Isaiah 2
Peshitta Holy Bible Translated Par ▾ 
1The matter that Eshaiya, son of Amuts, saw about Yehuda and about Jerusalem

2It shall be in the last days, he sets in order the Mountain of The House of LORD JEHOVAH at the top of the mountains, and higher than the hills, and all the nations shall look for it

3And the many nations shall go and they shall say: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of LORD JEHOVAH, and to the house of The God of Yaqob, and we shall learn of his ways and we shall walk in his steps, because The Law has gone out from Zion and The Word of LORD JEHOVAH from Jerusalem”

4And he shall judge among the nations and he shall rebuke the many nations who are distant, and they shall beat their swords to the blades of a plow, and their spears to sickles, and nation shall not take up the sword against nation, and they shall learn war no more

5House of Yaqob, come, let us go into the light of LORD JEHOVAH

6Because you have forsaken your people of the house of Yaqob, because they were full like that of former time, and they practice divination like the Philistines, and they have raised a multitude of estranged children

7And their land was filled with silver and gold and there is no end to their treasures, and their land was filled with horses and there is no limit to their chariots

8And their land was filled with idols. They were bowing down to the work of their hands, to that which their fingers made

9And a man is humbled, and the mighty man is fallen, and you shall not forgive them

10Enter into the rock and fall like rain into the dust from before the awe of LORD JEHOVAH, and from the excellency of his strength

11The lofty eyes of man shall be humbled and the high place of man shall be laid low, and LORD JEHOVAH alone shall prevail in that day

12Because the day of LORD JEHOVAH is upon everyone who is proud and lifted up and upon everyone who is exalted, that he shall be humbled

13And upon all the cedars of Lebanon that are high and exalted, and upon all the oaks of Bayshan

14And upon all the mountains that are high and upon every high hill

15And upon every high tower and upon every wall that is fortified

16And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all the desirable sights

17And the loftiness of man shall be laid low, and the pride of man shall be fallen, and LORD JEHOVAH alone shall prevail in that day

18And the idols shall completely pass away from the Earth

19And they shall enter into caves of stone and into holes of the dirt from before the awe of LORD JEHOVAH and from the excellence of his strength, whenever he rises to tread the Earth

20In that day men shall throw idols of gold and of silver, that they had made for themselves to worship, to nothingness and to the bats

21To enter into caves of flint and into cliffs of stone from before the awe of LORD JEHOVAH and from the excellence of his strength, whenever he rises to tread the Earth

22Withdraw yourselves from man whose breath is in his nostrils, for as what is he esteemed?

The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated
Translated by Glenn David Bauscher
Glenn David Bauscher
Lulu Publishing
Copyright © 2018 Lulu Publishing
3rd edition Copyright © 2019

Isaiah 1
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