John 7
Living Water
Debate and Division: Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles

John 7 illuminates Jesus' wisdom, authority, and divine origin in the face of adversity. This chapter prompts us to reconsider our own understanding and judgment, inviting us to believe in Jesus as the Christ, the One sent from God. It offers reassurance that Jesus' teachings, though they may incite controversy or division, ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of His divine nature and mission.

Jesus Goes to the Feast Secretly (John 7:1-10)

Although His brothers taunt Him and don't believe in Him, Jesus travels in secret to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. He instructs His brothers about the right timing and about the world's hatred towards Him.

Jesus Teaches at the Feast (John 7:11-24)

Jesus teaches openly in the temple, astonishing the Jews with His knowledge. He confronts their misunderstanding and misjudgments, declaring that His authority comes from the One who sent Him.

Is This the Christ? (John 7:25-31)

Jesus' declarations cause division among the crowd. Some believe He is the Christ, while others doubt because they know where He comes from, not realizing His divine origin.

Officers Sent to Arrest Jesus (John 7:32-44)

The Pharisees, noticing the crowd's division, send guards to arrest Jesus. However, Jesus continues to teach about His departure and where He will go, which further confuses the crowd.

Division and Belief (John 7:45-52)

The guards return without arresting Jesus, awed by His words. The Pharisees rebuke the guards and Nicodemus for their perceived foolishness, deepening the division among the Jewish leaders themselves.

John 7 presents Jesus navigating the challenges of disbelief, even among his family, and growing hostility from the Jewish leaders. Despite these adversities, Jesus journeys secretly to Jerusalem to teach during the Feast of Tabernacles. His teachings about His divine origin and authority incite both belief and controversy, leading to an attempt to arrest Him.

Jesus' Divine Origin and Authority
Human Misunderstanding and Misjudgment
Division Caused by Jesus' Teachings
Jesus' Secret Journey to the Feast
Jesus' Teachings in the Temple
The Pharisees' Attempt to Arrest Jesus
Jesus Christ
The Disciples
The Jews (including Pharisees)
The Crowd
Jesus' Brothers
The Temple
Bible Study Questions

1. How does Jesus' secret journey to Jerusalem illustrate wisdom and discernment?

2. What can Jesus' response to His brothers teach you about dealing with disbelief or ridicule from close relations?

3. How does Jesus' teaching in the temple highlight His authority and divine origin?

4. How can you relate to the crowd's confusion and division in response to Jesus' teachings?

5. How does the Pharisees' attempt to arrest Jesus reflect their misunderstanding and fear?

6. In what ways do you see similar divisions in society today over Jesus and His teachings?

7. How can Jesus' wisdom and fearlessness in teaching inspire you in your own faith and witness?

8. How does Jesus' response to misunderstanding and misjudgment inform your approach to similar situations?

9. How can the guards' reaction to Jesus' teachings influence your approach to His words?

10. In what ways does Nicodemus' defense of Jesus demonstrate courage and integrity?

11. How does Jesus' teaching about His departure and where He will go deepen your understanding of His mission?

12. How does the division among the Jewish leaders themselves impact your view of religious authorities and consensus?

13. How might you deal with divisions among believers and nonbelievers in your own life?

14. How does this chapter deepen your understanding of Jesus' identity as the Christ?

15. What can you learn from Jesus' patience and persistence in His teaching, despite hostility and disbelief?

16. How can Jesus' teachings help you handle misjudgments in your own life?

17. How does the crowd's confusion over Jesus' origin challenge your understanding of Him?

18. In what ways can the divisions caused by Jesus' teachings inform your approach to controversial or difficult topics in your faith?

19. How can you embody the wisdom and courage displayed by Jesus in your personal and spiritual life?

20. What steps can you take to deepen your understanding and acceptance of Jesus' divine origin and authority, as presented in this chapter?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

John 6
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