Look at Assyria, a cedar in Lebanon, with beautiful branches that shaded the forest. It towered on high; its top was among the clouds. People Ezekiel, PharaohPlaces Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Lebanon, Tigris-Euphrates RegionTopics Amidst, Asshur, Assyria, Assyrian, Beautiful, Behold, Bough, Boughs, Branch, Branches, Cedar, Clouds, Cover, Fair, Foliage, Forest, Forest-like, Giving, Growth, Height, Lebanon, Liken, Overshadowing, Pine-tree, Shade, Shading, Shadowing, Shady, Shroud, Stature, Tall, Thick, Thickets, ToweredOutline 1. A relation unto Pharaoh3. of the glory of Assyria10. and the fall thereof for pride18. The like destruction of Egypt |