Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit 1
2Bowe downe thine eare to me, make hast to deliuer me: be vnto me a strong rocke and a house of defence, that thou mayest saue me.
3For thou art my strong rocke and fortresse: euen for thy name sake conduct me, and direct me.
4Take me out of the net that they haue layde priuily for me: for thou art my strength.
5Into thy hande I commende my spirite:
6I haue hated them that obserue superstitious vanities: and my trust hath ben in God.
7I wyll be glad and reioyce in thy louing kindnes: for that thou hast considered my trouble, and hast knowen my soule in aduersities.
8Thou hast not shut me vp into the hande of the enemie:
9Haue mercy vpon me O God, for I am in distresse: mine eye, my soule, and my belly be consumed for very heauinesse.
10For my life is wasted with sorow, and mine eares with mourning: my strength fayleth me because of mine iniquitie, and my bones are putrified.
11I became a reprofe among al mine enemies, but especially among my neighbours: and they of mine acquaintaunce were afraide of me, and they that dyd see me without, conueyed them selues quickly fro me.
12I became cleane forgotten as a dead man out of minde: I became like a broken vessell.
13For I haue hearde the villanie of the multitude, and feare was on euery side
14But my hope hath ben in thee O God: I haue sayd thou art my Lorde.
15My time is in thy hande, deliuer me from the hande of mine enemies: and from them that persecute me.
16Cause thy countenaunce to shine vppon thy seruaunt: saue me for thy mercies sake.
17Let me not be confounded O God, for I haue called vpon thee: let the vngodlye be put to confusion, and be put to scilence in the graue.
18Let the lying lippes be put to scilence: which speake against ye righteous greeuous thinges with disdaine & contempt.
19Howe plentifull is thy goodnes which thou hast layde vp for them that feare thee?
20Thou hydest them priuily in thyne owne presence from the raginges of
21Blessed be God: for he hath shewed me marueylous great kindnes in a strong citie.
22And when I fled with al haste, I said I am cast out of the sight of thine eyes: neuerthelesse, thou heardest the voyce of my prayer when I cryed vnto thee.
23Loue God all ye his saintes:
24All ye that put your trust in God be ye of a good courage: and he wyll comfort your heart. |