The sons of Judah: Er, Onan, and Shelah. These three were born to him by Bath-shua the Canaanite. Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD, who put him to death. People Abiah, Abigail, Abihail, Abijah, Abinadab, Abishai, Abishur, Achan, Achar, Achsa, Achsah, Ahban, Ahijah, Ahlai, Amasa, Amminadab, Appaim, Aram, Ardon, Asahel, Asher, Ashur, Atarah, Attai, Azariah, Azubah, Bathshua, Benjamin, Bezaleel, Boaz, Bunah, Calcol, Caleb, Carmi, Chelubai, Dan, Dara, Darda, David, Eker, Elasah, Eleasah, Eliab, Elishama, Ephah, Ephlal, Ephratah, Ephrath, Er, Eshtaolites, Eshtaulites, Ethan, Gad, Gazez, Gesham, Geshem, Hamul, Haran, Hareph, Haroeh, Hazi-hammana-hethites, Helez, Heman, Hemath, Hezron, Hur, Ishi, Issachar, Ithrites, Jabez, Jada, Jahdai, Jair, Jamin, Jarha, Jehu, Jekamiah, Jerahmeel, Jerioth, Jesher, Jesse, Jether, Jithrites, Joab, Jonathan, Joseph, Jotham, Kenites, Korah, Levi, Maacah, Maachah, Maaz, Machir, Manahathites, Manahethites, Maon, Menahethites, Mesha, Mishraites, Molid, Moza, Nadab, Nahshon, Naphtali, Nathan, Nethaneel, Netophathites, Obed, Onam, Onan, Oren, Ozem, Pelet, Peleth, Perez, Pharez, Puhites, Puthites, Raddai, Raham, Rechab, Regem, Rekem, Reuben, Salma, Salmon, Segub, Seled, Shaaph, Shallum, Shammai, Sheber, Shelah, Shema, Sheshan, Sheva, Shimea, Shimeathites, Shimma, Shobab, Shobal, Shua, Shumathites, Simeon, Sisamai, Sucathites, Suchathites, Tamar, Tappuah, Tirathites, Tireathites, Tirhanah, Uri, Zabad, Zareathites, Zaza, Zebulun, Zerah, Zereathites, Zeruiah, Zimri, Zorathites, Zoreathites, Zorites, ZurPlaces Aram, Edom, Geshur, Gilead, Hammath, Havvoth-jair, Jabez, KenathTopics Bathshua, Bath-shua, Bath-shu'a, Bore, Born, Canaanite, Canaanitess, Daughter, Death, Er, Evil, Firstborn, First-born, Judah, Judah's, Killed, Lord's, Oldest, Onan, Putteth, Shelah, Shua, Shua's, Sight, Slew, Sons, WickedOutline 1. The sons of Israel.3. The posterity of Judah by Tamar.13. The children of Jesse.18. The posterity of Caleb the son of Hezron.21. Hezron's posterity by the daughter of Machir.25. Jerahmeel's posterity.34. Sheshan's posterity.42. Another branch of Caleb's posterity.50. The posterity of Caleb the son of Hur.Jump to Previous Bathshua Bath-Shua Bath-Shu'a Bore Born Canaanite Canaanitess Daughter Death Er Evil Firstborn First-Born Judah Judah's Killed Oldest Onan Putteth Shelah Shua Shua's Sight Slew Three WickedJump to Next Bathshua Bath-Shua Bath-Shu'a Bore Born Canaanite Canaanitess Daughter Death Er Evil Firstborn First-Born Judah Judah's Killed Oldest Onan Putteth Shelah Shua Shua's Sight Slew Three WickedLibrary Canaan Canaan was the inheritance which the Israelites won for themselves by the sword. Their ancestors had already settled in it in patriarchal days. Abraham "the Hebrew" from Babylonia had bought in it a burying-place near Hebron; Jacob had purchased a field near Shechem, where he could water his flocks from his own spring. It was the "Promised Land" to which the serfs of the Pharaoh in Goshen looked forward when they should again become free men and find a new home for themselves. Canaan had ever been … Archibald Sayce—Early Israel and the Surrounding NationsThe Quotation in Matt. Ii. 6. Several interpreters, Paulus especially, have asserted that the interpretation of Micah which is here given, was that of the Sanhedrim only, and not of the Evangelist, who merely recorded what happened and was said. But this assertion is at once refuted when we consider the object which Matthew has in view in his entire representation of the early life of Jesus. His object in recording the early life of Jesus is not like that of Luke, viz., to communicate historical information to his readers. … Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg—Christology of the Old Testament Chronicles The comparative indifference with which Chronicles is regarded in modern times by all but professional scholars seems to have been shared by the ancient Jewish church. Though written by the same hand as wrote Ezra-Nehemiah, and forming, together with these books, a continuous history of Judah, it is placed after them in the Hebrew Bible, of which it forms the concluding book; and this no doubt points to the fact that it attained canonical distinction later than they. Nor is this unnatural. The book … John Edgar McFadyen—Introduction to the Old Testament Parallel Verses NASB: The sons of Judah were Er, Onan and Shelah; these three were born to him by Bath-shua the Canaanitess. And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the LORD, so He put him to death.KJV: The sons of Judah; Er, and Onan, and Shelah: which three were born unto him of the daughter of Shua the Canaanitess. And Er, the firstborn of Judah, was evil in the sight of the LORD; and he slew him.
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