Garments for the Priests 1And take thou vnto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sonnes with him from among the children of Israel, that Aaron may minister vnto me in the priestes office, Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aarons sonnes. 2And thou shalt make holy rayment for Aaron thy brother, glorious and beautifull. 3And thou shalt speake vnto all that are wise hearted, whom I haue filled with the spirite of wisdome, that they make Aarons rayment to consecrate him, that he may minister vnto me in the priestes office. 4These are the garmentes which they shall make, a brestlap and an ephod, a tunicle, a brodered coate, a miter, and a girdle, these holy garmentes shall they make for Aaron thy brother and his sonnes, that they may minister vnto me in the priestes office. 5And let them take golde, blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twined silke, The Ephod 6They shall make the ephod of golde, blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twined silke, with brodered worke.
7The two sides shall come together, and be closed vp in the two edges therof.
8And the girdle of the ephod shalbe of the same workmanship, and of the same stuffe, euen of golde, blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twined silke.
9And thou shalt take two Onyx stones, and graue in them the names of the children of Israel.
10Sixe names of them in the one stone, and the other sixe in the other stone, accordyng to their birth.
11After the worke of a stone grauer and of him that graueth signettes, shalt thou graue the two stones, with the names of the children of Israel, and shalt make them to be set in ouches of golde.
12And thou shalt put the two stones vpon the two shoulders of the ephod The Breastpiece 15And thou shalt make the brestlap of iudgement with brodered worke: euen after the worke of the ephod thou shalt make it Additional Priestly Garments 31And thou shalt make the tunicle vnto the Ephod, altogether of blewe silke.
32And there shalbe an hole for the head in the middest of it, hauyng a bonde of wouen worke rounde about the coller of it, as it were the coller of a partlet, that it rent not.
33And beneath vpon the hem, thou shalt make pomgranates of blewe sylke, and of purple, and of scarlet, rounde about the hem, and belles of gold betweene them rounde about.
34And let there be euer a golden bell and a pomgranate: a golden bell and a pomgranate rounde about vpon the hem of the tunicle.
35And Aaron shall haue it vpon hym when he ministreth, and the sound shalbe hearde when he goeth into the holy place before the Lorde, & when he commeth out: and he shall not dye.
36And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and graue theron as signettes are grauen, the holynes of the Lorde.
37And put it on a blewe sylke lase to be vpon the mytre, euen vpon the forefront of it.
38And it shalbe vpon Aarons forehead, that Aaron may beare the sinne of the holy thinges, whiche the children of Israel halowe in all their holy gyftes: and it shalbe alwayes vpon his forehead, for the reconciling of them before the Lorde.
39And thou shalt make a coate of white sylke, embrodered with knottes, & thou shalt make a mytre of whyte sylke, and a gyrdle of needle worke.
40And thou shalt make for Aarons sonnes also coates, and thou shalt make for them gyrdles, & bonettes shalt thou make for them, glorious and bewtiful.
41And thou shalt put them vpon Aaron thy brother, & on his sonnes with hym, and shalt annoynt them, and fill their handes, & sanctifie them, that they may minister vnto me in the priestes office.
42And thou shalt make them lynnen sloppes to couer their priuities: fro the loynes vnto ye thighes they shal reache.
43And they shalbe vpon Aaron and his sonnes when they come into the tabercle of the congregatio, or whe they come vnto the aulter to minister in holines: that they beare no sinne, & so dye. And it shalbe a lawe for euer vnto Aaron, and his seede after him. |