonder; and.... worship"); it was in company with the "great congregation," perhaps partly an individual matter, but gaining blessing and force from the presence of others (Psalm 42:4: "I went with the throng.... keeping holyday"); and it was, as the national spirit developed, the expression of the national devotion (1 Chronicles 29:20: "And all the assembly.... worshipped Yahweh, and the king"). In this public national worship the truly devout Jew took his greatest delight, for in it were inextricably interwoven together, his patriotism, his sense of brotherhood, his feeling of solidarity, his personal pride and his personal piety.
The general public worship, especially as developed in the Temple services, consisted of:
(1) Sacrificial acts, either on extraordinary occasions, as at the dedication of the Temple, etc., when the blood of the offerings flowed in lavish profusion (2 Chronicles 7:5), or in the regular morning and evening sacrifices, or on the great annual days, like the Day of Atonement.
(2) Ceremonial acts and posture of reverence or of adoration, or symbolizing the seeking and receiving of the divine favor, as when the high priest returned from presenting incense offering in the holy place, and the people received his benediction with bowed heads, reverently standing (2 Chronicles 7:6), or the worshippers prostrated themselves as the priests sounded the silver trumpets at the conclusion of each section of the Levites' chant.
(3) Praise by the official ministrants of the people or both together, the second probably to a very limited extent. This service of praise was either instrumental, silver "trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music," or it might be in vocal song, the chant of the Levites (very likely the congregation took part in some of the antiphonal psalms); or it might be both vocal and instrumental, as in the magnificent dedicatory service of Solomon (2 Chronicles 5:13), when "the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking Yahweh." Or it might be simply spoken: "And all the people said, Amen, and praised Yahweh" (1 Chronicles 16:36). How fully and splendidly this musical element of worship was developed among the Hebrews the Book of Psalms gives witness, as well as the many notices in Chronicles (1 Chronicles 15; 16; 25; 2 Chronicles 5; 29; 30, etc.). It is a pity that our actual knowledge of Hebrew music should be so limited.
(4) Public prayer, such as is described in Deuteronomy 26, at the dedication of the Temple (2 Chronicles 6, etc.), or like Psalms 60; 79; 80. Shorter forms, half praise, half prayer, formed a part of the service in Christ's time.
(5) The annual feasts, with their characteristic ceremonies.
SeePASSOVER; TABERNACLE; etc. Places of worship are discussed under ALTAR; HIGH PLACE; SANCTUARY; TABERNACLE; TEMPLE, etc.
3. New Testament Worship:
In the New Testament we find three sorts of public worship, the temple-worship upon Old Testament lines, the synagogue-worship, and the worship which grew up in the Christian church out of the characteristic life of the new faith. The synagogue-worship, developed by and after the exile, largely substituted the book for the symbol, and thought for the sensuous or object appeal; it was also essentially popular, homelike, familiar, escaping from the exclusiveness of the priestly service. It had four principal parts:
(1) the recitation of the shema`, composed of Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Deuteronomy 11:13-21, and Numbers 15:37-41, and beginning, "Hear (shema`), O Israel: Yahweh our God is one Yahweh";
(2) prayers, possibly following some set form, perhaps repeating some psalm;
(3) the reading by male individuals of extracts from the Law and the Prophets selected by the "ruler of the synagogue," in later years following the fixed order of a lectionary, as may have been the case when Jesus "found the place";
(4) the targum or condensed explanation in the vernacular of the Scriptures read.
It is questioned whether singing formed a part of the service, but, considering the place of music in Jewish religious life, and its subsequent large place in Christian worship, it is hard to think of it as absent from the synagogue.
4. Public Christian Worship:
Public Christian worship necessarily developed along the lines of the synagogue and not the temple, since the whole sacrificial and ceremonial system terminated for Christianity with the life and death of Jesus. The perception of this, however, was gradual, as was the break of Jewish Christians with both synagogue and temple. Jesus Himself held the temple in high honor, loved to frequent it as His Father's house, reverently observed the feasts, and exhibited the characteristic attitude of the devout but un-Pharisaic Israelite toward the temple and its worship. Yet by speaking of Himself as "greater than the temple" (Matthew 12:6) and by quoting, Hosea 6:6, "I desire goodness and not sacrifice," He indicated the relative subordinateness of the temple and its whole system of worship, and in His utterance to the woman of Samaria He intimated the abolition both of the whole idea of the central sanctuary and of the entire ceremonial worship: "Neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shall ye worship the Father"; "They that worship him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:21, 24). His chief interest in the temple seems to have been as a "house of prayer" and an opportunity to reach and touch the people. We cannot help feeling that with all His love for the holy precincts, He must have turned with relief from the stately, formal, distant ceremonial of the temple, partly relieved though it was by the genuine religious passion of many worshippers, to the freer, more vital, closer heart-worship of the synagogue, loaded though that also was with form, tradition, ritual and error. Here He was a regular and reverent attendant and participant (Mark 1:21, 39; Mark 3:1; Mark 6:2 Luke 6:6). Jesus did not Himself prescribe public worship for His disciples, no doubt assuming that instinct and practice, and His own spirit and example, would bring it about spontaneously, but He did seek to guard their worship from the merely outward and spectacular, and laid great emphasis on privacy and real "innerness" in it (Matthew 6:1-18, etc.). Synagogue-worship was probably not abandoned with Pentecost, but private brotherhood meetings, like that in the upper chamber, and from house to house, were added. The young church could hardly have "grown in favor with the people," if it had completely withdrawn from the popular worship, either in temple or synagogue, although no attendance on the latter is ever mentioned. Possibly the Christians drew themselves together in a synagogue of their own, as did the different nationalities. The reference in James: "if there come unto your synagogue" (2:2), while not conclusive, since "synagogue" may have gained a Christian significance by this time, nevertheless, joined with the traditions concerning James's ascetic zeal and popular repute, argues against such a complete separation early. Necessarily with the development into clearness of the Christian ideas, and with the heightening persecution, together with the hard industrial struggle of life, the observance of the Jewish Sabbath in temple or synagogue, and of the Christian's Lord's Day, grew incompatible. Yet the full development of this must have been rather late in Paul's life. Compare his missionary tactics of beginning his work at the synagogue, and his custom of observing as far as possible the Jewish feasts (Acts 20:16 1 Corinthians 16:8). Our notions of the worship of the early church must be constructed out of the scattered notices descriptive of different stages in the history, and different churches present different phases of development. The time was clearly the Lord's Day, both by the Jewish churches (John 20:19, 26) and by the Greek (Acts 20:7 1 Corinthians 16:2) The daily meeting of Acts 2:46 was probably not continued, no mention occurring later.
There are no references to yearly Christian festivals, though the wide observance in the sub-apostolic period of the Jewish Passover, with references to the death and resurrection of Jesus, and of Pentecost to commemorate the gift of the Holy Spirit, argues for their early use. The place was of course at first in private houses, and the earliest form of Christian church architecture developed from this model rather than the later one of the basilica. 1 Corinthians gives rather full data for the worship in this free and enthusiastic church. It appears that there were two meetings, a public and a private. The public worship was open, informal and missionary, as well as edificatory. The unconverted, inquirers and others, were expected to be present, and were frequently converted in the meeting (1 Corinthians 14:24). It resembled much more closely, an evangelical "prayer and conference meeting" of today than our own formal church services. There is no mention of official ministrants, though the meeting seems to have been under some loose guidance. Any male member was free to take part as the Spirit might prompt, especially in the line of his particular "spiritual gift" from God, although one individual might have several, as Paul himself. Largely developed on synagogue lines, but with a freedom and spirit the latter must have greatly lacked, it was composed of:
(1) Prayer by several, each followed by the congregational "Amen."
(2) Praise, consisting of hymns composed by one or another of the brethren, or coming down from the earlier days of Christian, perhaps Jewish, history, like the Benedictus, the Magnificat, the Nunc dimittis, etc. Portions of these newer hymns seem to be imbedded here and there in the New Testament, as at Revelation 5:9-13: "Worthy art thou," etc. (compare Revelation 15:3; Revelation 11:17, etc.); also: "He who was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the spirit, Seen of angels, Preached among the nations, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory" (1 Timothy 3:16). Praise also might take the form of individual testimony, not in metrical form (1 Corinthians 14:16).
(3) Reading of the Scripture must have followed, according to the synagogue model. Paul presupposes an acquaintance with the Old Testament Scriptures and the facts of Jesus' life, death, resurrection. Instructions to read certain epistles in the churches indicate the same.
(4) Instruction, as in 1 Corinthians 2:7; 1 Corinthians 6:5, teaching for edification. (These passages, however, may not have this specific reference.)
(5) Prophesying, when men, believed by themselves and by the church to be specially taught by the Holy Spirit, gave utterance to His message. At Corinth these crowded on one another, so that Paul had to command them to speak one at a time.
(6) Following this, as some believe, came the "speaking with tongues," perhaps fervent and ejaculatory prayers "so rugged and disjointed that the audience for the most part could not understand" until someone interpreted. The speaking with tongues, however, comprised praise as well as prayer (1 Corinthians 14:16), and the whole subject is enshrouded in mystery. SeeTONGUES, GIFT OF.
(7) The meeting closed with the benediction and with the "kiss of peace."
The "private service" may have followed the other, but seems more likely to have been in the evening, the other in the morning. The disciples met in one place and ate together a meal of their own providing, the agape, or love feast, symbolizing their union and fellowship, preceded or followed by prayers (Didache x), and perhaps interspersed by hymns. Then the "Lord's Supper" itself followed, according to the directions of the apostle (1 Corinthians 11:23-28).
How far "Christian worship" was "Christian" in the sense of being directly addressed to Christ, is not easily answered. We must not read into their mental content the fully developed Christology of later centuries, but it is hard to believe that those who had before them Thomas' adoring exclamation, "My Lord and my God!" the saying of the first martyr, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit," the dictum of the great apostle, "Who, existing in the form of God," the utterances of He, "And let all the angels of God worship him," "Thy throne, O God, is forever and forever," and, later, the prologue of Jn, and the ascriptions of praise in the Apocalypse, could have failed to bow down in spirit before Jesus Christ, to make known their requests through Him, and to lift up their adoration in song to Him, as according to Pliny's witness, 112 A.D., "they sing a hymn to Christ as God." The absolutely interchangeable way in which Paul, for instance, applies "Lord" in one breath to the Father, to the Old Testament Yahweh, and to Jesus Christ (Romans 10:11, 13; Romans 14:4, 6, 8, 11, 12, etc.) clearly indicates that while God the Father was, as He must be, the ultimate and principal object of worship, the heart and thought of God's New Testament people also rested with adoring love on Him who is "worthy.... to receive the power and riches and wisdom, and might, and glory, and honor and blessing." The angel of the Apocalypse would not permit the adoration of the seer (Revelation 22:9), but Jesus accepts the homage of Thomas, and in the Fourth Gospel declares it the duty of all to "honor the Son, even as they honor the Father" (John 5:23).
The classical passages for Christian worship are John 4:23, 24, culminating in (margin): "God is spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth," and Philippians 3:3, "who worship by the Spirit of God." These define its inner essence, and bar out all ceremonial or deputed worship whatever, except as the former is, what the latter can never be, the genuine and vital expression of inner love and devotion. Anything that really stimulates and expresses the worshipful spirit is so far forth a legitimate aid to worship, but never a substitute for it, and is harmful if it displaces it. Much, perhaps most, stately public worship is as significant to God and man as the clack of a Thibetan prayer-mill. The texts cited also make of worship something far deeper than the human emotion or surrender of will; it is the response of God's Spirit in us to that Spirit in Him, whereby we answer "Abba, Father," deep calling unto deep. Its object is not ingratiation, which is unnecessary, nor propitiation, which has been made "once for all," nor in any way "serving" the God who `needeth not to be worshipped with men's hands' (Acts 17:25), but it is the loving attempt to pay our unpayable debt of love, the expression of devoted hearts, "render(ing) as bullocks the offering of our lips" (Hosea 14:2). For detail it is not a physical act or material offering, but an attitude of mind: "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit"; "sacrifices of praise, with which God is well pleased"; not the service of form in an outward sanctuary, the presentation of slain animals, but the service of love in a life: "Present your bodies a living sacrifice"; not material sacrifices, but spiritual: your rational "service"; not the service about an altar of stone or wood, but about the sanctuary of human life and need; for this is true religion ("service," "worship," threskeia), "to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction"; not the splendor of shining robes or the sounding music of trumpets or organs, but the worshipping glory of holy lives; in real fact, "hallowing Thy name," "and keeping oneself unspotted from the world." The public worship of God in the presence of His people is a necessity of the Christian life, but in spiritual Christianity the ceremonial and outward approaches, if it does not quite reach, the vanishing point.
BDB; Thayer's New Testament Lexicon under the word; arts; on "Praise," "Worship," "Temple," "Church," "Prayer," in HDB, DB, New Sch-Herz, DCG; Commentaries on Psalms, Chronicles, Corinthians; Weizsacker, The Apostolic Age of the Church, II; Pfleiderer, Das Urchristenthum (English translation); Leoning, Gemeindeverfassung des Urchristenthums; Edersheim, The Temple, Its Ministry and Service, as They Were at the Time of Jesus Christ, and Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah; Hort, The Christian Ecclesia; Lindsay, Church and the Ministry in the Early Centuries; McGiffert, A History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age.
Philip Wendell Crannell WORSHIP, IMAGE See IMAGES.
Greek 4574. sebasma -- an object of worship ... an object of worship. Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter Transliteration: sebasma Phonetic Spelling: (seb'-as-mah) Short Definition: an object of worship Definition ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4574.htm - 6k4576. sebo -- to worship ... to worship. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: sebo Phonetic Spelling: (seb'-om-ahee) Short Definition: I reverence, worship Definition: I reverence, worship ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4576.htm - 7k 1495. eidololatria -- image worship ... image worship. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: eidololatria Phonetic Spelling: (i-do-lol-at-ri'-ah) Short Definition: worship or service of an ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/1495.htm - 6k 1497. eidolon -- an image (ie for worship), by impl. a false god ... 1496, 1497. eidolon. 1498 . an image (ie for worship), by impl. ... Word Origin from eidos Definition an image (ie for worship), by impl. ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/1497.htm - 6k 2999. latreia -- service ... service. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: latreia Phonetic Spelling: (lat-ri'-ah) Short Definition: service, worship Definition: service rendered ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2999.htm - 7k 1479. ethelothreskia -- self-willed (arbitrary and unwarranted) ... ... of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: ethelothreskia Phonetic Spelling: (eth-el-oth-race-ki'-ah) Short Definition: arbitrary worship Definition: arbitrary ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/1479.htm - 7k 2151. eusebeo -- to show piety towards ... Transliteration: eusebeo Phonetic Spelling: (yoo-seb-eh'-o) Short Definition: I am dutiful, pious Definition: I am dutiful, pious, show piety towards, worship. ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2151.htm - 7k 4352. proskuneo -- to do reverence to ... to do reverence to. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: proskuneo Phonetic Spelling: (pros-koo-neh'-o) Short Definition: I worship Definition: I go down on my ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4352.htm - 10k 3000. latreuo -- to serve ... to serve. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: latreuo Phonetic Spelling: (lat-ryoo'-o) Short Definition: I serve, worship Definition: I serve, especially ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/3000.htm - 7k 4573. sebazomai -- to fear, spec. to have reverential awe ... to have reverential awe. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: sebazomai Phonetic Spelling: (seb-ad'-zom-ahee) Short Definition: I worship Definition: I worship ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4573.htm - 6k Strong's Hebrew 6402. polchan -- service, worship... polchan. 6403 . service, worship. Transliteration: polchan Phonetic Spelling: (pol-khawn') Short Definition: service. ... (Aramaic) from plach; worship -- service. ... /hebrew/6402.htm - 6k 3649. komer -- a priest (in idol worship) ... 3648, 3649. komer. 3650 . a priest (in idol worship). Transliteration: komer Phonetic Spelling: (kaw-mawr') Short Definition: priests. ... /hebrew/3649.htm - 6k 1179. Baal Chermon -- "Baal of Hermon," the center of Baal worship ... ... "Baal of Hermon," the center of Baal worship on Mt. ... Word Origin from Baal and Chermon Definition "Baal of Hermon," the center of Baal worship on Mt. ... /hebrew/1179.htm - 6k 5456. sagad -- to prostrate oneself (in worship) ... 5455, 5456. sagad. 5457 . to prostrate oneself (in worship). Transliteration: sagad Phonetic Spelling: (saw-gad') Short Definition: down. Word Origin a prim ... /hebrew/5456.htm - 6k 1184. Baale Yehudah -- "Baal of Judah," the center of Baal worship ... ... "Baal of Judah," the center of Baal worship in Judah. Transliteration: Baale Yehudah Phonetic Spelling: (bah-al-ay' yeh-hoo-daw') Short Definition: Baale-judah. ... /hebrew/1184.htm - 6k 7812. shachah -- to bow down ... 7811, 7812. shachah. 7813 . to bow down. Transliteration: shachah Phonetic Spelling: (shaw-khaw') Short Definition: worship. Word Origin a prim. ... /hebrew/7812.htm - 6k 5457. segid -- to do homage ... segid. 5458 . to do homage. Transliteration: segid Phonetic Spelling: (seg-eed') Short Definition: worship. ... worship. (Aramaic) corresponding to cagad -- worship ... /hebrew/5457.htm - 6k 6087. atsab -- to hurt, pain, grieve ... displease, grieve, hurt, make, be sorry, vex, worship, wrest A primitive root; properly, to carve, ie Fabricate or fashion; hence ... /hebrew/6087.htm - 5k 1245. baqash -- to seek ... A primitive root; to search out (by any method, specifically in worship or prayer); by implication, to strive after -- ask, beg, beseech, desire, enquire, get ... /hebrew/1245.htm - 6k 1875. darash -- to resort to, seek ... A primitive root; properly, to tread or frequent; usually to follow (for pursuit or search); by implication, to seek or ask; specifically to worship -- ask, X ... /hebrew/1875.htm - 6k Library Presbyterian Worship Presbyterian Worship. <. Presbyterian Worship Robert Johnston. Produced by Al Haines Table of Contents. Title Page. INTRODUCTION. PREFATORY NOTE. ... //christianbookshelf.org/johnston/presbyterian worship/ The Worship of the Church The Worship of the Church. <. The Worship of the Church Jacob A. Regester. E-text prepared by Al Haines Table of Contents. Title Page. Preface. ... //christianbookshelf.org/regester/the worship of the church/ Divided Worship ... THE SECOND BOOK OF KINGS DIVIDED WORSHIP. 'These ... own. They are ready to worship them all, for they have no real worship for any. ... /.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/divided worship.htm Heavenly Worship ... Heavenly Worship. A Sermon (No.110). Delivered ... so. I. In the first place, then, we wish to take a view of THE OBJECT OF HEAVENLY WORSHIP. ... /.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 3 1857/heavenly worship.htm Preparation for Worship ... HYMNS OF THE EARLY CHURCH Preparation for Worship. 8,6,8,6 Preparation for Worship. How shall we climb the hill of God,. And stand before His face". ... /.../brownlie/hymns of the early church/preparation for worship.htm Snake-Worship. ... CHAPTER THREE. SNAKE-WORSHIP. When I was about eleven years old, my brothers and sisters were suffering from boils, and my parents ... //christianbookshelf.org/hodson/old daniel/chapter three snake-worship.htm Of the Worship of the True God, and of Innocency, and of The ... the divine institutes Book VI. Of True Worship. Chap. I."Of the Worship of the True God, and of Innocency, and of the. Worship of False Gods. ... /.../lactantius/the divine institutes/chap i of the worship of.htm Worship ... WORSHIP. Isaiah 1:12, 13. ... That their worship of God, their church-going, their sabbaths, and their appointed feasts were a weariness and an abomination to him. ... //christianbookshelf.org/kingsley/the good news of god/sermon vi worship.htm Lessons for Worship and for Work ... ECCLESIASTES; OR, THE PREACHER LESSONS FOR WORSHIP AND FOR WORK. 'Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ... /.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/lessons for worship and for.htm Humble Worship ... INTRODUCTION AND CLOSE OF WORSHIP. 1. " Humble Worship. 1. 7s. M. Bowring. Humble Worship. 1 When before thy throne we kneel, Filled ... /.../christianbookshelf.org/adams/hymns for christian devotion/1 humble worship.htm Thesaurus Will-worship (1 Occurrence)Will- worship. Willworship, Will- worship. Wilt . Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia WILL- WORSHIP. In Colossians 2:23, "a show .../w/will-worship.htm - 7kWorship (332 Occurrences) ... Homage rendered to God which it is sinful (idolatry) to render to any created being (Exodus 34:14; Isaiah 2:8). Such worship was refused by Peter (Acts 10:25 ... /w/worship.htm - 66k Sun-worship Sun-worship. Sunworship, Sun-worship. Sup . Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia SUN-WORSHIP. sun'-wur-ship: The splendor of ... /s/sun-worship.htm - 8k Idol-worship (2 Occurrences) Idol-worship. Idol-sacrifices, Idol-worship. Idol-worshipper . Multi-Version Concordance Idol-worship (2 Occurrences). ... /i/idol-worship.htm - 7k Image-worship (1 Occurrence) Image-worship. Image's, Image-worship. Imagination . Multi-Version Concordance Image-worship (1 Occurrence). 1 Peter ... /i/image-worship.htm - 6k Bacchus ... His worship had extended over the whole Greek and Roman world centuries before the Christian era, and had degenerated into an orgy of drunkenness and unnamable ... /b/bacchus.htm - 12k Chemosh (8 Occurrences) ... The worship of this god, "the abomination of Moab," was introduced at Jerusalem by Solomon (1 Kings 11:7), but was abolished by Josiah (2 Kings 23:13). ... /c/chemosh.htm - 20k Sunworship ... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia SUN-WORSHIP. sun'-wur-ship: The splendor of the sun makes it a natural object of adoration, once ... /s/sunworship.htm - 8k Adoration ... fervent devotion. 2. (n.) The act of playing honor to a divine being; the worship paid to God; the act of addressing as a god. 3. (n ... /a/adoration.htm - 20k Moloch (2 Occurrences) ... Solomon (1 Kings 11:7) erected a high place for this idol on the Mount of Olives, and from that time till the days of Josiah his worship continued (2 Kings 23 ... /m/moloch.htm - 21k
Resources What is a biblical theology of worship? | GotQuestions.orgAre any of the various worship styles unbiblical? | GotQuestions.orgWhat is true worship? | GotQuestions.orgWorship: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.comBible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible ThesuarusConcordance Worship (332 Occurrences)Matthew 2:2 "Where is he who is born King of the Jews? For we saw his star in the east, and have come to worship him." (WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Matthew 2:8 He sent them to Bethlehem, and said, "Go and search diligently for the young child. When you have found him, bring me word, so that I also may come and worship him." (WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Matthew 2:11 They came into the house and saw the young child with Mary, his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Opening their treasures, they offered to him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Root in WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Matthew 4:9 He said to him, "I will give you all of these things, if you will fall down and worship me." (WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Matthew 4:10 Then Jesus said to him, " Get behind me, Satan! For it is written,'You shall worship the Lord your God, and you shall serve him only.'" (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Matthew 8:2 Behold, a leper came to him and worshiped him, saying, "Lord, if you want to, you can make me clean." (Root in WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS) Matthew 9:18 While he told these things to them, behold, a ruler came and worshiped him, saying, "My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live." (Root in WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS) Matthew 14:33 Those who were in the boat came and worshiped him, saying, "You are truly the Son of God!" (Root in WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Matthew 15:9 And in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrine rules made by men.'" (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) Matthew 15:25 But she came and worshiped him, saying, "Lord, help me." (Root in WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS) Matthew 18:26 The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. (Root in KJV ASV BBE WBS) Matthew 20:20 Then came to him the mother of Zebedees children with her sons, worshipping him, and desiring a certain thing of him. (Root in KJV ASV BBE WBS) Matthew 28:9 As they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, "Rejoice!" They came and took hold of his feet, and worshiped him. (Root in WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Matthew 28:17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted. (Root in KJV ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Mark 5:6 But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him, (Root in KJV ASV BBE WBS RSV) Mark 7:7 But in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.' (WEB KJV ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) Mark 9:15 And straight away all the people, when they saw him, were full of wonder, and running to him, gave him worship. (BBE) Mark 15:19 And they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon him, and bowing their knees worshipped him. (Root in KJV ASV BBE WBS) Luke 1:74 To grant us to be rescued from the power of our foes And so render worship to Him free from fear, (WEY BBE) Luke 4:7 If you therefore will worship before me, it will all be yours." (WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Luke 4:8 Jesus answered him, "Get behind me Satan! For it is written,'You shall worship the Lord your God, and you shall serve him only.'" (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Luke 14:10 But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee. (KJV) Luke 24:52 They worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS NIV) John 4:20 Our fathers worshiped in this mountain, and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship." (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) John 4:21 Jesus said to her, "Woman, believe me, the hour comes, when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, will you worship the Father. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) John 4:22 You worship that which you don't know. We worship that which we know; for salvation is from the Jews. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) John 4:23 But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to be his worshippers. (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) John 4:24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) John 9:38 He said, "Lord, I believe!" and he worshiped him. (Root in WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) John 12:20 Now there were certain Greeks among those that went up to worship at the feast. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) Acts 7:7 "'And the nation, whichever it is, that enslaves them, I will judge,' said God; 'and afterwards they shall come out, and they shall worship Me in this place.' (WEY BBE RSV NIV) Acts 7:43 You took up the tabernacle of Moloch, the star of your god Rephan, the figures which you made to worship. I will carry you away beyond Babylon.' (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Acts 8:27 He arose and went; and behold, there was a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was over all her treasure, who had come to Jerusalem to worship. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) Acts 9:14 And here he has authority from the chief priests to make prisoners all who give worship to your name. (BBE) Acts 10:25 When it happened that Peter entered, Cornelius met him, fell down at his feet, and worshiped him. (Root in WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV) Acts 13:16 Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand said, "Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen. (See NIV) Acts 14:15 We also are but men, with natures kindred to your own; and we bring you the Good News that you are to turn from these unreal things, to worship the ever-living God, the Creator of earth and sky and sea and of everything that is in them. (WEY) Acts 17:22 And Paul standing in the midst of Areopagus said, Athenians, in every way I see you given up to demon worship; (DBY) Acts 17:23 For as I passed along, and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription:'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' What therefore you worship in ignorance, this I announce to you. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) Acts 18:13 saying, "This man persuades men to worship God contrary to the law." (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) Acts 22:16 And now, why are you waiting? get up, and have baptism, for the washing away of your sins, giving worship to his name. (BBE) Acts 24:11 seeing that you can recognize that it is not more than twelve days since I went up to worship at Jerusalem. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) Acts 24:14 But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets: (KJV WEY BBE WBS RSV NIV) Acts 25:19 but had against him certain questions of their own system of worship, and concerning a certain Jesus who is dead, whom Paul affirmed to be living. (DBY) Acts 26:5 knowing me before from the first, (if they may be willing to testify,) that after the most exact sect of our worship, I lived a Pharisee; (YLT) Acts 26:7 the promise which our twelve tribes, worshipping day and night with intense devotedness, hope to have made good to them. It is on the subject of this hope, Sir, that I am accused by the Jews. (Root in WEY RSV) Acts 27:23 For there stood by my side, last night, an angel of the God to whom I belong, and whom also I worship, (WEY RSV) Romans 1:25 who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. (Root in WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Romans 9:4 Who are Israelites: who have the place of sons, and the glory, and the agreements with God, and the giving of the law, and the worship, and the hope offered by God: (BBE RSV NIV) Romans 10:13 Because, Whoever will give worship to the name of the Lord will get salvation. (BBE) Romans 10:14 But how will they give worship to him in whom they have no faith? and how will they have faith in him of whom they have not had news? and how will they have news without a preacher? (BBE) Romans 12:1 I plead with you therefore, brethren, by the compassionsof God, to present all your faculties to Him as a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to Him. This with you will be an act of reasonable worship. (WEY BBE NAS RSV NIV) Romans 14:11 For it is said in the holy Writings, By my life, says the Lord, to me every knee will be bent, and every tongue will give worship to God. (BBE) 1 Corinthians 5:10 not that in this world you are to keep wholly aloof from such as they, any more than from people who are avaricious and greedy of gain, or from worshippers of idols. For that would mean that you would be compelled to go out of the world altogether. (Root in WEY BBE) 1 Corinthians 10:14 Therefore, my dear friends, avoid all connection with the worship of idols. (WEY BBE RSV) 1 Corinthians 14:25 And thus the secrets of his heart are revealed. So he will fall down on his face and worship God, declaring that God is among you indeed. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Ephesians 5:5 For be well assured that no fornicator or immoral person and no money-grubber--or in other words idol-worshipper--has any share awaiting him in the Kingdom of Christ and of God. (Root in WEY BBE) Philippians 3:3 For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh; (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS NAS RSV NIV) Colossians 2:18 Let no one rob you of your prize by a voluntary humility and worshipping of the angels, dwelling in the things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) Colossians 2:23 Which things indeed appear like wisdom in self-imposed worship, and humility, and severity to the body; but aren't of any value against the indulgence of the flesh. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NIV) 1 Thessalonians 1:9 For they themselves give the news of how we came among you; and how you were turned from images to God, to the worship of a true and living God, (BBE) 2 Thessalonians 2:4 he who opposes and exalts himself against all that is called God or that is worshiped; so that he sits as God in the temple of God, setting himself up as God. (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) 1 Timothy 2:10 but -- which becometh women professing godly piety -- through good works. (See NIV) Hebrews 1:6 Again, when he brings in the firstborn into the world he says, "Let all the angels of God worship him." (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS NAS RSV NIV) Hebrews 9:1 Now even the first Covenant had regulations for divine worship, and had also its sanctuary--a sanctuary belonging to this world. (WEY BBE NAS RSV NIV) Hebrews 9:6 Now these things having been thus prepared, the priests go in continually into the first tabernacle, accomplishing the services, (See NAS) Hebrews 9:11 But Christ appeared as a High Priest of the blessings that are soon to come by means of the greater and more perfect Tent of worship, a tent which has not been built with hands--that is to say does not belong to this material creation-- (WEY) Hebrews 9:14 how much rather shall the blood of the Christ, who by the eternal Spirit offered himself spotless to God, purify your conscience from dead works to worship the living God? (DBY) Hebrews 9:21 And in the same way he also sprinkled blood upon the Tent of worship and upon all the vessels used in the ministry. (WEY RSV) Hebrews 10:1 For the law, having a shadow of the good to come, not the very image of the things, can never with the same sacrifices year by year, which they offer continually, make perfect those who draw near. (See NIV) Hebrews 11:21 By faith, Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and worshiped, leaning on the top of his staff. (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS NAS RSV NIV) Hebrews 12:28 If then, we have a kingdom which will never be moved, let us have grace, so that we may give God such worship as is pleasing to him with fear and respect: (BBE RSV NIV) 1 Peter 4:3 For you have given time enough in the past to the doing of the things which the Gentiles delight in-- pursuing, as you did, a course of habitual licence, debauchery, hard drinking, noisy revelry, drunkenness and unholy image-worship. (WEY BBE) Revelation 3:9 Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but lie. Behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. (WEB KJV ASV BBE WBS) Revelation 4:10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives forever and ever, and throw their crowns before the throne, saying, (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 5:14 The four living creatures said, "Amen!" The elders fell down and worshiped. (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 7:11 All the angels were standing around the throne, the elders, and the four living creatures; and they fell on their faces before his throne, and worshiped God, (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 9:20 The rest of mankind, who were not killed with these plagues, didn't repent of the works of their hands, that they wouldn't worship demons, and the idols of gold, and of silver, and of brass, and of stone, and of wood; which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 11:1 A reed like a rod was given to me. Someone said, "Rise, and measure God's temple, and the altar, and those who worship in it. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 11:16 The twenty-four elders, who sit on their thrones before God's throne, fell on their faces and worshiped God, (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 13:4 They worshiped the dragon, because he gave his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 13:8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been killed. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 13:12 He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. He makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 13:15 It was given to him to give breath to it, to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause as many as wouldn't worship the image of the beast to be killed. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 14:7 He said with a loud voice, "Fear the Lord, and give him glory; for the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and the springs of waters!" (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 14:9 Another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a great voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead, or on his hand, (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 14:11 The smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever. They have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 15:4 Who wouldn't fear you, Lord, and glorify your name? For you only are holy. For all the nations will come and worship before you. For your righteous acts have been revealed." (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 16:2 The first went, and poured out his bowl into the earth, and it became a harmful and evil sore on the people who had the mark of the beast, and who worshiped his image. (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 19:4 The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sits on the throne, saying, "Amen! Hallelujah!" (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 19:10 I fell down before his feet to worship him. He said to me, "Look! Don't do it! I am a fellow bondservant with you and with your brothers who hold the testimony of Jesus. Worship God, for the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy." (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 19:20 The beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who worked the signs in his sight, with which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. (Root in WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE DBY WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 20:4 I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and such as didn't worship the beast nor his image, and didn't receive the mark on their forehead and on their hand. They lived, and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 21:8 But as for cowards and the unfaithful, and the polluted, and murderers, fornicators, and those who practise magic or worship idols, and all liars--the portion allotted to them shall be in the Lake which burns with fire and sulphur. This is the Second Death." (WEY BBE) Revelation 22:3 And there will be no more curse: and the high seat of God and of the Lamb will be there; and his servants will be worshipping him; (Root in BBE RSV) Revelation 22:8 Now I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. When I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who had shown me these things. (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 22:9 He said to me, "See you don't do it! I am a fellow bondservant with you and with your brothers, the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book. Worship God." (WEB KJV WEY ASV BBE WBS NAS RSV NIV) Revelation 22:15 The unclean are shut out, and so are all who practise magic, all fornicators, all murderers, and those who worship idols, and every one who loves falsehood and tells lies. (WEY BBE) Genesis 4:26 And Seth had a son, and he gave him the name of Enosh: at this time men first made use of the name of the Lord in worship. (BBE) Genesis 12:8 And moving on from there to the mountain on the east of Beth-el, he put up his tent, having Beth-el on the west and Ai on the east: and there he made an altar and gave worship to the name of the Lord. (BBE)
Subtopics Worship Worship in Private Homes Worship in the Night Worship of Abraham Worship of Angels, Forbidden Worship of God Worship of Jacob Worship of Job Worship of the Philippian Jailer Worship of the Wicked Rejected Worship Service Worship: "Iniquity of the Holy Things" Worship: Acceptable to God Worship: Commanded Worship: David's Ordinances For Worship: Family Worship: God's Presence In Worship: Jesus Prays all Night Long Worship: Loved by his People Worship: On Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal Worship: Postures in Bowing Worship: Prostration Worship: Public, in the Temple Worship: The Whole Nation Required to Assemble For, Including Men, Women, Children, Servants Worship: The Word of God Read in Public Assemblies Worship: To be Rendered Only to God Worship: Unclassified Scriptures Relating To Related Terms Worship (332 Occurrences) Sun-worship Idol-worship (2 Occurrences) Image-worship (1 Occurrence) Bacchus Chemosh (8 Occurrences) Sunworship Adoration Moloch (2 Occurrences) Place (9195 Occurrences) Molech (16 Occurrences) Bent (107 Occurrences) Devotion (17 Occurrences) Dulcimer (3 Occurrences) Musick (10 Occurrences) Pipes (9 Occurrences) Psaltery (17 Occurrences) Bagpipe (4 Occurrences) Chaldees (13 Occurrences) Cornet (8 Occurrences) Sackbut (4 Occurrences) Sun (1708 Occurrences) Sambuca (4 Occurrences) Blazing (27 Occurrences) Astarte (2 Occurrences) Prostrate (25 Occurrences) Communion (8 Occurrences) Pipe (13 Occurrences) Baal (94 Occurrences) Ashtoreth (3 Occurrences) Bethshemesh (19 Occurrences) Beth-shemesh (19 Occurrences) Homage (51 Occurrences) Kiss (39 Occurrences) Rudiments (5 Occurrences) Decently (2 Occurrences) Meshach (15 Occurrences) Piety (21 Occurrences) Brother-servant (2 Occurrences) Chapel (1 Occurrence) Adore (1 Occurrence) Pictured (26 Occurrences) Splendour (32 Occurrences) Sex (51 Occurrences) Attitudes (1 Occurrence) Praise (487 Occurrences) Astoreth Bondservant (34 Occurrences) Devils (48 Occurrences) Render (95 Occurrences) Calf (39 Occurrences) Service (317 Occurrences) Purposes (67 Occurrences) Abed-nego (14 Occurrences) Ahab (85 Occurrences) Serve (407 Occurrences) Rules (160 Occurrences) Snow (25 Occurrences) Magi (4 Occurrences) Priesthood (30 Occurrences) Demons (54 Occurrences) Shadrach (14 Occurrences) Moon (70 Occurrences) Beauty (98 Occurrences) Colossians (1 Occurrence) Astrology Stephen (13 Occurrences) Powers (43 Occurrences) Rehoboam (42 Occurrences) Splendor (87 Occurrences) Eunuch (20 Occurrences) Court (172 Occurrences) Sanctuary (250 Occurrences) Sorts (65 Occurrences) Connection (72 Occurrences) Ephesus (20 Occurrences) Subapostolic Sub-apostolic |