Topical Encyclopedia
In biblical literature, the term "thorn" is used both literally and metaphorically, appearing in various contexts throughout the Scriptures. Thorns are often associated with pain, suffering, and the consequences of sin, serving as a symbol of the fallen state of the world and the challenges faced by humanity.
Literal ThornsThorns are first mentioned in the Bible in the context of the curse pronounced upon the ground after the fall of man. In
Genesis 3:17-18 , God tells Adam, "Cursed is the ground because of you; through toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it will yield for you, and you will eat the plants of the field." Here, thorns represent the hardship and toil that result from sin, marking a departure from the ease of life in the Garden of Eden.
In the agricultural society of ancient Israel, thorns were a common nuisance, hindering the growth of crops and symbolizing desolation and neglect.
Proverbs 24:30-31 describes a neglected field: "I went past the field of a sluggard and by the vineyard of a man lacking judgment. Thorns had grown up everywhere, thistles had covered the ground, and the stone wall was broken down."
Metaphorical ThornsThorns are also used metaphorically in Scripture to describe various forms of suffering and spiritual challenges. One of the most notable uses is found in the New Testament, where the Apostle Paul speaks of a "thorn in the flesh." In
2 Corinthians 12:7 , Paul writes, "To keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me." This "thorn" is often interpreted as a physical ailment, a persistent temptation, or a form of persecution, serving as a reminder of human weakness and the need for reliance on God's grace.
In the parable of the sower, Jesus uses thorns to illustrate the spiritual dangers that can choke the word of God. In
Matthew 13:22 , He explains, "The seed sown among the thorns is the one who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful." Here, thorns symbolize the distractions and cares of the world that can hinder spiritual growth and fruitfulness.
Thorns in the Passion of ChristThorns also play a significant role in the Passion narrative of Jesus Christ. The Roman soldiers mockingly placed a crown of thorns on Jesus' head, as recorded in
Matthew 27:29 : "And they twisted together a crown of thorns, set it on His head, and put a staff in His right hand. Then they knelt down before Him and mocked Him, saying, 'Hail, King of the Jews!'" This act of mockery and cruelty highlights the suffering and humiliation that Jesus endured, fulfilling the prophecy of the Suffering Servant in
Isaiah 53.
Symbolism and Theological ImplicationsThroughout the Bible, thorns serve as a powerful symbol of the consequences of sin, the reality of human suffering, and the need for redemption. They remind believers of the fallen state of the world and the hope of restoration through Jesus Christ. The imagery of thorns underscores the Christian understanding of the need for perseverance in faith, reliance on God's grace, and the ultimate victory over sin and death through the sacrifice of Christ.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
(1.) Hebrews hedek (Proverbs 15:19), rendered "brier" in Micah 7:4. Some thorny plant, of the Solanum family, suitable for hedges. This is probably the so-called "apple of Sodom," which grows very abundantly in the Jordan valley. "It is a shrubby plant, from 3 to 5 feet high, with very branching stems, thickly clad with spines, like those of the English brier, with leaves very large and woolly on the under side, and thorny on the midriff."
(2.) Hebrews kotz (Genesis 3:18; Hosea 10:8), rendered akantha by the LXX. In the New Testament this word akantha is also rendered "thorns" (Matthew 7:16; 13:7; Hebrews 6:8). The word seems to denote any thorny or prickly plant (Jeremiah 12:13). It has been identified with the Ononis spinosa by some.
(3.) Hebrews na'atzutz (Isaiah 7:19; 55:13). This word has been interpreted as denoting the Zizyphus spina Christi, or the jujube-tree. It is supposed by some that the crown of thorns placed in wanton cruelty by the Roman soldiers on our Saviour's brow before his crucifixion was plaited of branches of this tree. It overruns a great part of the Jordan valley. It is sometimes called the lotus-tree. "The thorns are long and sharp and recurved, and often create a festering wound." It often grows to a great size. (see CROWN OF THORNS.)
(4.) Hebrews atad (Psalm 58:9) is rendered in the LXX. and Vulgate by Rhamnus, or Lycium Europoeum, a thorny shrub, which is common all over Palestine. From its resemblance to the box it is frequently called the box-thorn.
Thorn in the flesh
(2 Corinthians 12:7-10). Many interpretations have been given of this passage.
(1.) Roman Catholic writers think that it denotes suggestions to impiety.
(2.) Luther, Calvin, and other Reformers interpret the expression as denoting temptation to unbelief.
(3.) Others suppose the expression refers to "a pain in the ear or head," epileptic fits, or, in general, to some severe physical infirmity, which was a hindrance to the apostle in his work (Comp. 1 Corinthians 2:3; 2 Corinthians 10:10; 11:30; Galatians 4:13, 14; 6:17). With a great amount of probability, it has been alleged that his malady was defect of sight, consequent on the dazzling light which shone around him at his conversion, acute opthalmia. This would account for the statements in Galatians 4:14; 2 Corinthians 10:10; also Acts 23:5, and for his generally making use of the help of an amanuensis (Comp. Romans 16:22, etc.).
(4.) Another view which has been maintained is that this "thorn" consisted in an infirmity of temper, to which he occasionally gave way, and which interfered with his success (Comp. Acts 15:39; 23:2-5). If we consider the fact, "which the experience of God's saints in all ages has conclusively established, of the difficulty of subduing an infirmity of temper, as well as the pain, remorse, and humiliation such an infirmity is wont to cause to those who groan under it, we may be inclined to believe that not the least probable hypothesis concerning the `thorn' or `stake' in the flesh is that the loving heart of the apostle bewailed as his sorest trial the misfortune that, by impatience in word, he had often wounded those for whom he would willingly have given his life" (Lias's Second Corinthians, Introd.).
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (
n.) A hard and sharp-pointed projection from a woody stem; usually, a branch so transformed; a spine.
2. (n.) Any shrub or small tree which bears thorns; especially, any species of the genus Crataegus, as the hawthorn, whitethorn, cockspur thorn.
3. (n.) Fig.: That which pricks or annoys as a thorn; anything troublesome; trouble; care.
4. (n.) The name of the Anglo-Saxon letter /, capital form /. It was used to represent both of the sounds of English th, as in thin, then. So called because it was the initial letter of thorn, a spine.
5. (v. t.) To prick, as with a thorn.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
THORN IN THE FLESHthorn (skolops te sarki): Paul thus characterizes some bodily ailment which afflicted him and impaired his usefulness (2 Corinthians 12:7). The data are insufficient to enable us to ascertain its real nature, and all the speculations on the point are therefore inconclusive. All that we are told is that it was a messenger of Satan; that thereby he was beaten as with a fist, which might be figurative or actual; that it rendered his bodily presence unattractive. It appears that the infirmity recurred, for thrice he sought deliverance; but, by the help of God, he was able to glory in it. Sir W. Ramsay sees in it some form of recurring malarial fever. It was something that disabled him (Galatians 4:12-15); hence, Farrar supposes that it was ophthalmia, from the reference to his eyes, from his inability to recognize the high priest (Acts 23:5), from his employing amanuenses to write his epistles, and his writing the Galatian letter in large characters with his own hand (Galatians 6:11). Krenkel has at great length argued that it was epilepsy, and thereby endeavors to account for his trances and his falling to the earth on his way to Damascus, but his work is essentially a special pleading for a foregone conclusion, and Paul would not have called his visions "a messenger of Satan." It is also beside the question to heap up instances of other distinguished epileptics. On the whole Farrar's theory is the most probable.
It is probably only a coincidence that "pricks in your eyes" Septuagint skolopes) are mentioned in Numbers 33:55. Any pedestrian in Palestine must be familiar with the ubiquitous and troublesome thorny shrubs and thistles which abound there.
Alexander Macalister
thornz: There are very many references to various thorny plants in the Bible, and of the Hebrew words employed great uncertainty exists regarding their exact meaning. The alternative translations given in the text of English Versions of the Bible and in the margin show how divided are the views of the translators. In the following list the suggestions given of possinle species indicated, usually by comparison with the Arabic, are those of the late Professor Post, who spent the best years of his life in study of the botany of Palestine. In the great majority of instances, however, it is quite impossible to make any reasonable suggestion as to any particular species being indicated.
(1) 'aTadh (Judges 9:14, English Versions of the Bible "bramble," the King James Version margin "thistle," the Revised Version margin "thorn"; Psalm 58:9, English Versions of the Bible "thorns"): Probably the buckthorn (Rhamnus Palestina Post). Atad occurs as a proper name in Genesis 50:10, 11.
(2) barqanim (Judges 8:7, 16, English Versions of the Bible "briers"): Some thorny plant. The Egyptian-Arabic bargan is, according to Moore (Commentary on Judges), the same as Centaurea scoparius (Natural Order, Compositae), a common Palestinian thistle.
(3) dardar (Genesis 3:18 Hosea 10:8, English Versions of the Bible "thistle"; Septuagint tribolos): In Arabic, shauket ed-dardar is a general name for the thistles known as Centaureae or star-thistles (Natural Order, Compositae), of which Palestine produces nearly 50 species. The purple-flowered C. calcitrapa and the yellow C. verutum are among the commonest and most striking.
(4) chedheq (Proverbs 15:19, English Versions of the Bible "thorns"; Septuagint akantha; Micah 7:4, English Versions of the Bible "brier"): From former passages this should be some thorny plant suitable for making a hedge (compare Arabic chadaq, "to enclose," "wall in"). Lane states that Arabic chadaq is Solanum sanctum. Post suggests the oleaster, Eleagnus hortensis.
(5) choach; Septuagint knide, and akantha (2 Kings 14:9 Job 31:40, English Versions of the Bible, "thistle," margin "thorn"; 2 Chronicles 25:18, English Versions of the Bible "thistle," the King James Version margin "furze bush," the Revised Version margin "thorn"; Hosea 9:6 Songs 2:2, English Versions of the Bible "thorns"; Isaiah 34:13 the King James Version "brambles" the Revised Version (British and American) "thistles"; Proverbs 26:9, English Versions of the Bible "a thorn"; 1 Samuel 13:6, "thickets"; chawachim, is, however, according to Driver and others a corruption for horim, "holes"; Job 41:2, the King James Version "thorn" the Revised Version (British and American) "hook"; 2 Chronicles 33:11, the King James Version "thorns," the Revised Version (British and American) "in chains," margin "with hooks"): Clearly choach stands for some plant with very strong thorns, but it is quite impossible to say what species is intended; indeed, probably the word was used in a general way.
(6) mecukhah, occurs only in Micah 7:4, where it means a "thorn hedge."
(7) na`atsuts (Isaiah 7:19, the King James Version "thorns," the Revised Version (British and American) "thorn hedges"; Isaiah 55:13, English Versions of the Bible "thorn"): The word is derived from the root na`ats, "to prick," or "pierce," and probably applies to any prickly plant. The Septuagint translation has stoibe (Isaiah 55:13), suggesting the thorny burnet, Poterium spinosum, so common in Palestine (see BOTANY). Post says, "It may be one of the thorny acacias" (HDB, IV, 752).
(8) cirim (Ecclesiastes 7:6, "the crackling of thorns (cirim) under a pot" (cir); Isaiah 34:13, "Thorns shall come up in its palaces"; Hosea 2:6, "I will hedge up thy way with thorns"; Nahum 1:10, "Entangled like thorns (King James Version "folden together as thorns").... they are consumed utterly as dry stubble"): The thorny burner, Poterium spinosum, is today so extensively used for burning in ovens and lime-kilns in Palestine that it is tempting to suppose this is the plant especially indicated here. In Amos 4:2 ciroth, is translated "fish-hooks."
(9) cillon (Ezekiel 28:24, English Versions of the Bible, "brier"); callonim (Ezekiel 2:6, English Versions of the Bible, "thorns"): Arabic, sallu = "thorn."
(10) carabhim (Ezekiel 2:6, English Versions of the Bible, "briers;" the King James Version margin "rebels"): The translation as a plant name is very doubtful.
(11) cirpadh (Isaiah 55:13, "Instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle-tree"): The Septuagint has konuza, which is (Post) the elecampane, Inula viscosa (Natural Order Compositae), a plant 2 or 3 ft. high, growing on the bare hillsides of Palestine, not infrequently in close association with the myrtle.
(12) tsinnim (Job 5:5 Proverbs 22:5, English Versions of the Bible, "thorns"); tseninim (Numbers 33:55 Joshua 23:13, English Versions of the Bible, "thorns"): The words apparently have a very general meaning.
(13) qots; the Septuagint akantha: A general name for thorny and prickly plants, the commonest in the Old Testament (Genesis 3:18 Exodus 22:6 Judges 8:7, 16 2 Samuel 23:6 Psalm 118:12 Isaiah 32:13; Isaiah 33:12 Jeremiah 4:3; Jeremiah 12:13 Ezekiel 28:24 Hosea 10:8).
(14) qimmosh (Proverbs 24:31, "thorns"; Isaiah 34:13; Ho 9:6, "nettles").
(15) sikkim, plural of sekh, same as Arabic shauk, "a thorn" (Numbers 33:55, "pricks").
(16) shayith: A word peculiar to Isaiah (5:6; 7:23;; 9:18; 10:17; 27:4) and always associated with shamir (See (17)), always translated "thorns."
(17) shamir: References as above (16), and in Isaiah 32:13, where it is with qots (see (13)) always translated briers." The Arabic samur is the thorny acacia A. seyyal and A. tortilis (Post).
(18) akanthos: The equivalent of qots (see (13)) (Matthew 7:16; Matthew 13:7, 22; 27:29, etc.). Always translated "thorns."
(19) rhamnos (Baruch 6:71, "white thorn"): The Rhamnus Palaestina.
(20) skolops (2 Corinthians 12:7, English Versions of the Bible "thorn," margin "stake").
(21) tribolos (Matthew 7:16, "thistle"; Heb 6:8, the King James Version "briers" the Revised Version (British and American) "thistles").
The extraordinary plentifulness of various prickly plants in Palestine-in its present condition-is evident to any traveler during the summer months. Many of the trees and shrubs are thorny and the ground is everywhere covered thick with thistles, many of which are very handsome and some of which attain a height of 6 or 8 ft. Before the peasant can plow, he must dear these away by burning (compare Isaiah 10:17). The early autumn winds often drive before them in revolving mass some of the star-thistles-a sight so characteristic that it may be the "thistle down" (the King James Version margin, the Revised Version (British and American) "whirling dust") of Isaiah 17:13. Thorns and thistles are described (Genesis 3:18) as God's curse on the ground for sin. The Talmud suggests that these must be edible and are therefore artichokes. The removal of them and the replacement by more useful plants is a sign of God's blessing (Isaiah 55:13 Ezekiel 28:24).
Genesis 3:18 uses the words qots and dardar for "thorns" and "thistles." Midrash Rabba' to Genesis (Midr. Gen. Rabba' 20 10) says that qots ("thorn") is the same as (`akkabhith), which means an edible thistle (compare Levy, Dictionary, 645), and that (dardar, "thistle") is the same as (qinrac; Greek kunara, "artichoke") (compare Levy, Dictionary, 298). "But," adds the Midrash, "some reverse it, and say that (dardar) is ('akkabhith) and that (qots) is (qinrats)."
The neglected vineyard of the sluggard "was all grown over with thorns the face thereof was covered with nettles" (Proverbs 24:31), and in God's symbolic vineyard "there shall come up briers and thorns" (Isaiah 5:6); "They have sown wheat and have reaped thorns; they have put themselves to pain, and profit nothing" (Jeremiah 12:13).
Jotham compares the usurper Abimelech to a bramble (Rhamnus Palaestina) (Judges 9:14 f), and Jehoash king of Israel, taunted Amaziah, king of Judah, by comparing him slightingly to a thistle (margin "thorn"), readily trodden down by a wild beast (2 Kings 14:9).
Nevertheless, thorns and thistles have their uses. On them the goats and camels browse; scarcely any thorns seem to be too sharp for their hardened palates. The thorny burner (Poterium spinosum), Arabic ballan, which covers countless acres of bare hillside, is used all over Palestine for ovens (Ecclesiastes 7:6) and lime-kilns. Before kindling one of these latter the fellahin gather enormous piles of this plant-carried on their heads in masses much larger than the bearers-around the kiln mouth.
Thorny hedges around dwellings and fields are very common. The most characteristic plant for the purpose today is the "prickly pear" (Opunctia ficus Indica), but this is a comparatively late introduction. Hedges of brambles oleasters, etc., are common, especially where there is some water In the Jordan valley masses of broken branches of the Zizyphus and other thorny trees are piled in a circle round tents or cultivated fields or flocks as a protection against man and beast (Proverbs 15:19 Micah 7:4, etc.).
The Saviour's "crown of thorns" (Matthew 27:29) was according to Palestinian tradition constructed from the twisted branches of a species of Rhamnaceae either the Zizyphus lotus or the Z. spina.
E. W. G. Masterman
4647. skolops -- anything pointed, spec. a stake, thorn ... a stake,
thorn. Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine Transliteration: skolops Phonetic
Spelling: (skol'-ops) Short Definition: a stake or
thorn Definition: a stake
... // - 7k173. akantha -- a prickly plant, thorn
... a prickly plant, thorn. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: akantha
Phonetic Spelling: (ak'-an-thah) Short Definition: a thorn-bush Definition: a ...
// - 6k
942. batos -- a bramble bush
... a bramble bush. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine; Noun, Masculine Transliteration:
batos Phonetic Spelling: (bat'-os) Short Definition: a thorn bush or bramble ...
// - 6k
4566. Satan -- Satan.
... adversary, opposer," see there). 4566 ("Satan") only occurs in 2 Cor 12:7,
in relation to the "thorn in the flesh.". [The absence of the ...
// - 6k
Strong's Hebrew
6975. qots -- a thorn, thornbush... 6974, 6975. qots. 6976 . a
thorn, thornbush. Transliteration: qots Phonetic
Spelling: (kotse) Short Definition: thorns. Word Origin
... /hebrew/6975.htm - 6k 5285. naatsuts -- a thorn bush
... 5284, 5285. naatsuts. 5286 . a thorn bush. Transliteration: naatsuts
Phonetic Spelling: (nah-ats-oots') Short Definition: bush. ...
/hebrew/5285.htm - 6k
6796. tsanin -- a thorn, prick
... 6795, 6796. tsanin. 6797 . a thorn, prick. Transliteration: tsanin Phonetic
Spelling: (tsaw-neen') Short Definition: thorns. ... thorn. ...
/hebrew/6796.htm - 6k
6791. tsen -- perhaps a thorn, barb
... 6790, 6791. tsen. 6792 . perhaps a thorn, barb. Transliteration: tsen
Phonetic Spelling: (tsane) Short Definition: thorns. ... thorn. ...
/hebrew/6791.htm - 5k
7063. qimmashon -- thorn
... qimmashon. 7064 . thorn. Transliteration: qimmashon Phonetic Spelling:
(kim-maw-shone') Short Definition: thorn. Word Origin the same as qimmos, qv. thorn ...
/hebrew/7063.htm - 5k
8068. shamir -- a thorn, adamant, flint
... 8067, 8068. shamir. 8069 . a thorn, adamant, flint. Transliteration: shamir
Phonetic Spelling: (shaw-meer') Short Definition: briars. ...
/hebrew/8068.htm - 6k
5518b. sir -- a thorn, hook
... 5518a, 5518b. sir. 5519 . a thorn, hook. Transliteration: sir Short
Definition: thorns. Word Origin from the same as sir Definition ...
/hebrew/5518b.htm - 5k
7899. sek -- a thorn
... a thorn. Transliteration: sek Phonetic Spelling: (sake) Short Definition: pricks.
Word Origin from an unused word Definition a thorn NASB Word Usage pricks (1). ...
/hebrew/7899.htm - 6k
2336. choach -- briar, bramble, hook, ring, fetter
... derivation Definition briar, bramble, hook, ring, fetter NASB Word Usage briars
(1), hook (1), hooks (1), thickets (1), thistles (1), thorn (1), thorn bush (4 ...
/hebrew/2336.htm - 6k
329. atad -- a bramble, buckthorn, also a city in Canaan
... Atad, bramble, thorn. From an unused root probably meaning to pierce or make fast;
a thorn-tree (especially the buckthorn) -- Atad, bramble, thorn. 328, 329. ...
/hebrew/329.htm - 6k
The Best Light for Studying a Thorn.
... Why the Results are Delayed The Best Light for Studying a Thorn. The third great
picture in this group is that of Paul and his needle-pointed thorn. ...
/.../gordon/quiet talks on prayer/the best light for studying.htm
December 14. "Instead of the Thorn Shall Come up the Fir Tree" ...
... DECEMBER 14. "Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree" (Isa. lv. 13).
"Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree" (Isaiah 55:13). ...
/.../simpson/days of heaven upon earth /december 14 instead of the.htm
"No Rose Without Its Thorn. "
... Book VIII. Chapter LII.""No Rose Without Its Thorn.". "Observe therefore
in this, as I have said, how justly divine providence ...
/.../unknown/recognitions of clement /chapter lii no rose without its.htm
Death to Sin is the Way Out into a Life of Holiness.
... See this bit of gorse-bush. The whole year round the thorn has been hardening and
sharpening. ... The whole year round the thorn has been hardening and sharpening. ...
// of the cross/death to sin is the.htm
Addresses on Holiness,
... In another place he says, "And lest I should be exalted above measure through the
abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the ...
// xii addresses on holiness.htm
"Do Men Gather Grapes of Thorns?"
... be. We should suspect a man of insanity who looked for grapes on a thorn
bush. And ... it. What is this but calling a thorn a vine? While ...
/...// bread/xxxviii do men gather grapes.htm
Grace for Service.
... kingdom? In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul speaks of "the thorn
in the flesh;" he prayed the Lord to take it away. The ...
/...// grace/chapter vii grace for service.htm
Seed among Thorns
... No sensible sower would cast his seed among growing thorn-bushes, and we must
necessarily understand that the description in this verse is not meant to give us ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture e/seed among thorns.htm
How a Schoolmaster Became a God.
... he ordered me to walk by his side, and light the way for him with the torch which
I had been directed to carry; but as I proceeded, a sharp thorn ran into my ...
// daniel/chapter nine how a schoolmaster.htm
John Chapter x. 13-Nov
... Pluck the grapes, beware of the thorn. ... That is quite true: and yet what I said
is also true, Pluck the bunch of grapes, beware of the thorn. ...
/.../augustine/homilies on the gospel of john/tractate xlvi john chapter x.htm
Thorn (30 Occurrences)... Palestine. From its resemblance to the box it is frequently called the
Thorn in the flesh. (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). Many
.../t/thorn.htm - 35kThorn-tree (7 Occurrences)
Thorn-tree. Thorns, Thorn-tree. Thorny . Multi-Version Concordance
Thorn-tree (7 Occurrences). Mark 12:26 But as to ...
/t/thorn-tree.htm - 8k
Thorn-bush (5 Occurrences)
Thorn-bush. Thornbush, Thorn-bush. Thornbushes . Multi-Version
Concordance Thorn-bush (5 Occurrences). Exodus 3:2 And ...
/t/thorn-bush.htm - 8k
Thorn-fence (1 Occurrence)
Thorn-fence. Thorn-bushes, Thorn-fence. Thorn-hedge . Multi-Version
Concordance Thorn-fence (1 Occurrence). Micah 7:4 The best of ...
/t/thorn-fence.htm - 6k
Thorn-hedges (1 Occurrence)
Thorn-hedges. Thorn-hedge, Thorn-hedges. Thorns . Multi-Version
Concordance Thorn-hedges (1 Occurrence). Isaiah 7:19 ...
/t/thorn-hedges.htm - 6k
Thorn-bushes (1 Occurrence)
Thorn-bushes. Thornbushes, Thorn-bushes. Thorn-fence . Multi-Version
Concordance Thorn-bushes (1 Occurrence). Isaiah ...
/t/thorn-bushes.htm - 6k
Thorn-hedge (1 Occurrence)
Thorn-hedge. Thorn-fence, Thorn-hedge. Thorn-hedges . Multi-Version
Concordance Thorn-hedge (1 Occurrence). Micah 7:4 Their best ...
/t/thorn-hedge.htm - 6k
Brier (10 Occurrences)
... This word occurs frequently, and is the translation of several different terms.
(1.) Micah 7:4, it denotes a species of thorn shrub used for hedges. ...
/b/brier.htm - 11k
Hedge (12 Occurrences)
... 1. (n.) A thicket of bushes, usually thorn bushes; especially, such a thicket planted
as a fence between any two portions of land; and also any sort of ...
/h/hedge.htm - 12k
Underfoot (14 Occurrences)
... 2 Kings 14:9 And Jehoash, king of Israel, sent to Amaziah, king of Judah, saying,
The thorn-tree in Lebanon sent to the cedar in Lebanon, saying, Give your ...
/u/underfoot.htm - 11k
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