Pillars: The Church
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Timothy 3:15
But if I tarry long, that you may know how you ought to behave yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The General Service of the Holy Fathers, in Remembrance of ...
... The wisdom of God hath fixed seven pillars " Thy church, O Master, by the sevenfold
number of the councils of the holy fathers, which is being undeviatingly ...
/.../anonymous/the general menaion/chapter v1 the general service.htm

Christ Glorified as the Builder of his Church
... in the wilderness to Moses, doubtless showed the pattern of the temple to Solomon,
so that the pillars, and the roof ... Christ has made the plan of his church. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/christ glorified as the builder.htm

The Decree against us which was Engraved on Pillars.
... to insert here this document of Maximinus which was posted on pillars, in order
that ... finished their journey, God, the defender of his own Church, exhibited his ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter vii the decree against us.htm

Final Settlement of the Church by St. John
... To St. Peter, one of the "pillars" of the Church, it had been given to begin the
great work of laying the foundation of the Mystical Temple of God; to St. ...
/.../a key to the knowledge of church history/chapter iv final settlement of.htm

Whether He that is Appointed to the Episcopate Ought to be Better ...
... Hence Jerome, commenting on Titus 1:5, says against certain persons that "some seek
to erect as pillars of the Church, not those whom they know to be more ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether he that is appointed.htm

He Also Erected his Own Sepulchral Monument in this Church.
... He accordingly caused twelve coffins to be set up in this church, like sacred pillars
in honor and memory of the apostolic number, in the center of which his ...
/.../pamphilius/the life of constantine/chapter lx he also erected his.htm

Comparison Between the False Church and the True.
... Epist.48). As instances, he mentions that the strongest pillars of the Church often
bravely endured exile for the faith, or lay hid throughout the world. ...
/.../the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 2 comparison between the.htm

Enumeration of the Illustrious Men in the Church who in their ...
... as originators and champions of the word whole nations, cities, custom going back
beyond the memory of man, men who were pillars of the church and conspicuous ...
/.../basil/basil letters and select works/chapter xxix enumeration of the.htm

The Service Common to Two or Many Hierarchs.
... ye have appeared as the pillars of the church and the inalienable riches of piety,
your life ye have made illustrious through impassiveness and have expounded ...
/.../anonymous/the general menaion/chapter xi the service common.htm

Ephesians iv. 4
... And as to the cause, it has devoured the supports of the very pillars of the Church;
those of us who supported the roof, and who formerly held the whole ...
/.../homily x ephesians iv 4.htm

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