And the king answered them harshly. King Rehoboam rejected the advice of the elders People Abijah, Adoniram, Ahijah, David, Hadoram, Israelites, Jeroboam, Jesse, Nebat, Rehoboam, SolomonPlaces Egypt, Jerusalem, ShechemTopics Advice, Aged, Answereth, Attention, Counsel, Elders, Forsaketh, Forsaking, Forsook, Harshly, Rehoboam, Rejecting, Rough, Roughly, Sharply, SuggestionOutline 1. The Israelites, assembled at Shechem to crown Rehoboam, 3. by Jeroboam make a suit of relaxation unto him,6. Rehoboam, refusing the old mens' counsel, answers them roughly,16. Ten tribes revolting, kill Hadoram, and make Rehoboam flee |