Dan and Naphtali 1Rachel when she sawe that she bare Iacob no children, she enuied her sister, and sayde vnto Iacob: Geue me children, or els I am but dead. 2And Iacobs anger was kyndled agaynst Rachel, and sayde: Am I in Gods steade, whiche kepeth from thee the fruite of thy wombe? 3Then she sayde: Here is my mayde Bilha, go in vnto her, & she shall beare vpon my knees, that I also may haue chyldren by her. 4And she gaue him Bilha her handmayde to wyfe: and Iacob went in vnto her. 5And Bilha conceaued, and bare Iacob a sonne. 6Then saide Rachel: God hath geuen sentence on my side, and hath also heard my voyce, and hath geuen me a sonne: therfore called she hym Dan. 7And Bilha Rachels seruant conceaued againe, & bare Iacob another sonne. 8And Rachel said: With godly wrastlynges haue I wrastled with my sister, & haue gotten the vpper hande: and she called his name Nephthali. Gad and Asher 9When Lea sawe that she had left bearyng chyldren she toke Zilpha her mayde, and gaue her Iacob to wyfe. 10And Zilpha Leas mayde bare Iacob a sonne. 11Then sayde Lea, Good lucke: and called his name Gad. 12And Zilpha Leas seruaunt bare Iacob an other sonne. 13Then saide Lea: happy am I, for the daughters wyll call me blessed: and called his name Aser. 14And Ruben went out in the dayes of the wheate haruest, & founde Mandragoras in the fielde, and brought them vnto his mother Lea. Then said Rachel to Lea: Geue me I praye thee of thy sonnes Mandragoras. 15To whom Lea aunswered: Is it not enough that thou hast taken away my husband, but wouldest take away my sonnes Mandragoras also? Then saide Rachel: well, let hym sleepe with thee this night for thy sonnes Mandragoras. 16And Iacob came from the fielde at euen, and Lea went out to meete hym, and sayde: thou shalt come in to me, for I haue bought thee in deede with my sonne Mandragoras. And he slept with her that same nyght. Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah 17And God hearde Lea, that she conceaued, and bare Iacob the fift sonne. 18Then sayde Lea: God hath geuen me a rewarde, because I gaue my mayden to my husbande: and she called him Isachar. 19And Lea conceaued yet agayne, and bare Iacob the sixt sonne. 20And Lea sayde: God hath endued me with a good dowrie, nowe wyll my husbande dwell with me, because I haue borne hym sixe sonnes: and called his name Zabulon. 21After that, she bare a daughter, and called her name Dina. Joseph 22And God remembred Rachel, & God hearde her, and made her fruitefull, 23So that she conceaued & bare a sonne: and sayde, God hath taken awaye my rebuke. 24And she called his name Ioseph, saying: the Lorde geue me yet another sonne. Jacob Prospers 25Assoone as Rachel had borne Ioseph, Iacob sayde to Laban: Send me away, that I maye go vnto my owne place, and to my countrey.
26Geue me my wyues and my chyldren for whom I haue serued thee, and let me go: for thou knowest what seruice I haue done thee.
27To whom Laban aunswered: I pray thee, yf I haue founde fauour in thy syght
37Iacob toke roddes of greene populer, hasell, and chesse nut trees, and pilled whyte strakes in them, and made the whyte appeare in the roddes.
38And put the roddes which he had pilled, |