Bishops' Bible of 1568 | Par ▾ |
You Turned My Mourning into Dancing 1A psalme whiche is a song of the dedication of the house of Dauid. I wyll exalt thee O God, for thou hast exalted me: and hast not made my foes to triumph ouer me.
2O God my Lord I cryed vnto thee: and thou hast healed me.
3Thou God hast raysed vp my soule from the graue: thou hast preserued my life from them that go downe into ye pit.
4Sing psalmes vnto god ye his saintes: and make your confession vnto the remembraunce of his holynes.
5For a litle short time passeth in his anger, a life is spente in his good wyll: at euening weeping shall begin the night, but ioy commeth in the morning.
6And in my prosperitie I saide, I shall neuer haue a fal:
7(30:6) thou God of thy goodnes hadst made my hyll so strong.
8(30:7) Neuerthelesse, when thou dydst turne thy face, I was troubled: then I cryed vnto thee O God, then made I my humble prayers to thee my Lorde.
9(30:8) Saying what profite is there in my blood when I go downe to the pit? shal the dust geue thankes vnto thee? or shall it declare thy trueth?
10(30:9) Heare me O God, and haue mercy vppon me: O God be thou my helper.
11(30:10) And foorthwith thou hast turned my mourning into dauncing: thou hast put of my sackcloth, and gyrded me with gladnes.
12(30:11) Therfore my glory shal sing psalmes vnto thee and not ceasse: O God my Lorde I wyll prayse thee for euer.
Bishops' Bible of 1568 Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible