This is what the Lord GOD says: 'On the day it was brought down to Sheol, I caused grief. I covered the deep because of it; I held back its rivers; its abundant waters were restrained. I made Lebanon mourn for it, and all the trees of the field fainted because of it. People Ezekiel, PharaohPlaces Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Lebanon, Tigris-Euphrates RegionTopics Abundant, Account, Black, Caused, Closed, Clothe, Clothed, Cover, Covered, Dark, Deep, Diminish, Faint, Fainted, Feeble, Field, Floods, Flowings, Full, Gloom, Goes, Grave, Grief, Held, Itself, Lamentations, Lebanon, Mourn, Mourning, Nether-world, Restrain, Restrained, Rivers, Says, Sheol, Sovereign, Springs, Stayed, Stopped, Streams, Thereof, Thus, Trees, Underworld, Waters, Wilted, WitheredOutline 1. A relation unto Pharaoh3. of the glory of Assyria10. and the fall thereof for pride18. The like destruction of Egypt |