Topical Encyclopedia The term "pass" in the Bible is used in various contexts, often signifying movement, transition, or the fulfillment of events. It appears in both literal and metaphorical senses throughout the Scriptures.1. Literal Movement and Transition: The word "pass" frequently describes physical movement from one place to another. For example, in the Old Testament, the Israelites "passed" through the Red Sea as God miraculously parted the waters for them (Exodus 14:21-22). This event is a pivotal moment in Israel's history, symbolizing deliverance and divine intervention. 2. Fulfillment of Time or Events: "Pass" is also used to indicate the completion or fulfillment of time or events. In the prophetic books, phrases like "it shall come to pass" are common, indicating the certainty of God's promises and prophecies. For instance, in Joel 2:28, it is written, "And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions." This prophecy is fulfilled in the New Testament during the event of Pentecost (Acts 2:17). 3. Passing of Judgment: The concept of passing judgment is another significant use of the term. In the New Testament, Jesus speaks of judgment passing from death to life for those who believe in Him. John 5:24 states, "Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not come under judgment. Indeed, he has crossed over from death to life." 4. Metaphorical and Spiritual Passing: The Bible also uses "pass" in a metaphorical sense to describe spiritual transitions. In Psalm 23:4, David writes, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." Here, "walk through" can be understood as passing through difficult or perilous times with the assurance of God's presence and protection. 5. Passing Away of the Old: The concept of the old passing away to make room for the new is a recurring theme. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul writes, "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come!" This passage highlights the transformative power of faith in Christ, where the old sinful nature is replaced by a new life in Him. 6. Eschatological Passing: In eschatological contexts, "pass" is used to describe the end of the current world order and the establishment of God's eternal kingdom. In Revelation 21:1, John writes, "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and earth had passed away, and the sea was no more." This signifies the ultimate renewal and restoration of creation. The use of "pass" in the Bible underscores themes of transition, fulfillment, and transformation, reflecting God's sovereign plan and the believer's journey from the temporal to the eternal. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (v. i.) To go; to move; to proceed; to be moved or transferred from one point to another; to make a transit; -- usually with a following adverb or adverbial phrase defining the kind or manner of motion; as, to pass on, by, out, in, etc.; to pass swiftly, directly, smoothly, etc.; to pass to the rear, under the yoke, over the bridge, across the field, beyond the border, etc.2. (v. i.) To move or be transferred from one state or condition to another; to change possession, condition, or circumstances; to undergo transition; as, the business has passed into other hands. 3. (v. i.) To move beyond the range of the senses or of knowledge; to pass away; hence, to disappear; to vanish; to depart; specifically, to depart from life; to die. 4. (v. i.) To move or to come into being or under notice; to come and go in consciousness; hence, to take place; to occur; to happen; to come; to occur progressively or in succession; to be present transitorily. 5. (v. i.) To go by or glide by, as time; to elapse; to be spent; as, their vacation passed pleasantly. 6. (v. i.) To go from one person to another; hence, to be given and taken freely; as, clipped coin will not pass; to obtain general acceptance; to be held or regarded; to circulate; to be current; -- followed by for before a word denoting value or estimation. 7. (v. i.) To advance through all the steps or stages necessary to validity or effectiveness; to be carried through a body that has power to sanction or reject; to receive legislative sanction; to be enacted; as, the resolution passed; the bill passed both houses of Congress. 8. (v. i.) To go through any inspection or test successfully; to be approved or accepted; as, he attempted the examination, but did not expect to pass. 9. (v. i.) To be suffered to go on; to be tolerated; hence, to continue; to live along. 10. (v. i.) To go unheeded or neglected; to proceed without hindrance or opposition; as, we let this act pass. 11. (v. i.) To go beyond bounds; to surpass; to be in excess. 12. (v. i.) To take heed; to care. 13. (v. i.) To go through the intestines. 14. (v. i.) To be conveyed or transferred by will, deed, or other instrument of conveyance; as, an estate passes by a certain clause in a deed. 15. (v. i.) To make a lunge or pass; to thrust. 16. (v. i.) To decline to take an optional action when it is one's turn, as to decline to bid, or to bet, or to play a card; in euchre, to decline to make the trump. 17. (v. i.) In football, hockey, etc., to make a pass; to transfer the ball, etc., to another player of one's own side. 18. (v. t.) To go by, beyond, over, through, or the like; to proceed from one side to the other of; as, to pass a house, a stream, a boundary, etc. 19. (v. t.) To go from one limit to the other of; to spend; to live through; to have experience of; to undergo; to suffer. 20. (v. t.) To go by without noticing; to omit attention to; to take no note of; to disregard. 21. (v. t.) To transcend; to surpass; to excel; to exceed. 22. (v. t.) To go successfully through, as an examination, trail, test, etc.; to obtain the formal sanction of, as a legislative body; as, he passed his examination; the bill passed the senate. 23. (v. t.) To cause to move or go; to send; to transfer from one person, place, or condition to another; to transmit; to deliver; to hand; to make over; as, the waiter passed biscuit and cheese; the torch was passed from hand to hand. 24. (v. t.) To cause to pass the lips; to utter; to pronounce; hence, to promise; to pledge; as, to pass sentence. 25. (v. t.) To cause to advance by stages of progress; to carry on with success through an ordeal, examination, or action; specifically, to give legal or official sanction to; to ratify; to enact; to approve as valid and just; as, he passed the bill through the committee; the senate passed the law. 26. (v. t.) To put in circulation; to give currency to; as, to pass counterfeit money. 27. (v. t.) To cause to obtain entrance, admission, or conveyance; as, to pass a person into a theater, or over a railroad. 28. (v. t.) To emit from the bowels; to evacuate. 29. (v. t.) To take a turn with (a line, gasket, etc.), as around a sail in furling, and make secure. 30. (v. t.) To make, as a thrust, etc. 31. (n.) An opening, road, or track, available for passing; especially, one through or over some dangerous or otherwise impracticable barrier; a passageway; a defile; a ford; as, a mountain pass. 32. (n.) A thrust or push; an attempt to stab or strike an adversary. 33. (n.) A movement of the hand over or along anything; the manipulation of a mesmerist. 34. (n.) A single passage of a bar, rail, sheet, etc., between the rolls. 35. (v. i.) State of things; condition; predicament. 36. (v. i.) Permission or license to pass, or to go and come; a passport; a ticket permitting free transit or admission; as, a railroad or theater pass; a military pass. 37. (v. i.) Fig.: a thrust; a sally of wit. 38. (v. i.) Estimation; character. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia PASS, PASSAGE, PASSENGERpas, pas'-aj, pas'-en-jer: "To pass" bears different meanings and corresponds to various words in Hebrew and Greek. It occurs frequently in the phrase "and it came to pass" (literally, "and it was"). This is simply a Hebrew idiom linking together the different paragraphs of a continuous narrative. As a rule "pass" renders the Hebrew word `abhar. This verb has various meanings, e.g. "to pass over" a stream (Genesis 31:21); "to cross" a boundary (Numbers 20:17); "to pass through," or "traverse," a country (Numbers 21:22); "to pass on" (Genesis 18:5); "to pass away," "cease to exist" (Job 30:15). The word is used metaphorically, "to pass over," "overstep," "transgress" (Numbers 14:41). In the causative form the verb is used in the phrase "to cause to pass through fire" (Deuteronomy 18:10 2 Kings 16:3). In the King James Version "pass" sometimes has the force of "surpass," "exceed," e.g. 2 Chronicles 9:22, "King Solomon passed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom"; compare also Ephesians 3:19, "the love of Christ which passeth knowledge," and Philippians 4:7, "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding." Greek 3928. parerchomai -- to pass by, to come to ... to pass by, to come to. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: parerchomai Phonetic Spelling: (par-er'-khom-ahee) Short Definition: I pass by Definition: I pass ... // - 8k 3855. parago -- to lead by, to pass by or away 492. antiparerchomai -- to pass by opposite to 3327. metabaino -- to pass over, withdraw, depart 1236. diago -- to carry over, to pass 3935. pariemi -- to pass by or over, to relax 1279. diaporeuomai -- to pass across, journey through 4912. sunecho -- to hold together, to hold fast, pass. to be ... 1669. helkoo -- to wound, to ulcerate, pass. to suffer from sores 4448. puroo -- to set on fire, ie to burn (pass.) Strong's Hebrew 5674a. abar -- to pass over, through, or by, pass on... 5674, 5674a. abar. 5674b . to pass over, through, or by, pass on. Transliteration: abar Short Definition: pass. Word Origin a prim. ... /hebrew/5674a.htm - 7k 2499. chalaph -- to pass (over) 1961. hayah -- to fall out, come to pass, become, be 2498. chalaph -- to pass on or away, pass through 5709. ada -- to pass on or away 6452a. pasach -- to pass or spring over 1934. hava -- to become, come to pass, be 5710. adah -- to pass on, advance 4569. ma'abar -- a ford, pass, passing 956. buth -- pass the night Library Whether it is Lawful to Pass from one Religious Order to Another? Now it came to Pass, when She was Fourteen Years Old... And it came to Pass, when the Most Blessed Mary Went into the ... And it came to Pass on the Third Day of their Journey... And it came to Pass a Second Time, that Joseph and Mary were Asked ... And this May Pass for a Good Reason Why this Mystery was not ... How this Unity Comes to Pass. I Think it Best to Pass by all the Other Events which Occurred in ... Let us Pass on Now to Theatrical Exhibitions, which we have ... And it came to Pass, after Jesus had Returned Out of Egypt... Thesaurus Pass (1172 Occurrences)... from one point to another; to make a transit; -- usually with a following adverb or adverbial phrase defining the kind or manner of motion; as, to pass on, by ... /p/pass.htm - 44k Accomplished (64 Occurrences) Ascent (32 Occurrences) Akrabbim (3 Occurrences) Slide (3 Occurrences) Armed (147 Occurrences) Sweep (34 Occurrences) Sky (278 Occurrences) Charioteers (19 Occurrences) Slaying (21 Occurrences) Resources Is “this too shall pass” found in the Bible? | GotQuestions.orgWhat does it mean that heaven and earth will pass away? | Why did Jesus ask God to “let this cup pass from me”? | Pass: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Pass (1172 Occurrences)Matthew 1:22 Matthew 5:18 Matthew 6:10 Matthew 7:28 Matthew 8:28 Matthew 9:10 Matthew 11:1 Matthew 13:53 Matthew 15:17 Matthew 18:13 Matthew 19:1 Matthew 20:30 Matthew 21:4 Matthew 21:21 Matthew 21:42 Matthew 24:6 Matthew 24:34 Matthew 24:35 Matthew 26:1 Matthew 26:39 Matthew 26:42 Matthew 26:56 Matthew 28:11 Mark 1:9 Mark 2:15 Mark 2:23 Mark 4:4 Mark 4:35 Mark 5:14 Mark 5:16 Mark 6:48 Mark 11:23 Mark 11:24 Mark 13:7 Mark 13:29 Mark 13:30 Mark 13:31 Mark 14:35 Mark 14:36 Luke 1:8 Luke 1:20 Luke 1:23 Luke 1:41 Luke 1:59 Luke 2:1 Luke 2:2 Luke 2:6 Luke 2:15 Luke 2:35 Luke 2:46 Luke 3:21 Luke 5:1 Luke 5:12 Luke 5:17 Luke 6:1 Luke 6:6 Luke 6:12 Luke 7:11 Luke 8:1 Luke 8:22 Luke 8:34 Luke 8:35 Luke 8:40 Luke 8:56 Luke 9:18 Luke 9:28 Luke 9:29 Luke 9:33 Luke 9:37 Luke 9:51 Luke 9:57 Luke 10:38 Luke 11:1 Luke 11:2 Luke 11:14 Luke 11:27 Luke 11:42 Luke 12:54 Luke 12:55 Luke 14:1 Luke 16:17 Luke 16:22 Luke 16:26 Luke 17:11 Luke 17:14 Luke 17:26 Luke 17:28 Luke 18:35 Luke 18:36 Luke 18:37 Luke 19:4 Luke 19:15 Luke 19:29 Luke 20:1 Luke 21:7 Luke 21:9 Luke 21:28 Luke 21:31 Luke 21:32 Luke 21:33 Subtopics Related Terms Reconciliation (11 Occurrences) |