Biblical Illustrator And when He had called unto Him His twelve disciples. I. THEIR MISSION.II. THEIR CHARGE. 1. He prescribes their route. 2. He prescribes their doctrine. 3. He prescribes their work. 4. He prescribes the spirit they should display. III. THEIR RETURN. (J. Bennett, D. D.) (Revelation R. Glover.) MEDICAL MISSIONS. Dr. Duncan Main of the Mid-China Medical Mission, gives a remarkable instance, quoted in the Church Missionary Society's Report, of what he terms a remarkable case of cure both of body and soul. The Chinese woman he tended is the wife of a tailor, living at Ju-yang. "She was," says the doctor, "brought to our hospital in the beginning of 1883, suffering from an ulcerated leg of the very worst description. As soon as I saw the advanced state of the disease, I told the husband that there was nothing for the limb but amputation." To this the man most decidedly refused his consent, "and," continues Dr. Main, "pleaded with me to allow her to remain in the hospital and attempt a cure on other terms. She remained six weeks, and at the end of that period no signs of healing were apparent, and as the husband could not consent to the operation, he reluctantly took his poor wife home, carrying her on his back from the hospital, both of them in tears. A few months later I visited Ju-yang, where the patient was carried to the Mission-room in a large basket. She was by this time worse in every way, so that when they entreated me to re-admit her and perform the amputation, I declined the risk, until overpowered by their pitiful condition. A week later she was again in the female ward, and after some time devoted to raising her system by diet and tonics, I decided at the husband's renewed request to attempt the operation. Whilst attending her daily in this interval, Mrs. Main had spoken frequently to her about salvation through Christ, and she gave good evidence of being a new creature in Christ Jesus, which seemed to justify our acceding, with the bishop's approval and assistance, to her request for baptism, before she underwent the hazardous trial. This was done, and special prayer was offered in the ward next day before the operation commenced. Her cheerfulness at the time was remarkable, and contributed to secure the extremely favourable result. The stump healed rapidly, and a fairly satisfactory wooden leg being made by a native joiner, under my directions, she was actually taken to church, more than a quarter of a mile, to return thanks and confess her faith in Christ, so we had the joy of seeing her walking and praising God. Her husband, who wished to be baptized on that occasion, but was deferred for further instruction, has since been admitted to the church at Ju-yang, whither they returned shortly after the completion of the cure. Her age, as well as the extremity to which suffering had reduced her system, made the successful amputation a subject of special thankfulness to myself and all connected with the hospital." And we have many well-authenticated instances on record of marvellous answers to prayer in the cure of sickness, even when, from some circumstance or other, medical aid was not at hand. Of course, fanaticism has exaggerated this, and has tried to prove that medicine is of no use, and that it is sinful to consult physicians. As is well known a sect has arisen, professing these doctrines, and calling itself " The Peculiar People," but this must not blind us to real facts. Here is an instance from a German tract. "A remarkable answer to prayer is furnished to us by the true Christian and upright statesman, J. J. yon Moser, during the time of his long and unjust imprisonment in the fortress of Hohentivial in Wurtemberg, from 1759 to 1764. 'In Hohentivial,' he writes, 'I was for a long time seriously ill from lumbago and other severe pains in the limbs. I could scarcely move, and had to support myself with a stick in one hand and a crutch in the other. On one occasion, three gentlemen paying me a visit in my prison, I apologized to them for not being able to rise and receive them. One of my visitors, Dr. Eppli, perceiving the crutch and staff lying on the table, exclaimed, "Heaven preserve us. What horrible tools!" I replied, "I thank God that He has made the wood which furnishes these useful supports." Scarcely had my visitors gone, ere I found myself able to stand. I walked up and down a step or two, and found myself perfectly able to dispense with crutches.' He never used them again." Let our one theme be Christ, not our own whims and fancies and crotchets, but Him. Rather ourselves out of sight, unknown, unthought of, hidden in the excess of light which streams from Him. You are familiar with the story of the artist who undertook the task of painting the portrait of our Lord. When complete, you remember, he thought it needed some embellishments, which were therefore supplied. When the picture was exhibited, to his horror and disappointment the attention of the beholders was diverted from the grand central figure to the flowers and trees which grew around. Without the slightest hesitation or remorse, he grasped his brush and obliterated everything that withdrew the mind from that which should fascinate every eye. The moral is obvious. (Burr.)
Now the names of the twelve apostles. A good deal may be made out of a list of names, but it depends on whose names they are. There is a BOOK which has nothing in it but names — that book would interest the universe — "the Lamb's book of life." We may look on the men —I. OFFICIALLY. 1. They are selected, chosen, set apart by Christ as apostles. The marvellous results which have flowed from this selection. Their story has moved the world. The world persecuted them, but now falls at their feet. 2. The little power naturally there would seem to have been in these men to have produced any great results. Men of no rank. If the work had not been of God, it could not have been done. 3. There is the list complete. Twelve men are selected, yet few of them stand out in full length in the history. Every true worker God observes. 4. The name may be in the list of the apostles, but the man may not be there. Judas in the list, he not there. II. PERSONALLY. We may read it as a list of persons in the Church. 1. The gospel embraces persons of different tempers and tastes, yet all part of one Church. 2. How the good cause may be advanced by relationship. Here are three pairs of brothers in the list. 3. That a catalogue might be made out of a church book of those whose previous lives had been rather questionable. 4. How we can understand the Christian mellowing with age, the better nature grows and is perfected. (T. Binney.) The attorney that pleads at the bar may have as good gifts as the judge that sits upon the bench; but he must have a lawful commission before he sit as a judge: if it be thus in civil matters, much more in church matters, which are of higher concern. Those, therefore, who usurp the work of the ministry without being solemnly set apart for it, discover more pride than zeal, and they can expect no blessing. (T. Watson.) It can hardly be without significance that in all the apostolic lists they are divided into the same three groups. In the first group we should naturally expect to find the men of the largest and strongest make — those whose capacity and force of character would fit them to lead the rest. And this expectation is justified by the event. Peter and Andrew, James and John, are the natural leaders of the apostolic company. We might almost call them the Boanergic group, so marked and emphatic is the strain of passion in their service. In the second group are well-known and well-marked men. They are all reflective men, all sceptical men. Philip is the leader, and he was a man that would rather see than believe. They are excellent and thoughtful men, but they will not do much for the world apart from men of a more forward and adventurous spirit than their own. They all believe, but they all have a good deal of unbelief in them. The third group we may call the Hebraistic or practical group — Hebraistic in virtue of one set of qualities which they have in common, and practical in virtue of another set of qualities. They held stoutly to the older Hebrew forms of truth and righteousness; and they were at least as much Hebrew as Christian even to the end. But, on the other hand, all the apostles of this group were men of evidently practical gifts; and this is especially seen in Judas "of the apron," Judas "of the bag," a man chosen to carry the bag because he was careful, prudent, busy, good at buying and selling, conversant with the world. (T. T. Lynch.) In a series of enamels, by Leonard Limousin, in the Church of St. Peter, at Chartres, the apostles are represented with different insignia. St. Peter with the keys, as commissioned with the power to bind and to loose. St. Paul with a sword, as a soldier of Christ, armed with the " sword of the Spirit." St. Andrew with a cross, shaped as the letter X, the form of the cross on which he is supposed to have been martyred. St. John with a chalice, in allusion to Matthew 20:23. St. James the Less with a book and a club, in allusion to the supposed manner of his death. St. James the Elder with a pilgrim's staff, a broad hat with scallop shells, and a book, he being regarded as the patron of pilgrims. St. Thomas with an architect's square, as patron of architects and builders. St. Philip with a small cross, the staff of which is knotted like a reed, and indicates the traveller's staff, and marks the apostle as the preacher of Christ crucified to distant nations. St. Matthew with a pike (or spear): St. Matthias with an axe; St. Bartholomew with a book and a knife; St. Simon with a saw; these indicating the different modes of their death, according to the legendary accounts. (Dict. of Antiquities.) God often unites by grace those whom He has before united by nature; to show us, that although nature be not a step towards grace, yet it is not always a hindrance to it. (Quesuel.)
Matthew the publican. I. THE POWER, AND GRACE OF THE DIVINE CALL. Power is measured by the amount or degree of resistance which it is able to overcome. There were three chief obstacles in the way of this man's conversion.1. His business exposed hint constantly to temptations which were well nigh irresistible. 2. The standard of morality recognized by his associates was proverbially low. 3. He had no character to sustain. II. A SINNER'S CONVERSION IS A CAUSE OF JOY. III. CONVERTED SOULS DESIRE TO PROMOTE THE CONVERSION OTHERS. IV. MATTHEW'S CHIEF CHARACTERISTIC WAS HUMILITY. (W. F. Bishop.) St. Matthew's example led to one of the holiest lives recorded in the annals of the early Church. One of the most able and useful men of the North African Church was the Bishop Nulgertius. He had originally been receiver of taxes, but it one day occurred to him: "May I not be like Matthew, become from a tax-gatherer a preacher of the gospel." He accordingly left his worldly employment, became an ecclesiastic, and was ultimately a most useful bishop. We read the histories of such persons with vast interest and pleasure; and there is one circumstance which you generally meet with, and which always peculiarly engages our attention, and that is, the remembrance which these men had in their elevation of the poverty and obscurity from which they had been raised. You will commonly find that they had kept about them some memento of the insignificance of their origin, as though they felt a pride in reminding others and themselves how little they owed to the achievements of ancestors. In the splendid halls in which their latter days were spent, they have delighted to hang pictures of the hovels in which they were born: so that the stranger passing through the magnificent scene, after admiring a thousand gorgeous works of art, and confessing the grandeur and taste of their owner, might come suddenly on the representation of a lowly cottage, and learning that this cottage was the home of the parents of the man who had possessed himself of all this glory, might have a feeling of far higher reverence and wonder, than if there had been spread before him the evidences of a most illustrious pedigree. And it is very curious to observe how the biographers of such a man will labour to throw some "kind of lustre around his origin, as though they could not bear that their hero should be deficient in aught to which the world attaches worth. (H. Melvill.)
Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed Him. I. EARLY OPPORTUNITY. Called to be an apostle. Sharing, too, in the prayers of Christ (Luke 6:12, 13). His gifts marked him out for certain work. That work fell to his lot. Possibilities of such a calling.II. GROWTH OF EVIL (John 6:64-71; John 12:1-6). III. THE PRICE OF A SOUL (John 13.; Matthew 26:14-16). IV. THE END (John 18:2-5; Matthew 27:3-5; Acts 1:18 25, with Matthew 27:5). The sentence of the Master upon his life and his work is this, "It were better for this man that he had never been born. (G. T. Kerble.) Let us adore the unsearchable judgment of God, in the choice of a wicked minister, whose unworthiness He knew. Let us learn from hence that no merit gives a right to the ministry, but the sole choice of God alone. Jesus Christ would not put saints into it, to oblige us not to judge of the holiness of the Church by certain of her ministers. He would not put into it any of the rich, noble, powerful, or learned, for fear lest men should affix ecclesiastical dignities to temporal advantages. Let us bear with the bad patiently; let us adore Jesus Christ and His authority degraded in them, yet without the virtue of His ordinances thereby suffering anything; and herein let us be assured that it is Jesus Christ who effects all in them, even by the most unworthy workmen. (Quesuel.)
These twelve Jesus sent forth. Half of "these twelve" are never heard of again as doing any work for Christ. That fact may suggest some considerations worth pondering.I. THIS PECULIAR AND UNEXPECTED SILENCE SUGGESTS THE TRUE WORKER IN THE CHURCH'S PROGRESS. Let us not over-estimate men. What confidence it ought to give us as we think of the tasks and fortunes of the Church! II. SUGGESTS WHAT THE REAL WORK OF THOSE DELEGATED WORKERS WAS. III. How OFTEN FAITHFUL WORK IS UNRECORDED AND FORGOTTEN. IV. FORGOTTEN WORK IS REMEMBERED, AND UNRECORDED NAMES ARE RECORDED ABOVE. (Dr. A. Maclaren.)
And as ye go, preach. I. WHO are to preach?II. WHAT are they to preach? "The kingdom of heaven." etc. Then we must speak of the King. Tell them He is King of grief, grace, and glory. III. WHEN are they to preach? "As ye go." 1. We are always on the go in this busy world. 2. "As ye go" — travelling. 3. While you are walking. 4. As long as you live. IV. WHERE are we to preach? " Go not into the way of the Gentiles," etc. To kith and kin first. V. WHY are we to preach? "Freely ye have received." (T. Spurgeon.) Do you remember how it was with Samson? He found honey in the carcase of the lion which he had himself destroyed; and when he found the honey he, like a very sensible man, took of it and did eat; and he went along eating, with his hands full of honey. I do not know whether he had not time to eat it all up before he got to the end of the journey; but I am inclined to think that he was not so selfish as to wish to keep it all to himself. At all events, we read that when he got to the house of his father and of his mother he gave them of the honey, and they did eat. Hast thou found honey? Have it not to thyself? Take it home to those who have it not. And, Saviour, there is no honey that drops from earthly honeycombs like Thy love — "sweeter than honey and the honeycomb." (H. W. Beecher.)
Heal the sick. I. A confirmation of our SINCERITY.II. An illustration of the COMPLETENESS Of Christianity. 1. Its concern with the whole nature of man. 2. Its care for the individual. III. A REVELATION Of the Spirit of the Lord. IV. An undoubted MODE OF SERVING the Christ Himself. (U. R. Thomas.)
Cleanse the lepers. Leprosy is a disease with which we are happily so little acquainted in Western lauds that the miraculous power exerted by our Lord and His apostles in connection with it does not strike us with the wonder and admiration it must have occasioned in early times, It is, in the passage before us, distinguished from sickness — "Heal the sick" and" Cleanse the lepers," being distinct commands. For leprosy was the special disease of Palestine; was looked upon as a type of sin, was in most cases incurable, and was one that necessitated separation, as indeed it does at the present day, though what is now termed leprosy, Elephantiasis Groecorum, is distinct from the Lepra Mosaics to which the Israelites from the period of their bondage in Egypt to the time of our Lord, were subject. But the former disease, like the latter, is of Eastern origin, and is thought to have been brought into Europe by the Crusaders, while others affirm that it was introduced in the tenth and eleventh centuries by the Moors and Arabs, who not only conquered the larger part of Spain, but penetrated much further into Europe than is generally known, reaching, it is believed, even as far as Switzerland. Its frequency in various parts of Europe through the Middle Ages is shown by the word "Lazar," for hospital, which referred to Lazarus, because he was "full of sores," and these hospitals were intended primarily for lepers. Most great towns in England had their " St. Giles's Gate," outside which these wretched beings were housed to avoid infection, St. Giles being the patron saint of lepers. This was generally a particularly low and wretched part of the town — St. Giles's Church in London and the Gilligate at Durham are instances. The laws to prevent the spread of leprosy were very stringent, sometimes even cruel. At Edinburgh, for instance, there was at one time a statute that if any person harboured a leper in their house, he was, among other penalties, to be branded in the cheek. There is only one country in Northern Europe in which this dire disease is still frequent, Norway. From want of vigorous measures to stamp it out leprosy is common in that country, and there is a large leper hospital at Christiania, the capital. In England isolated instances are met with — for instance, at Marazide, in Cornwall, there lived some years ago a person most grievously afflicted with Elephantiasis Groecorum, a form of the disease in which the extremities swell to a great size, and sometimes fall off. In the Holy Land, at the present day, as well as in Greece and Spain, this form of leprosy is far from uncommon. Ewald gives a thrilling account of a village near Jerusalem which is exclusively inhabited by lepers — about one hundred in number at the time he visited it. "This unfortunate and pitiable race," he says, "are compelled to live separate from all. The malady appears generally when they are about twelve or fourteen years old, and increases every year, till they lose literally one limb after the other. As they grow older their sight fails, their throat and lungs become infected, till death ends their protracted sufferings. They live upon the alms which they receive from pilgrims and others." In South Africa the disease is very frequent, more especially among them and Hottentots. Very little care was taken to tend or isolate these unfortunate sufferers while the Dutch were in possession of Cape Colony, since they mostly belonged to the despised black race, but when the English came into power in 1810 a settlement was appointed for the lepers at a place called by the Dutch Hemel en Aaede (Heaven on Earth), which seems a most inappropriate name, but that the devoted labours of the Moravian missionary Lehmann sweetened the lot of these unhappy ones. In 1845 the settlement was removed to Robber Island, nearly opposite Cape Town, where the lepers, it was thought, would be more completely isolated, and would enjoy the benefit of sea-air. There the devoted Lehmann continued his ministrations, having under his spiritual charge a motley assemblage of English, Germans, Frenchmen, Malays, Swedes, Africans, only alike in their misfortune.
Freely ye have received, freely give. I. A VERY PROFITABLE RECOLLECTION. Have you received at all? How have we received? "Freely."1. Look at your own personal salvation. 2. Look at the abundance of grace given you. 3. Look at the treasures set before you. II. THE CONSTRAINING OBLIGATION — "Freely give." 1. Think what you have to give, give your own selves, your substance, your prayers. 2. How you are to give. (C. Bridges, M. A.) I. CONSIDER THE PRIVILEGES WHICH HAVE BEEN SO FREELY BESTOWED UPON US. The value of the gospel seen — 1. From our Lord's commission to His disciples. 2. The labours attendant on the execution of that commission. II. THE DUTY RESULTING FROM THESE PRIVILEGES. 1. Freely give your money, influence, and ability. 2. Freely give your friends and relatives to engage in this great missionary work. 3. Freely give yourselves, your lives to this great work. 4. Freely give your prayers. (J. B. Sumpter, M. A.) I. Giving is an act of consecration. II. It is an act of grace. III. It is an act of communion. IV. It is a privilege. (W. M. Taylor, D. D.) 1. Manifested in creation. 2. Redemption. 3. Assurance. 4. All these blessings come freely. 5. The favourable administrations of providence. (R. Alliott.) When a gentleman, who had been accustomed to give away some thousands, was supposed to be at the point of death, his presumptive heir inquired where his fortune was to be found. To whom he answered, "that it was in the pockets of the indigent." In The Indian Female Evangelist for September of this year, we meet with rather a pleasing illustration of this verse, in the report given by a native Bible-woman, who accompanied the missionary, Mr. Harding and his wife, on an evangelizing tour of 180 miles in the Bombay Presidency, in a bullock-cart. At one place they came to, she says, "We had so many openings in the town here to-day. There were several of us who went, and at times we divided into two companies. We must have gone to six places. One interesting-looking lad followed us around, waiting patiently for his time to come, when we could follow him to his home. We gladly did so, and had a large company in front of his mother's house and yard. He tried to slip a few coppers into our hands but we refused, for as we have received freely, we are glad to give freely." But the boy's offer was gratifying, as showing how the work was appreciated. Freely .... St. Helanon healed very many sick persons, but would not receive any gifts from them, not so much as a morsel of bread; for he was wont to say, "Gratis ye have received, gratis give." He replied to a certain nobleman whom he had delivered from a legion of devils, and who urgently pressed him to receive a gift, at least that he might distribute it among the poor, "Be not grieved, my son. at what I do, for I do it for thy sake as well as my own. If I should receive this I should offend God, and the legion would return to thee."
Provide neither gold. It is impossible not to admire the noble enthusiasm of poverty which showed itself in the literal adoption of such rules by the followers of , and, to some extent, by those of Wiclif; but the history of the , and other like fraternities, forms part of that teaching of history which has led men to feel that in the long-run the beggar's life will bring the beggar's vices. Yet here, as in the case of the precepts of the Sermon on the Mount, the spirit is binding still, though the letter has passed away. The mission work of the Church has ever prospered in proportion as that spirit has pervaded it.(E. H. Plumptre.) The word purse here literally signifies girdle, those worn by the Jews were made hollow, so as to contain money. A sort of purse convenient, light, and secure. In like manner, the long sleeves worn by the Japanese serve them in lieu of purses. This custom of missionaries going out with little store of money is carried out in its greatest literality among the Moravians. who give their missionaries the incredibly small salary of five pounds a year. For anything they require beyond what this sum will procure, they have to apply to the committee of the missionary society. Once, when St. Antony was on a journey, he saw an immense piece of gold. He admired the size of the piece of metal, and ran as fast as he could to his mountain, as though he were running from a fire. Whenever money was offered to St. Vincent as he was preaching through the villages, he refused it, and forbade his companions accepting it. St. Francis was wont to say that "money to the servants of God is nothing else than a devil and a poisonous snake." Our Lord gave His disciples this precept for three reasons;(1) That being free from all earthly affections and cares, they should depend entirely upon God's providence;(2) That they should be wholly intent upon preaching the gospel, and give all their thoughts and cares to that;(3) That they might give to all nations an illustrious example of simplicity, poverty, and contempt of riches, whereby they might draw all men to love and admiration of the heavenly life.
Neither two coats. Eastern people are accustomed to sleep in the garments they have on during the (lay: and in this climate such plain people experience no inconvenience Item so doing.(W. M. Thomson D. D.)
And there abide. When travelling in the East no one need scruple to go into the best house of any Arab village to which he comes, and he will be received with profuse and gratuitous hospitality. From the moment we entered any house, it was regarded as our earn. There is not an Arab you meet who will not empty for you the last drop in his water-skin, or share with you his last piece of black bread. The Rabbis said that paradise was the reward of willing hospitality.(Ernest Renan.)
And if the house be worthy. Illustrate the transcendent importance of religion by presenting some of the leading characteristics of the family which is governed by its influence.I. THE GENERAL AIM OF ITS ARRANGEMENTS. II. ITS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. III. ITS EVERY-DAY PURSUITS — its ordinary habits and dispositions. IV. Amid the sacred employment of the SABBATH, V. In its seasons of PROSPERITY AND ADVERSITY. VI. In its final UNION IN HEAVEN. (J. Nilson, A. M.) 1. The clergyman is to be the minister of peace. 2. But it all depends upon adaptation — the peace is to the house, but the question whether " the house " or any one in it can hay,-, the "peace" turns upon the point of adaptation. "If the house is worthy" i.e., if there be fitness in the house to receive it. What that peace means: 1. It is peace with God. 2. It is peace through the blood of Jesus Christ. 3. It is a peace within. 4. It is peace with the whole world. (J. Vaughan M. A.) It is a principle which pervades everything. To select the congenial soil, or by art to make it congenial to the seed, is the secret of husbandry. The man of physical science is certain of the properties and powers of natural substances; but his difficulty is to secure that the state of the recipient match with its virtues. In the most exquisite and delicate of modern inventions, the capability of the ray of light to leave its impression, is invariable and undoubted; the science lies in procuring a material which is capable to take and to retain it. Nothing lives, nothing really exercises its being, but in that to which it stands in a certain sympathy and proportion. So grace is to the gracious, and " peace to the men of peace." (J. Vaughan M. A.) When a Persian enters an assembly, after having left his shoes without, he makes the usual salutation of " Peace be unto you," which is addressed to the whole assembly — as it were, saluting the house. (Morier.)
Shake off the dust of your feet. The danger of course was not from dust on the feet, but from defilement on the life and in the heart. Every apostle was to let his impenitent countrymen know that they were "as heathen men in the sight of the .Messiah," impure in the estimation of the infinitely Holy One. The spirit of the injunction runs through all the ages, and has come down to our day. Its spirit, but its spirit only. And hence a very heavy responsibility rests on that minister of the gospel who gives no intimation of any kind to the impenitent with whom he associates, that they are impure in the sight of God, and in danger of eternal separation from the good.(James Morison, D. D.)
Behold, I send you forth. Albanus, the Captain-General of the army of Charles V., had four hundred stout and resolute youths, who were prodigal of life and devoted to death, called the forlorn hope. In a battle he despatched these against the strongest part of the enemy's ranks, that by their audacity and determination to die, they might throw those ranks into confusion, and so prepare the way for victory. Thus devoted and prodigal of his life let the messenger of Christ deem himself, that he may subdue unbelievers to Christ the Conqueror. Such a one did Xavier deem himself, when he was going to India, and said to his weeping friends, "Do merchants at such expense and such peril, prodigal of life, sail to India from zeal for earthly merchandize; and shall not I go thither for the sake of God and souls?"
Wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. These words were addressed by Christ to His disciples when He sent them for the first time to publish the kingdom of God. The dove has been regarded by all nations as the symbol of innocence. Harmless signifies properly in the original what is not armed with horns to attack, what has not teeth to bite, what has not a sting to wound; in a moral point of view, what has no intention to injure. Thus SIMPLICITY is unsuspecting, and is the companion of innocence. It extends to all the parts of our being. It knows the truth by intuition. It trusts itself calmly to God. It passes through the most impenetrable labyrinths without embarrassment. PRUDENCE, on the contrary, supposes the existence of evil in man and in the world. We have to" beware of the leaven of the Pharisees" (Matthew 16:6). We must COMBINE simplicity with prudence. Some Christians are simple without having prudence; some are prudent without simplicity. Without knowing how to unite the two, you may by a badly enlightened and rash confidence in Divine Providence reckon on help which you ought to have sought by the right use of means, and so compromise success in the family, or plan, or Church. Through not having tact to choose your means of action, and apply them to different persons, you may do more harm than good for Christ. Through over-confidence you may commit yourself to the first hypocrite. On other occasions the goodness of your heart leads you astray. At other times you hurry on what ought to have been done gradually. Prudence may go too far(1) when you have undue fear of the approbation of the world for all you do; or when you are destitute of all fear of its opposition;(2) when it gives undue attention to difficulties which the imagination likes to magnify.(Dr. Grandpierre.) The serpent as a teacher. Jesus says that, in view of every kind of danger, we are to be as sagacious and prudent as the serpent. The serpent is very careful about its — I. HEALER. Be anxious for the safety of your bodies and minds. Be doubly anxious about the safety of your hearts. Why the Bible says so much about the heart. II. EYES. As your bodies have eyes, so have your souls. It is with the eyes of your souls that you are to see your duties to God and man, and the way in which you are to be saved — "Open thou," etc. Bead a part of the Bible every day. III. AN APPROACHING STORM. Knows when a storm is coming, etc. There are moral as well as physical storms. Jesus is the refuge from the storm. IV. TEMPTATION. In the East there are a great number of serpent charmers, etc. Guard against every form of music which is not healthy, pure, and godly, etc. (Dr. Alex. McAuslane.) I. THEIR PROMINENT VOCATION — "Behold, I send you forth." 1. These disciples had been with Him, and had been taught by Him, that they might teach in His name. The mode of operation in the kingdom of God is, first make disciples, teach them, and then let them go forth and do the same with others. When one light is kindled other candles are lit therefrom. Drops of heavenly water are flashed aloft and scattered all around like dew upon the face of the earth, and behold each one begetteth a fountain where it fails, and thus the desert is made to rejoice and blossom. 2. To go after the lost sheep. 3. He sent them forth to work miracles. We have not this power; it is more to God's glory that the world should be conquered by the force of truth than by the blaze of miracles. II. THEIR IMMINENT PERIL — "As sheep in the midst of wolves." 1. Amongst those who will not in any way sympathize with your efforts. The bleating sheep finds no harmony in the howl of the wolf. 2. Amongst those who would rend them. 3. Amongst those who would hinder their endeavours. 4. We are powerless against them. What can a sheep do if a wolf sets upon it? 5. It is trying "work for the sheep. 6. It is testing work. 7. It is teaching work. III. THEIR EMINENT AUTHORITY — "I send you forth." 1. The Lord of the harvest. 2. "I," who prize you. 3. "I," who have gone on the same errand Myself. 4. "I," who overcame in the very character in which I send you." "The Lamb shall overcome them." IV. THEIR PERMANENT INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Be prudent and wise as a serpent. (1) (2) (3) 2. The innocence of the dove. (C. H. Spurgeon)
(C. H. Spurgeon.)
2. The serpent is deceitful. 3. The serpent casts the coat, but another new coat comes in the room; we should not cast off one sin, and another as bad come in the room. 4. The serpent is a venomous creature, and is full of poison (Psalm 58:4.) 5. The serpent is given to hissing; we should not hiss out reproaches. 6. The serpent stops her ear. 7. The serpent casts her coat, but keeps her sting; we should not east off outward acts of sin, and keep the love of sin. 8. Serpents are chased away with sweet perfumes,
2. The serpent hath a prudence and subtlety in his ear: will not be deluded by the voice of the charmer. 3. The serpent hath a chief care to defend his head; so we our head from error,
2. In respect of innocency. 3. In respect of purity,
2. To be humble but not base. 3. To defend the truth by argument, and adorn it by life. (J. Watson.)
2. Chastity. 3. Fruitfulness. Most months in the year they bring forth young. 4. Amity. They love their mates. 5. Unity. They live in companies. 6. Their innocence. (T. Adams.)
II. THE WAY OUR LORD TAKES TO INSINUATE HIS ADVICE. 1. The standard that is fixed, or the creatures of whom we are to learn the things recommended. 2. The conformity that is required to that standard. III. THE CONNECTION FIXED BETWEEN THE TWO THINGS RECOMMENDED. 1. There is no real inconsistency between them. 2. They mutually help each other to appear with greater lustre. (E. Calamy.)
(T. Watson.)Wise — not as foxes, whose cunning is to deceive others; but as serpents, whose policy is only to defend themselves, and to shift for their own safety. (Matthew Henry.)
I. To THE APOSTLES. 1. The primary reference is to the apostles. 2. The fact of the Spirit of the Father speaking in the apostles is evident from the effects produced by their word. II. To OURSELVES. 1. This is the dispensation of the Spirit. 2. The minister of the Spirit prepares diligently for his pulpit ministrations. (C. Clayton, M. A.)
1. The nation and times from which the sacred Scriptures came were anterior to the philosophizing period which was ushered in later. Facts, events, things, emotions, belong to the periods which generated the Scriptures. 2. Every man recognizes the fact that the mind acts with different degrees of clearness and certainty under different conditions. The range of the eye is limited, but in perfect health you can see more clearly than when health is impaired; also when atmospheric conditions are favourable. So it is with faculty. The faculties of the mind have a wonderful power of development. The limit to which you can draw out the mind — for that is the meaning of education — is immense. But that is not the only limit of the expansible faculties of the mind. They are subject to instantaneous development. As a grain of powder, which is small, but which, when touched by fire, expands instantly into a thousand times its bulk and diameter, and generates a power that was unsuspected before, so the mental faculties can be touched with a fire that shall give them an immense flash and scope and penetration utterly unlike the ordinary experience of men in life. (Beecher.)
1. The primary benefit that comes from these moral intuitions is comfort and direction of the individual. They clear his reason, they furnish an ideal; they redeem him from bondage. 2. These inspirations work mostly beyond the senses, in the invisible. Is it unreasonable to expect a certain degree of excitability of mind in the Divine realm? (Beecher.)
I. PERSEVERANCE IS THE BADGE OF THE SAINT. 1. It is the Scriptural mark. 2. Analogy shows us that it is perseverance which must mark the Christian. The winner in the race. 3. The common-sense judgment of mankind tells us, that those who merely begin and do not hold out, will not be saved. II. PERSEVERANCE IS THEREFORE THE TARGET OF ALL OUR SPIRITUAL ENEMIES. 1. The world. 2. The flesh. 3. It will try our perseverance in service, in suffering, in steadfastness, in doctrine. III. PERSEVERANCE IS THE GLORY OF CHRIST. IV. PERSEVERANCE SHOULD BE THE GREAT CARE OF EVERY CHRISTIAN. (C. H. Spurgeon.)
(C. H. Spurgeon.)
(C. H. Spurgeon.)
1. Habit, which may extend only to the outer framework, and not to the spirit, motive, temper of the religious life. 2. Determination. The will can do almost everything except be sure of itself amid circumstances which go against the grain. 3. Indefectible Grace. This doctrine is no part of the New Testament teaching. It reduces the sacraments and ordinances of religion to mere charms. It brings probation to an end, for it practically abolishes freewill. The Christian's perseverance may be morally, but it is assuredly not mechanically, certain. (Canon Liddon.)
2. False christs and false prophets, which in our day may mean a sceptical friend, an insidious article in a magazine, or merely the dangerous atmosphere of the social circle in which we live. 3. The spiritual weariness which steals over the soul with the lapse of time. We cannot sustain ourselves for ever on the mountains; we must, sooner or later, descend to the plain. Depression ensues, and we find it difficult to struggle on. 4. Trifling with conscience — not necessarily in great matters, but in a number of little matters — omissions or curtailments of daily prayers, neglect of a regular review of conscience, carelessness as to objects on which money is spent, recklessness in intercourse with others. These, and like matters, help forward a dull and inoperative state of conscience, which is itself preparatory to a great failure. (Canon Liddon.)
2. Prayer for this special grace. To win perseverance, prayer must persevere. Be not discouraged, although your prayer does not seem to be answered all at once. God may be testing your integrity of purpose. It is after describing all the parts of a Christian's armour — the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the sandals of preparation, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit — that the apostle adds, "Praying alway, with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance." 3. Keeping the mind fixed, as much as possible, on the end of life, and on that which follows it. Death is as certain for each one of us as the how, the when, and the where of its occurrence are uncertain. Let us then set lightly by this life, and embark something less than the best half of our hearts in its concerns and interests. The shore may still be distant, but the sailor keeps his eye on it as he prays for the skill and the strength to weather the passing storm. On those heights which are beyond the valley of death, the eyes of the predestinate constantly rest, and the sight sustains them in times of trouble, darkness, and despair, which would otherwise prove beyond the powers of their endurance. The end is well worth the effort; and, since we are in the hands of infinite Love, the effort will be enduring, if the end be kept steadily in view. (Canon Liddon.)
(Wilmot Buxton.)Perseverance is the only triumphing grace. ( St. Bernard.)
1. It is the great privilege of Christians to realize that Christ is still living with and conversing with them; this consciousness fits for service. 2. Feeling the gospel spoken by Christ directly and distinctly to our own soul. II. HOW THIS PRIVILEGE REALLY DOES BECOME A PREPARATORY PROCESS. 1. If you get your message directly from Christ there will be a personality about it. 2. It will also give us the truth of God in proportion and purity. 3. If you go to Christ for all you preach you will preach with unction. 4. It will enable you to be certain about the truth. III. Close by trying to fulfil the command To PUBLISH UPON THE HOUSETOPS WHAT THE MASTER HAS SPOKEN TO US IN SECRET. 1. That there is pardon for the greatest guilt. 2. That by faith the ruling power of sin is broken. 3. That faith in Christ can save a man from every sort of fear in life and death. These things have been whispered in my ear. (C. H. Spurgeon.)
(Van Lennep.)
(Phillips Brooks, D. D.)There is a higher motive than fear, viz., trust in the Father who cares even for the sparrows. (Benham.)
II. That the body may be destroyed, while the soul remains uninjured. III. That the honest working out of duty may expose the body to destruction. IV. That the neglect of the duty exposes both body and soul to destruction. (D. Thomas, D. D.)
1. Bodily torments. 2. Disgrace. 3. Death.Which last He cautions against for these three reasons. 1. Because it is but the death of the body. 2. Because hell is more to be feared. 3. Because they live under the special care of God's ever-seeing Providence, and cannot, therefore, be taken away without His permission.The words of the text pregnant with great truths. 1. That it is within the power of man to divest us of all our temporal enjoyments. 2. That the soul of man is immortal. 3. That God has absolute power to destroy the whole man. 4. That the thought of damnation ought to have greater weight to engage our fears than the most exquisite miseries that the malice of man is able to inflict. The prosecution of this lies in two things. I. IN SHOWING WHAT IS IN THOSE MISERIES WHICH MEN ARE ABLE TO INFLICT THAT MAY LESSEN OUR FEARS OF THEM. 1. They are temporal, and concern only this life. 2. They do not take away anything from a man's proper perfections. 3. They are all limited by God's overruling hand. 4. The good that may be extracted out of such miseries as are inflicted by men is often greater than the evil that is endured by them. 5. The fear of those evils seldom prevents them before they come, and never lessens them when they are come. 6. The all-knowing God, who knows the utmost of them better than men or angels, has pronounced them not to be feared. 7. The greatest of these evils have been endured, and that without fear or astonishment. II. IN SHOWING WHAT IS IMPLIED IN THE DESTRUCTION OF THE BODY AND SOUL IN HELL WHICH MAKES IT SO FORMIDABLE. It is the utmost Almighty God can do to a sinner. When tempted, ponder man's inability and God's infinite ability to destroy. The case of Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego. (R. South, D. D.)
1. A fear of solicitous anxiety, such as makes us let go our confidence in God's providence, causing our thoughts so to dwell upon the dreadfulness of the thing feared as to despair of a deliverance. And with such a kind of fear Christ absolutely forbids us to fear those that kill the body; it being very derogatory to God, as if His mercy did not afford as great arguments for our hope as the cruelty of man for our fear. 2. The second kind of fear is a prudential caution, whereby a man, from the due estimate of an approaching evil, endeavours his own security. And this kind of fear is not only lawful, but also laudable. For, to what purpose should God have naturally implanted in the heart of man a passion of fear, if it might not be exercised and affected with suitable objects — that is, things to be feared? Now under this sort of fear we may reckon that to which Christ advises His disciples in these expressions — "Beware of men," and " Flee from one city into another. (R. South, D. D.)
(A Primitive Martyr.)
1. The providence of God extends to a meaner order of things — to raiment, birds, lilies; thus it is concerned with events great and small. 2. The providence of God is more extensive and minute than the care of any one part of the creation over another. The most tender mother never counted the hairs of her child, but God's providence extends to this. 3. The notion which the Scriptures give us of God. He is said to be Governor, but how can He be unless He attend to all the concerns of those over whom He rules. Where is His wisdom if events take place to meet which He is not provided; or His power, if circumstances transpire over which He has no control. 4. If we reject providence, one great part of Scripture must be resigned, that which we call prophecy. II. To POINT OUT THE PURPOSES OF UTILITY — EXPERIMENTAL AND PRACTICAL — TO WHICH THIS DOCTRINE IS TO BE APPLIED. 1. It is calculated to cheer the ministers of Christ under the various difficulties to their success to which they are exposed. 2. It is calculated to console the true Church of God in all parts of the earth. 3. It may serve to sustain the heart of every individual disciple of Christ. 4. It tends to calm the mind while watching the various dispensations of Providence as it respects nations or individuals. (J. Clayton.)
1. Has God the gracious will, the benevolent inclination, to observe and direct the works of creation? and has He sufficient power to discern all His creatures, and to regulate everything respecting them according to His will? 2. What is thus taught us from the consideration of God is confirmed by an attention to our feelings; a persuasion of the superintending providence of God is incorporated with our very nature. 3. An attention to the history of the world shows us that the providence of God is universal. God has used the smallest things to produce the greatest consequences. 4. In the holy volume(1 Samuel 2:6; 1 Chronicles 29:11, 12; Job 5:9; Psalm 75:6, 7).(1) It is of unspeakable importance to keep the remembrance of God's providence fresh upon the mind; the forgetfulness of it is often mentioned in Scripture as an occasion of sin.(2) This subject excites deep melancholy when we reflect how many oppose the providence of God, and sin against it.(3) This subject is full of consolation to the pious. (H. Kollock, D. D.)
II. "Though ignorant, God cares for me," chirps the sparrow; "then, man, fear not." III. "Though feeble and mortal, God cares for me," chirps the sparrow; "then, man, fear not." (G. T. Coster.)
(H. B. Tristram, LL. D.)
(H. Kollock, D. D.)
(J. Norton.)
(J. Culross, D. D.)Said Martin Luther, as his eye caught sight of a little bird among the leaves of a tree, one evening, "This little fellow has chosen his shelter for the night, and is quietly rocking himself to sleep, without a care for tomorrow's lodgings, calmly holding by his little twig, and leaving God to think for him."
(A. Raleigh, D. D.)
2. Our Lord is giving His disciples arguments against fear. (1) (2) (3) (4) 3. That man may be said to have the most of the mind of God who attaches the greatest importance to the trifles of life. (J. Vaughan, M. A.).
(J. Vaughan, M. A.)
(J. Vaughan, M. A.)
II. THE KIND CONSIDERATION OF GOD IN TAKING CARE OF HIS PEOPLE. 1. In keeping them alive before they were converted. 2. In keeping them out of temptation. 3. In arranging their places. 4. In providing their daily bread. III. WHAT SHOULD BE THE SPIRIT AND TEMPER, OF THE MEN WHO BELIEVE THIS TRUTH. 1. We ought to he a bold race of people. 2. In bereavement, not excessive grief. 3. A calm which renders life happy. (C. H. Spurgeon.)
(C. H. Spurgeon.)
(C. H. Spurgeon.)
1. Its extent. 2. Its source. 3. Its lessons. 4. Its influence. II. KNOWLEDGE. 1. Its character (1) (2) (3) (4) III. VALUATION. IV. PRESERVATION — from loss, accident, persecution, etc. (C. H. Spurgeon.)
(M. Henry.)
I. From the CAPACITIES of that nature. II. From the fact that he is the object of the special regard and care of Divine providence. III. From its everlasting DESTINY. IV. From the fact that it has been REDEEMED with the blood of the incarnate Son of God. (Dr. H. W. Williams.)
(W. Evans, B. D.)
II. WHAT IT ENSURES? His confession of us. More than recognition. The confessor before whom this confession is to be made; the season when this confession shall be made. (W. Jay.)
1. What is meant by our confession of Christ. 2. What by confessing Him before men. II. A suitable REWARD and encouragement annexed to it. What is implied in Christ's confessing us before His Father. To confess Christ aright is (1) (2) (3) (4) (Matthew Hole.)
1. Before we can speak openly of Christ according to His true character, we must know and appreciate Him. Knowledge is ability to confess; appreciation is disposition to confess; both are power. 2. This confession is variously made. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) II. THE CONFESSION OF MEN BY JESUS CHRIST. 1. It is connected here with the confessing of Christ by men. 2. It is both present and future. 3. It is full and complete. Lessons: secret discipleship can never fulfil our duties, or exhaust our obligations. (S. Martin.)
1. To confess Christ before men is to show that we are uniformly influenced by a supreme regard to His will (Titus 1:16; Luke 6:46; John 15:14; Nehemiah 5:1). 2. To publicly attest the reality of those hopes and joys which Christianity professes to inspire, and claims as peculiarly her own. 3. To manifest a decided attachment to His people (Matthew 10:40; Matthew 25:40). II. THE DIFFICULTIES ATTENDANT ON THIS DUTY. Such a decided and consistent testimony to Christ will be attended with difficulties (Matthew 10:36). 1. Common temptations. 2. Ridicule. 3. Calumny. III. THE PROMISE ANNEXED TO THE DISCHARGE. Christ will confess His people; it is not said He will do so before men; by striking interpositions of providence. While they are partially confessing Him on earth, He is graciously confessing them in heaven. (E. Cooper.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) 1. It is a personal confession. 2. It is a public confession. 3. It is an honourable confession — "ME." II. CHRIST'S CONFESSION OF MAN. 1. It is a return for our confession. 2. It is a personal confession. 3. It is a confession on the greatest occasion. 4. It is a confession before the greatest Being. (T. O. Griffiths.)
(Canon Liddon.)
(Canon Ashwell.)
(T. Guthrie, D. D.)
(D. Willet.)
( Chrysostom.)
II. What are THE MOTIVES or inducements that lead men thus to deny Christ? The two principal are(1) Fear of persecution;(2) Hopes of preferment. Both clap a wrong bias upon the mind, that turns it from Christ to Belial. III. How, OR IN WHAT MANNER, IS THIS DENYING DONE? (1) (2) (3) IV. WHAT IS MEANT BY CHRIST DENYING OF WHEN BEFORE HIS FATHER IN HEAVEN? It must be His disowning the deniers of Him, as false and deceitful followers of Him, the misery whereof is inexpressible. (Matthew Hole.)
1. By erroneous, heretical judgment. 2. By oral confession. 3. By our actions and practice. II. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES INDUCING MEN TO DENY CHRIST IN HIS TRUTHS. 1. The seeming supposed absurdity of many truths. 2. Their unprofitableness. To be pious is the way to be poor. 3. Their apparent danger. III. How FAR A MAN MAY CONSULT HIS SAFETY IN TIME OF PERSECUTION WITHOUT DENYING CHRIST. 1. By withdrawing his person. 2. By concealing his judgment. IV. WHAT IT IS FOR CHRIST TO DENY US BEFORE HIS FATHER IN HEAVEN. 1. The action itself — "He will deny them." 2. The circumstance — "Before His Father," etc. A man's folly will be spread before the angels. V. THE USES WHICH MAY BE DRAWN FROM THE TRUTHS DELIVERED. 1. Confess Him in His truth. 2. In His members. 3. The baseness of a dastardly spirit. (R. South, D. D.)
1. Sin is a fixed, unyielding power. 2. There is an overpowering force which can and will conquer sin. It is Christianity. 3. What results from this conflict, heroically maintained? 1. Victory. 2. Moral beauty. (Bishop Hurst.)
(Bishop Hurst.)
1. The object of Christ's coming. 2. The law of Christ's kingdom. 3. The character of the King. II. EXPLANATION OF THE FACT. 1. By the position Christ assumed towards sin. 2. By the character of the gospel. 3. By the natural character of man. III. PRACTICAL LESSONS. 1. The greatness of Jesus Christ. He has set the world on fire. 2. The slowness of the progress of the gospel in the world, and of sanctification in the believer, is accounted for. (C. Lankester, B. A.)
II. THAT RELIGION DOES, IN FACT, MAKE A SEPARATION IN FAMILIES, It divides families at the Communion table; in respect of their prospects of future glory, and at the judgment-bar with unerring accuracy. Lessons: Pray more for impenitent children, &c.; contemplate the possibility of a family being united in heaven. (Dr. A. Barites.)Those who are most near, are most easily divided. (Bengel.)
(W. Benham.)
1. We are to remember that social life is not merely the accidental juxtaposition of man with man; it organizes itself. Men stand related to each other in such a way that if one goes out of the circle, it is like the going of one out from a quartette of singers. 2. It is frequently the case that the escape of one from a circle towards a true and high religious life, is hindered on account of the social ambitions which prevail. Circles defend themselves against men going to desert for religion. 3. Another reason why persons endeavour to prevent the escape of men to a higher religious plane, is the judgment and rebuke which is always reflected, by such a course, upon their own career. II. WHAT THE MOTIVES ARE BY WHICH THIS SOCIAL HINDRANCE WORKS. 1. There is the battle of fear into which men go. 2. Next is the battle of interest. Men try to dissuade their fellow-men from true religion on account of the effects which it will have upon their interests in life. 3. Then there are persons who are peculiarly sensitive to praise. They cannot bear the shady side of men's opinions. A circle, by a judicious silence, can make a man feel as though the fogs of Newfoundland were on him. 4. Then there is the battle of dissuasion. III. THE MODES OF RESISTANCE THAT ONE MAY LAWFULLY SET UP AGAINST THESE THINGS. 1. It should be made clear that you are in earnest and sincere. 2. That that which is upon you is not a mere whim. 3. Remember that you need and shall have the help of God. (H. W. Beecher.)
(H. W. Beecher.)
(H. W. Beecher.)
(J. B. Brown, B. A.)
(T. Arnold, D. D.)
1. The love of sympathy. 2. The love of gratitude. 3. The love of moral esteem.In all these respects Christ is entitled to supreme affection. Is love valued in proportion as it is disinterested? Compared with Christ's love man's is selfishness. Or does the greatness of sacrifice testify to the greatness of love? On this ground Christ claims our supreme love, as no human being has sacrificed so much for us as He, no earthly benefactor so great as He. (H. White, M. A.)
I. WHAT IS INCLUDED AND COMPREHENDED IN THAT LOVE TO CHRIST HERE MENTIONED? 1. An esteem and valuation of Christ above all worldly enjoyments. 2. A choosing Him before all other enjoyments. 3. Service and obedience to Him. 4. Acting for Him in opposition to all other things. 5. It imparts a full acquiescence in Him alone, even in the absence and want of all other felicities. II. THE REASON AND MOTIVES WHICH MAY INDUCE US TO THIS LOVE. 1. He is the best able to reward our love. 2. He has shown the greatest love to us. III. THE SIGNS AND CHARACTERS WHEREBY WE MAY DISCERN HIS LOVE. 1. A frequent and, indeed, continual thinking of Him. 2. A willingness to leave the world, whenever God shall think fit, by death, to summon us to nearer converse with Christ. 3. A zeal for His honour, and impatience to hear or see any indignity offered Him. (R. South, D. D.)
2. Its naturalness on the lips of Christ — all of a piece with His other words and deeds. 3. Either, then, Jesus is God and deserves all He claims, or else an impostor and blasphemer. 4. The dilemma we must either crucify Him or acknowledge His pretensions. (Newman Smyth, . D. D.)
1. It may be the giving up of certain pleasures. 2. The endurance of reproach or poverty. 3. The suffering of losses and persecutions for Christ's sake. 4. The consecrating all to Jesus. 5. The endurance of my heavenly Father's will. II. WHAT AM I TO DO WITH IT? 1. I an: deliberately to take it up. 2. I am boldly to face it. It is only a wooden cross after all. 3. I am patiently to endure it, for I have only to carry it a little way. 4. I am cheerfully to resign myself to it, for my Lord appoints it. 5. I am obediently to follow Christ with it.What an honour and a comfort to be treading in His steps! This is the essential point. It is not enough to bear a cross, we must bear it after Jesus. I ought to be thankful that I have only to bear it, and that it does not bear me. It is a royal burden, a sanctified burden, a sanctifying burden, a burden which gives communion with Christ. III. WHAT SHOULD ENCOURGE ME? 1. Necessity: I cannot be a disciple without cross-bearing. 2. Society: better men than I have carried it. 3. Love: Jesus bore a far heavier cross than mine. 4. Faith: grace will be given equal to the weight of the cross. 5. Hope: good to my. self will result from my bearing this load. 6. Zeal: Jesus will be honoured by my patient endurance. 7. Experience: I shall yet find pleasure in it, for it will produce in me much blessing. The cross is a fruitful tree. 8. Expectation: glory will be the reward of it.Let not the ungodly fancy that theirs is a better lot: the Psalmist says, "many sorrows shall be to the wicked." Let not the righteous dread the cross, for it will not crush them: it may be painted with iron colours by our fears, but it is not made of that heavy metal; we can bear it, and we will bear it right joyously. (C. H. Spurgeon.)
(John Spencer.)
(J. E. Vaux.)
(W. Gurnall.)No man, said Flavel, "hath a velvet cross." As an old Yorkshire working-man, a friend of mine, said. "Ah! it is blessed work cross-bearing when it's tied on with love." (Newman Hall.)Welcome the cross of Christ, and bear it triumphantly; but see that it be indeed Christ's cross, and not thine own. (Wilcox.)
(Samuel Rutherford.)
(James Morison, D. D.)
II. WHEN THE PRINCIPLE TAKES A RIGHT DIRECTION, AND WHEN A WRONG DIRECTION. We have shown that the principle which in fallen man is the love of life, was in unfallen man the love of immortality; hence as it is our own aim to return to the privileges of the unfallen state, we give the principle its right direction when we draw it off from the mortal, and fasten it upon the immortal. To find by losing is the principle rightly applied; for this is the mortal surrendered to the immortal. To lose by finding is the principle wrongly applied; for this is the immortal basely exchanged for the mortal. We call upon you to love life, but you must understand what life is; not mere existence. (H. Melvill.)
1. There is first what may properly be called the "seer," men with burning eye to take in visions of the unseen. 2. Then the word prophet merges into our word preacher. 3. But there are two conditions without which no man has a right to this name; a godly life, a special message from God. II. THE TRUE SPIRIT IN WHICH A PROPHET SHOULD BE RECEIVED. 1. The true exercise of our receptive faculties is an important element of our responsibility. 2. Let us receive without prejudice. 3. Let us receive with humility. 4. That such a reception will bring us a " prophet's reward." (J. Brierley, B. A.)
(J. Brierley, B. A.)
(J. Brierley, B. A.)
(J. Brierley, B. A.)When God's rains are descending, and His gracious breezes blowing from off the everlasting hills, keep the soul open. It is a grand opportunity on the receptive side. (J. Brierley, B. A.)
2. The reward affixed to an action may be obtained though the action itself has not been performed. He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet is to obtain the recompense as though he were himself a prophet. There must be division of labour; all working to the same end receive same reward. 3. If our works are susceptible of reward, it seems necessarily to follow that there will be differences in reward, so that the future portion of the righteous will be far from uniform. What the" prophet" receives is not what the " righteous man " receives. 4. That no good work is so inconsiderable as to be excluded from recompense. "Cup of cold water given in the name of a disciple." But if the "cup of cold water" is not to lose its reward, it must be proffered when he who gives it has nothing better to give. (H. Melvill, B. D.)
(H. Melvill, B. D.)
(Dr. Maclaren.)
(Dr. Maclaren.)
(Dr. Maclaren.)
I. THE DUTY OF ACTING FROM CHRISTIAN MOTIVES. 1. Our Saviour points out this by three examples. 2. The duty derives its importance from God's omnipresence and omniscience. The cup of cold water comes under the Divine notice. II. THE INFLUENCE OF OUR ACTIONS UPON THE DESTINIES OF THE FUTURE. 1. The history of nations and individuals proves how the past acts upon the future. 2. The promise of reward by Christ shows how every simple act done with reference to Himself is made to react upon ourselves in a way we should not anticipate apart from revelation. 3. Things done out of Christ, having no connection with His love, will perish. (W. D. Horwood.)
1. In their inherent depravity and their solemn destiny as intended for a state of unending being. 2. In their natural condition of helplessness and weakness amid the circumstances of peril to which they are exposed in their progress through the world. 3. In their influence for good or evil upon the world, and the final account they shall give at the bar of God. II. THE BLESSEDNESS OF THOSE WHO, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF CHRISTIAN MOTIVES, SHALL MAKE THE YOUNG THE OBJECTS OF THEIR DEVOTED CARE. 1. They shall have their reward in the lovely and appropriate fruits with which the objects of their compassionate regard shall be adorned. 2. In the beneficial influence they shall thus originate and perpetuate. 3. In the approbation of their Saviour and their God. (H. Madgin.)
2. When they are the best a man can render. 3. When they are truly rendered to Him. The giving of the cup of cold water, you observe, acquired its character of moral worth from its being given "in the name of a disciple" — given for Christ's sake. It is possible to work in the kingdom of Jesus Christ, and not serve Christ at all. A soldier may go out in his country's wars, and make for himself, by his courage and success, an imperishable name, and yet never really serve his country or his king, but only himself; his one impulse throughout may be not loyalty, not patriotism, but the desire of fame, the desire of power, a motive which never takes the man out of himself. (A Hannay.)
2. Slight services are sufficient to show love for the Saviour. 3. Slight services, after all, may be invaluable services — trivial — "cup of cold water." 4. Slight services shall be richly requited — "He shall in no wise lose his reward." (J. Gage Rigg, B. A,)
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