For Mordecai the Jew was second only to King Xerxes, preeminent among the Jews and highly favored by his many kinsmen, seeking the good of his people and speaking peace to all his countrymen. People Ahasuerus, MordecaiPlaces Media, Persia, SusaTopics Accepted, Ahasuerus, Ahasu-e'rus, Body, Brethren, Brothers, Countrymen, Descendants, Esteem, Favor, Fellow, Held, Jew, Jews, Kinsmen, Mordecai, Mor'decai, Multitude, Nation, Peace, Popular, Preeminent, Rank, Respected, Saying, Seed, Seeking, Sought, Speaking, Spoke, Wealth, Welfare, Worked, Working, XerxesOutline 1. Xerxes' greatness.3. Mordecai's advancement. |