The waters made it grow; the deep springs made it tall, directing their streams all around its base and sending their channels to all the trees of the field. People Ezekiel, PharaohPlaces Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Lebanon, Tigris-Euphrates RegionTopics Base, Channels, Conduits, Continually, Deep, Exalted, Extended, Field, Flow, Flowed, Flowings, Forest, Forth, Got, Grow, Making, Nourished, Plantation, Planted, Planting, Plants, Ran, Rivers, Rivulets, Round, Running, Sending, Springs, Streams, Strength, Tall, Thereof, Trees, Waters, WaterwaysOutline 1. A relation unto Pharaoh3. of the glory of Assyria10. and the fall thereof for pride18. The like destruction of Egypt |