Daniel’s Vision by the Tigris 1In the third yere of Cyrus king of Persia, there was shewed vnto Daniel, otherwyse called Baltassar, a matter, yea a true matter, but it is yet a long time vnto it: he vnderstoode the matter, and perceaued what the vision was.
2At the same time, I Daniel mourned for the space of three weekes of dayes.
3I ate no pleasaunt bread, as for flesh and wine there came none within my mouth: no, I did not once annoynt my selfe till the whole three weekes of dayes were fulfilled.
4Upon the foure & twentith day of the first moneth, I was by the side of that great riuer,
10And beholde a hande touched me, which set me vp vpon my knees, and vpon the paulmes of my handes.
11And he saide vnto me: O Daniel, thou welbeloued man, take good heede to the wordes that I say vnto thee, and stand in thy place: for vnto thee am I nowe sent. And when he had said these words vnto me, I stoode vp trembling.
12Then saide he vnto me, Feare not Daniel: for since the first day that thou didst set thyne heart to vnderstand, and to chasten thy selfe before thy God, thy wordes were hearde, and I am come for thy wordes.
13But the prince of the kingdome of Persia withstoode me one and twentie dayes: but lo, Michael one of the chiefe princes came to helpe me, & I remained there by the kinges of Persia.
14And I am come to shew thee what shall come vnto thy people in the latter dayes: for it wyll be long yet or the vision be fulfilled.
15Now whe he had spoken these words vnto me, I cast downe my head to the grounde, and held my tongue.
16And beholde, there touched my lippes one very lyke vnto a man: then opened I my mouth and spake, and saide vnto him that stoode before me, O my lorde, by the vision my ioyntes are turned out of
18Then there came againe and touched me one lyke the appearaunce of a man, and he strengthened me:
19And saide, O man greatly beloued feare not, peace be vnto thee, be strong and of good courage. So when he had spoken vnto me, I was strengthened and saide, Speake on my Lorde: for thou hast strengthened me.
20Thus saide he: Knowest thou wherefore I am come vnto thee? now wyll I returne to fight with the prince of the Perses: assoone as I go foorth, lo, the prince of Greke lande shall come.
21Neuerthelesse, I wyll shew thee that that is noted in the scripture of trueth: and there is none that helpeth me in these thinges, but Michael your prince. |