Topical Encyclopedia The Apostle Paul, originally known as Saul of Tarsus, is one of the most prominent figures in the New Testament, renowned for his missionary journeys and theological contributions. However, his ministry was marked by significant persecution, which he endured with steadfast faith and resilience. Paul's persecutions are documented throughout the Acts of the Apostles and his epistles, providing insight into the challenges faced by early Christians and the strength of Paul's commitment to the Gospel.Early Persecutions Paul's initial encounter with persecution began shortly after his conversion on the road to Damascus. Once a fervent persecutor of Christians, Paul became a target himself after proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah. In Damascus, "the Jews conspired to kill him" (Acts 9:23), necessitating his escape by being lowered in a basket through an opening in the city wall (Acts 9:25). Persecutions During Missionary Journeys Throughout his missionary journeys, Paul faced numerous instances of persecution. In Pisidian Antioch, he was expelled from the region after preaching in the synagogue (Acts 13:50). In Iconium, both Jews and Gentiles plotted to stone him, forcing him to flee to Lystra and Derbe (Acts 14:5-6). In Lystra, Paul was stoned and left for dead, yet he miraculously survived and continued his mission (Acts 14:19-20). In Philippi, Paul and Silas were beaten and imprisoned after casting out a spirit from a slave girl, which disrupted her owners' profit (Acts 16:22-24). Despite their suffering, they sang hymns and prayed, leading to a miraculous earthquake that opened the prison doors and ultimately resulted in the conversion of the jailer and his household (Acts 16:25-34). Persecutions in Corinth and Ephesus In Corinth, Paul faced opposition from the Jews, leading to a legal confrontation before Gallio, the proconsul of Achaia, who dismissed the case (Acts 18:12-16). In Ephesus, Paul's preaching against idolatry incited a riot led by the silversmiths, who feared the loss of income from the sale of idols (Acts 19:23-41). Imprisonments and Trials Paul's later years were marked by imprisonments and trials. In Jerusalem, he was seized by a mob and nearly killed, but was rescued by Roman soldiers (Acts 21:30-32). He was subsequently held in Caesarea for two years, where he defended his faith before Felix, Festus, and King Agrippa (Acts 24-26). Paul's appeal to Caesar led to his journey to Rome, where he was shipwrecked on Malta but eventually reached his destination (Acts 27-28). In Rome, Paul lived under house arrest for two years, continuing to preach the Gospel (Acts 28:30-31). Paul's Reflections on Persecution Paul's epistles reflect his understanding and acceptance of persecution as part of his apostolic calling. In 2 Corinthians, he provides a detailed account of his sufferings: "Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked" (2 Corinthians 11:24-25). Despite these hardships, Paul remained resolute, declaring, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13). Paul viewed his sufferings as a means to share in the sufferings of Christ and to demonstrate the power of God in weakness. He encouraged believers to persevere in faith, assuring them that "everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" (2 Timothy 3:12). Through his life and writings, Paul exemplified the Christian response to persecution, emphasizing faithfulness, endurance, and the eternal hope found in Christ. His experiences continue to inspire believers to stand firm in their faith amidst trials and tribulations. Nave's Topical Index 1 Thessalonians 2:2But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as you know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak to you the gospel of God with much contention. Nave's Topical Index Hebrews 10:34 Library Petilianus Said: "Paul Also, the Apostle, Whilst He was Suffering ... But How Paul, an Apostle, from Being a Persecutor... The Persecutions of the Apostolic Church, and Its Condition at the ... The Apostle Paul. The Life of St. Paul the Apostle Paul in Rome Whether we Should Believe what Some Think, That, as the Ten ... That Afflictions and Persecutions Arise for the Sake of Our Being ... Sundry Passages of St. Paul which Attest Our Doctrine Rescued from ... Letter xiii. --(For 341. ) Coss. Marcellinus, Probinus; Pr??f. ... Resources Are the writings of the Apostle Paul inspired (see 1 Corinthians 7:12)? | GotQuestions.orgWhat can we learn from what the Bible says about Paul and Timothy? | What should we learn from the account of Paul and Barnabas? | Paul: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Subtopics Paul Escapes to Derbe, where he Preaches the Gospel, and Returns to Lystra Paul is Bitten by a Viper and Miraculously Unharmed Paul is Brought Before the Sanhedrin; his Defense Paul is Confined in Herod's Judgment Hall in Caesarea Paul is Confined in the Fortress Paul is Delayed in Melita for Three Months Paul is Encouraged by a Vision from God, Promising Him That he Will Give Testimony in Rome Paul is Escorted to Caesarea by a Military Guard Paul is Persecuted by Certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, and is Stoned Paul is Persecuted by the Jews Paul is Received by the Brethren Gladly Paul is Released by the Civil Authorities on the Grounds of his Being a Roman Citizen Paul is Returned to the Fortress Paul is Taken to Rome in the Custody of Julius, a Centurion, and a Detachment of Soldiers Paul is Welcomed at the Household of Lydia Paul: Appeals to be Heard by Caesar Paul: Born in the City of Tarsus Paul: Caught up to the Third Heaven Paul: Chooses Silas As his Companion Paul: Contends With Elymas (Bar-Jesus) the Sorcerer Paul: Contends With the Judaizers Against Their Circumcision "Theology" Paul: Conveys the Contributions of the Christians in Antioch to the Christians in Jerusalem Paul: Debates on Mars' Hill (At the Meeting of the Areopagus Council) With Greeks Paul: Declares he Was Going Bound in Spirit to Jerusalem Paul: Educated at Jerusalem in the School of Gamaliel Paul: Enters the Temple Courtyard Paul: Escapes by Being Let Down from the Wall in a Basket; Goes to Jerusalem Paul: Escapes to Berea by Night Paul: from the Tribe of Benjamin, Paul: Goes Through Phrygia and Galatia Paul: Goes to Troas, where he Has a Vision of a Man Saying, "Come Over Into Macedonia Paul: Has "A Thorn in the Flesh" Paul: Has Barnabas As his Companion Paul: Heals the Ruler's Father and Others Paul: His Examination Before Herod Agrippa Ii Paul: His Independence of Character Paul: His Message Received Gladly by the Gentiles Paul: His Resolute Determination to Go to Jerusalem Despite Repeated Warnings Paul: His Trial Before Governor Felix Paul: His Trial Before Governor Festus Paul: His Vision and Conversion Paul: Jewish Leaders Conspire Against his Life Paul: John (Mark), a Companion of, Departs for Jerusalem Paul: Kind Treatment by the Inhabitants of the Island Paul: Lives in his own Rented House for Two Years, Preaching and Teaching Paul: Makes his Second Tour of the Congregations Paul: Meets some Brethren Who Accompany Him to Rome from Appii Forum Paul: Persecuted by Jews, Drawn Before the Deputy, Charged With Wicked Lewdness Paul: Persecuted by the Jews Who Come from Thessalonica Paul: Persecuted, Beaten, and Cast Into Prison With Silas Paul: Persecutes the Christians; Present At, and Gives Consent To, the Stoning of Stephen Paul: Preaches in Damascus for the First Time Paul: Predicts Misfortune to the Ship; his Counsel not Heeded, and the Voyage Resumes Paul: Proceeds to Macedonia After Strengthening the Congregations in That Region Paul: Reasons in the Synagogue Every Sabbath Paul: Received by the Disciples in Jerusalem Paul: Refers the Question of Circumcision to the Apostles and Elders at Jerusalem Paul: Remains in Custody for Two Years Paul: Returns to Antioch, Accompanied by Barnabas, Judas, and Silas, With Letters to the Gentiles Paul: Returns With the Apostle John to Antioch (Of Syria) Paul: Re-Visits Pisidia, Pamphylia, Perga, Attalia, and Antioch, in Syria, where he Lived Paul: Sends for the Elders of the Congregation of Ephesus Paul: Sends Timothy and Erastus Into Macedonia, But he Himself Remains in Asia for a Period of Time Paul: Sent to Damascus With Letters for the Arrest and Return to Jerusalem of Christians Paul: Sergius Paulus, Governor of the Country, is a Convert of Paul: Summons the Local Jewish Leadership Paul: Teaches at Antioch (In Syria) for One Year Paul: The People Attempt to Worship Him Paul: The Ship Encounters a Storm Paul: The Ship is Wrecked, and all on Board Take Refuge on the Island of Melita (Malta) Paul: The Spread of the Gospel Through his Preaching Interferes With the Makers of Idols Paul: This Plan is Thwarted by his Nephew Paul: Transferred to a Ship of Alexandria Paul: Visits Amphipolis, Apollonia, and Thessalonica; Preaches in the Synagogue Paul: Visits Antioch (In Pisidia), and Preaches in the Synagogue Paul: Visits Assos, Mitylene, Chios, Samos, Trogyllium Paul: Visits Coos, Rhodes, and Patara; Boards a Ship Bound for Tyre Paul: Visits Ephesus, where he Leaves Aquila and Priscilla Paul: Visits Iconium, and Preaches to the Jews and Non-Jews Paul: Visits Lystra; Circumcises Timothy Paul: Visits Much of the Island of Cyprus Paul: Visits Perga in Pamphylia Paul: Visits Samothracia and Neapolis Paul: Waits at Tyre for Seven Days Select Readings: Paul and Silas in Prison Select Readings: Paul in Front of Agrippa Select Readings: Paul in Front of Governor Felix Select Readings: Paul on Mars' Hill Related Terms |