Titles and Names of Christ: Our Passover
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The title "Our Passover" ascribed to Christ is deeply rooted in the typology of the Old Testament Passover event and finds its fulfillment in the New Testament. This title is primarily derived from the Apostle Paul's epistle to the Corinthians, where he explicitly states, "For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed" (1 Corinthians 5:7). This designation encapsulates the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, drawing a parallel between the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt and the salvation of believers from sin.

Old Testament Background

The Passover was instituted in Exodus 12, where God commanded the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb without blemish and apply its blood to the doorposts of their homes. This act of faith would spare them from the judgment that was to come upon Egypt, as the Lord passed over the houses marked by the blood. The Passover lamb thus became a symbol of deliverance and divine protection.

Fulfillment in Christ

In the New Testament, Jesus is identified as the ultimate fulfillment of the Passover lamb. His sacrificial death on the cross is seen as the means by which believers are delivered from the bondage of sin and the impending judgment of God. The Apostle John records John the Baptist's proclamation, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29), further affirming Jesus as the sacrificial lamb.

Theological Significance

The title "Our Passover" emphasizes several key theological themes:

1. Substitutionary Atonement: Just as the Passover lamb was a substitute for the firstborn of Israel, Christ's death serves as a substitutionary atonement for sinners. His blood, like that of the lamb, marks believers, signifying their redemption and protection from divine wrath.

2. Redemption and Deliverance: The Passover event was a pivotal moment of liberation for the Israelites. Similarly, Christ's sacrifice is the means by which believers are redeemed from the slavery of sin and granted freedom in Him.

3. Covenantal Fulfillment: The Passover was a covenantal sign for Israel, and in Christ, the new covenant is established. His blood, shed for many, inaugurates this new covenant, as He declared at the Last Supper, "This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28).

4. Eschatological Hope: The Passover not only looked back to the deliverance from Egypt but also forward to the ultimate redemption. In Christ, believers have the hope of eternal life and the promise of a future exodus from the presence of sin and death.

Liturgical and Ecclesial Implications

The celebration of the Lord's Supper, or Communion, is a continual reminder of Christ as "Our Passover." The breaking of bread and sharing of the cup symbolize His body and blood, commemorating His sacrificial death and the believer's participation in His redemptive work. The Apostle Paul exhorts the church to "keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth" (1 Corinthians 5:8), urging believers to live in the purity and holiness that Christ's sacrifice enables.

In summary, the title "Our Passover" richly conveys the depth of Christ's sacrificial love and the comprehensive nature of His redemptive work, drawing believers into a profound understanding of their salvation and calling in Him.
Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Corinthians 5:7
Purge out therefore the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, as you are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Hymns and Spiritual Songs
... Hymn 1:147. The names and titles of Christ, from several scriptures. Hymn 1:148.
As the 148th Psalm. ... Hymn 2:155. Christ our passover. Hymn 2:156. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/watts/hymns and spiritual songs/

An Index to Find any Hymn by the Title or Contents of It.
... to by angels, 2:112, 2:113; miracles at the birth of Christ, 2:136 ... his life, death,
and resurrection, 2:137; and Moses, 1:49, 1:118; names and titles, 1:147 ...
/.../christianbookshelf.org/watts/hymns and spiritual songs/an index to find any.htm

Indexes and Tables
... [1449]112, [1450]113; miracles at the birth of Christ, ii. ... and Moses, i. [1453]49,
[1454]118; names and titles, i. [1455]147, [1456]148, [1457]149; ...
/.../watts/the psalms and hymns of isaac watts/indexes and tables.htm

The Psalms and Hymns of Isaac Watts
... From several scriptures. HYMN 148 The names and titles of Christ. From several
scriptures. HYMN 149 The offices of Christ. ... HYMN 155 Christ our passover. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/watts/the psalms and hymns of isaac watts/

The Gospels
... The titles, taken by themselves, are therefore compatible with the ... and that he had
prefixed the names of the ... they showed that they believed that Christ died on ...
/.../pullan/the books of the new testament/chapter ii the gospels.htm

Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John
... Interpreted by the Same Method as the Other Titles of Christ ... is to Be Paid to the
Proper Names in Scripture ... 8. How Christ Abides with Believers to the End of the ...
//christianbookshelf.org/origen/origens commentary on the gospel of john/

The Pentateuch.
... The Hebrew titles of the several books are taken ... are] the names; or more briefly:
Shemoth, names. ... the Mosaic economy, for it prefigured Christ our great High ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xix the pentateuch.htm

The Lord's Supper
... What names and titles in Scripture are given to the sacrament? ... This sours our holy
things. Will a humble Christ be received into a proud heart? ...
//christianbookshelf.org/watson/the ten commandments/4 5 the lords supper.htm

Homilies on the Gospel of John.
... Christ, His humility, [214]13, [215]204; His condescension ... 68; showed His authority
in changing names, [242]ib ... ib.; His humility and meekness our example, [554 ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homilies on the gospel of.htm

Christ a Complete Saviour:
... are his, and that by the best of titles: 'Thine they ... has said already, 'I will not
take up their names into my ... Then, hence, I infer that Christ is not only the ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/christ a complete saviour .htm

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Titles and Names of Christ: Adam, Second

Titles and Names of Christ: Advocate

Titles and Names of Christ: Almighty

Titles and Names of Christ: Alpha and Omega

Titles and Names of Christ: Amen

Titles and Names of Christ: Angel

Titles and Names of Christ: Angel of God's Presence

Titles and Names of Christ: Angel of the Lord

Titles and Names of Christ: Apostle

Titles and Names of Christ: Arm of the Lord

Titles and Names of Christ: Author and Finisher or Our Faith

Titles and Names of Christ: Beginning of the Creation of God

Titles and Names of Christ: Blessed and Only Potentate

Titles and Names of Christ: Branch

Titles and Names of Christ: Bread of Life

Titles and Names of Christ: Captain of Salvation

Titles and Names of Christ: Captain of the Lord's Hosts

Titles and Names of Christ: Chief Corner-Stone

Titles and Names of Christ: Chief Shepherd

Titles and Names of Christ: Christ of God

Titles and Names of Christ: Commander

Titles and Names of Christ: Consolation of Israel

Titles and Names of Christ: Counsellor

Titles and Names of Christ: David

Titles and Names of Christ: Day-Spring

Titles and Names of Christ: Deliverer

Titles and Names of Christ: Desire of all Nations

Titles and Names of Christ: Door

Titles and Names of Christ: Elect of God

Titles and Names of Christ: Emmanuel

Titles and Names of Christ: Eternal Life

Titles and Names of Christ: Everlasting Father

Titles and Names of Christ: Faithful Witness

Titles and Names of Christ: First and Last

Titles and Names of Christ: First-Begotten of the Dead

Titles and Names of Christ: First-Born of Every Creature

Titles and Names of Christ: Forerunner

Titles and Names of Christ: Glory of the Lord

Titles and Names of Christ: God

Titles and Names of Christ: God Blessed for Ever

Titles and Names of Christ: God's Fellow

Titles and Names of Christ: Good Shepherd

Titles and Names of Christ: Governor

Titles and Names of Christ: Great High Priest

Titles and Names of Christ: Head of the Church

Titles and Names of Christ: Heir of all Things

Titles and Names of Christ: Holy One

Titles and Names of Christ: Holy One of God

Titles and Names of Christ: Holy One of Israel

Titles and Names of Christ: Horn of Salvation

Titles and Names of Christ: I Am

Titles and Names of Christ: Jehovah

Titles and Names of Christ: Jesus

Titles and Names of Christ: Judge of Israel

Titles and Names of Christ: Just One

Titles and Names of Christ: King

Titles and Names of Christ: King of Israel

Titles and Names of Christ: King of Kings

Titles and Names of Christ: King of Saints

Titles and Names of Christ: King of the Jews

Titles and Names of Christ: Lamb

Titles and Names of Christ: Lamb of God

Titles and Names of Christ: Law Giver

Titles and Names of Christ: Leader

Titles and Names of Christ: Life

Titles and Names of Christ: Light of the World

Titles and Names of Christ: Lion of the Tribe of Judah

Titles and Names of Christ: Lord God Almighty

Titles and Names of Christ: Lord God of the Holy Prophets

Titles and Names of Christ: Lord of All

Titles and Names of Christ: Lord of Glory

Titles and Names of Christ: Lord Our Righteousness

Titles and Names of Christ: Mediator

Titles and Names of Christ: Messenger of the Covenant

Titles and Names of Christ: Messiah

Titles and Names of Christ: Mighty God

Titles and Names of Christ: Mighty One of Jacob

Titles and Names of Christ: Morning-Star

Titles and Names of Christ: Nazarene

Titles and Names of Christ: Offspring of David

Titles and Names of Christ: Only-Begotten

Titles and Names of Christ: Our Passover

Titles and Names of Christ: Plant of Renown

Titles and Names of Christ: Prince of Life

Titles and Names of Christ: Prince of Peace

Titles and Names of Christ: Prince of the Kings of the Earth

Titles and Names of Christ: Prophet

Titles and Names of Christ: Ransom

Titles and Names of Christ: Redeemer

Titles and Names of Christ: Resurrection and Life

Titles and Names of Christ: Rock

Titles and Names of Christ: Root of David

Titles and Names of Christ: Root of Jesse

Titles and Names of Christ: Ruler of Israel

Titles and Names of Christ: Saviour

Titles and Names of Christ: Servant

Titles and Names of Christ: Shepherd and Bishop of Souls

Titles and Names of Christ: Shiloh

Titles and Names of Christ: Son of David

Titles and Names of Christ: Son of God

Titles and Names of Christ: Son of Man

Titles and Names of Christ: Son of the Blessed

Titles and Names of Christ: Son of the Highest

Titles and Names of Christ: Star

Titles and Names of Christ: Sun of Righteousness

Titles and Names of Christ: Surety

Titles and Names of Christ: True God

Titles and Names of Christ: True Light

Titles and Names of Christ: True Vine

Titles and Names of Christ: Truth

Titles and Names of Christ: Way

Titles and Names of Christ: Wisdom

Titles and Names of Christ: Witness

Titles and Names of Christ: Wonderful

Titles and Names of Christ: Word

Titles and Names of Christ: Word of God

Titles and Names of Christ: Word of Life

Titles and Names of Ministers: Ambassadors for Christ

Titles and Names of Ministers: Angels of the Church

Titles and Names of Ministers: Apostles

Titles and Names of Ministers: Apostles of Jesus Christ

Titles and Names of Ministers: Bishops

Titles and Names of Ministers: Deacons

Titles and Names of Ministers: Elders

Titles and Names of Ministers: Evangelists

Titles and Names of Ministers: Fishers of Men

Titles and Names of Ministers: Labourers

Titles and Names of Ministers: Messengers of the Church

Titles and Names of Ministers: Messengers of the Lord of Hosts

Titles and Names of Ministers: Ministers of Christ

Titles and Names of Ministers: Ministers of God

Titles and Names of Ministers: Ministers of Righteousness

Titles and Names of Ministers: Ministers of the Church

Titles and Names of Ministers: Ministers of the Gospel

Titles and Names of Ministers: Ministers of the Lord

Titles and Names of Ministers: Ministers of the New Testament

Titles and Names of Ministers: Ministers of the Sanctuary

Titles and Names of Ministers: Ministers of the Word

Titles and Names of Ministers: Overseers

Titles and Names of Ministers: Pastors

Titles and Names of Ministers: Preachers

Titles and Names of Ministers: Servants of God

Titles and Names of Ministers: Servants of Jesus Christ

Titles and Names of Ministers: Servants of the Church

Titles and Names of Ministers: Servants of the Lord

Titles and Names of Ministers: Shepherds

Titles and Names of Ministers: Soldiers of Christ

Titles and Names of Ministers: Stars

Titles and Names of Ministers: Stewards of God

Titles and Names of Ministers: Stewards of the Grace of God

Titles and Names of Ministers: Stewards of the Mysteries of God

Titles and Names of Ministers: Teachers

Titles and Names of Ministers: Watchmen

Titles and Names of Ministers: Witnesses

Titles and Names of Ministers: Workers Together With God

Titles and Names of Saints: Believers

Titles and Names of Saints: Beloved Brethren

Titles and Names of Saints: Beloved of God

Titles and Names of Saints: Blessed of the Father

Titles and Names of Saints: Blessed of the Lord

Titles and Names of Saints: Brethren

Titles and Names of Saints: Brethren of Christ

Titles and Names of Saints: Called of Jesus Christ

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of Abraham

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of God

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of Jacob

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of Light

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of Promise

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of the Bride-Chamber

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of the Day

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of the Father

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of the Free-Woman

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of the Highest

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of the Kingdom

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of the Living God

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of the Lord

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of the Resurrection

Titles and Names of Saints: Children of Zion

Titles and Names of Saints: Chosen Generation

Titles and Names of Saints: Chosen Ones

Titles and Names of Saints: Chosen Vessels

Titles and Names of Saints: Christians

Titles and Names of Saints: Dear Children

Titles and Names of Saints: Disciples of Christ

Titles and Names of Saints: Elect of God

Titles and Names of Saints: Epistles of Christ

Titles and Names of Saints: Excellent, The

Titles and Names of Saints: Faithful Brethren in Christ

Titles and Names of Saints: Faithful of the Land

Titles and Names of Saints: Faithful, The

Titles and Names of Saints: Fellow-Citizens With the Saints

Titles and Names of Saints: Fellow-Heirs

Titles and Names of Saints: Fellow-Servants

Titles and Names of Saints: Friends of Christ

Titles and Names of Saints: Friends of God

Titles and Names of Saints: Godly, The

Titles and Names of Saints: Heirs of God

Titles and Names of Saints: Heirs of Promise

Titles and Names of Saints: Heirs of Salvation

Titles and Names of Saints: Heirs of the Grace of Life

Titles and Names of Saints: Heirs of the Kingdom

Titles and Names of Saints: Holy Brethren

Titles and Names of Saints: Holy Nation

Titles and Names of Saints: Holy People

Titles and Names of Saints: Holy Priesthood

Titles and Names of Saints: Joint-Heirs With Christ

Titles and Names of Saints: Just, The

Titles and Names of Saints: Kingdom of Priests

Titles and Names of Saints: Kings and Priests to God

Titles and Names of Saints: Lambs

Titles and Names of Saints: Lights of the World

Titles and Names of Saints: Little Children

Titles and Names of Saints: Lively Stones

Titles and Names of Saints: Members of Christ

Titles and Names of Saints: Men of God

Titles and Names of Saints: Obedient Children

Titles and Names of Saints: Peculiar People

Titles and Names of Saints: Peculiar Treasure

Titles and Names of Saints: People Near to God

Titles and Names of Saints: People of God

Titles and Names of Saints: People Saved by the Lord

Titles and Names of Saints: Pillars in the Temple of God

Titles and Names of Saints: Ransomed of the Lord

Titles and Names of Saints: Redeemed of the Lord

Titles and Names of Saints: Royal Priesthood

Titles and Names of Saints: Salt of the Earth

Titles and Names of Saints: Servants of Christ

Titles and Names of Saints: Servants of Righteousness

Titles and Names of Saints: Sheep of Christ

Titles and Names of Saints: Sojourners With God

Titles and Names of Saints: Sons of God

Related Terms

Apostles (79 Occurrences)

Songs (100 Occurrences)

Baal (94 Occurrences)

Nazarene (19 Occurrences)

Rab-saris (3 Occurrences)

Rabsaris (3 Occurrences)

Prince (160 Occurrences)


Rabbi (51 Occurrences)

Degrees (18 Occurrences)

Abimelech (63 Occurrences)


Hind (4 Occurrences)

Psalms (44 Occurrences)

Neginah (1 Occurrence)


Leannoth (2 Occurrences)

Iconium (6 Occurrences)

Three (5005 Occurrences)

Tirshatha (5 Occurrences)

Ezrahite (5 Occurrences)

Duke (14 Occurrences)

Doctor (5 Occurrences)

Deputy (7 Occurrences)

Claim (30 Occurrences)


Malachi (2 Occurrences)

Stranger (152 Occurrences)

Saint (5 Occurrences)

Sir (90 Occurrences)

Shebna (9 Occurrences)

Flame (61 Occurrences)

Bel (3 Occurrences)

Numbers (136 Occurrences)

Dragon (20 Occurrences)

Syriac (2 Occurrences)

Philippi (8 Occurrences)

Pharaoh (245 Occurrences)

Kings (350 Occurrences)

Son (25967 Occurrences)

Queen (59 Occurrences)

Virginity (12 Occurrences)

Ziph (9 Occurrences)

Zerubbabel (25 Occurrences)

Zobah (15 Occurrences)

Neginoth (6 Occurrences)

Nehiloth (2 Occurrences)

Name (10157 Occurrences)

Oracle (57 Occurrences)

Jashar (2 Occurrences)

Jupiter (3 Occurrences)

Jeshurun (4 Occurrences)

Lady (37 Occurrences)

Inherit (98 Occurrences)

Inscription (18 Occurrences)

Tetrarch (5 Occurrences)

Theophilus (2 Occurrences)

Transfer (6 Occurrences)

Tartan (2 Occurrences)

Rest (831 Occurrences)

Rabmag (2 Occurrences)

Eduth (3 Occurrences)

Evangelist (2 Occurrences)

Emperor (5 Occurrences)

Doeg (6 Occurrences)

Mahalath (6 Occurrences)

Muthlabben (2 Occurrences)

Muth-labben (1 Occurrence)

Morning (264 Occurrences)

Pretend (9 Occurrences)

Pergamos (1 Occurrence)

Property (212 Occurrences)

Pergamum (2 Occurrences)

Publius (2 Occurrences)

Baali (1 Occurrence)

Bring (1372 Occurrences)

Ban (12 Occurrences)

Bastard (2 Occurrences)

Color (18 Occurrences)

Titles and Names of Christ: Only-Begotten
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