So we have brought to the LORD an offering of the gold articles each man acquired--armlets, bracelets, rings, earrings, and necklaces--to make atonement for ourselves before the LORD." People Balaam, Beor, Daniel, Eleazar, Evi, Hur, Israelites, Levites, Midianites, Moses, Phinehas, Reba, Rekem, ZurPlaces Jericho, Jordan River, Midian, Moab, PeorTopics Acquired, Ankle-chains, Armlets, Arm-rings, Articles, Atonement, Bead, Beads, Bracelet, Bracelets, Bring, Chain, Chains, Ear'-ring, Earrings, Ear-rings, Finger-rings, Free, Girdles, Gold, Gotten, Jewels, Leg-chains, Lord's, Necklaces, Neck-ornaments, Oblation, Obtained, Offering, Ornaments, Ourselves, Present, Rings, Seal-ring, Signet, Signet-rings, Sin, Souls, Tablets, Vessels, WarOutline 1. The Midianites are spoiled, and Balaam slain13. Moses is angry with the officers, for saving the women alive19. How the soldiers, with their captives and spoil, are to be purified25. The proportion in which the prey is to be divided48. The voluntary offering unto the treasure of the LordJump to Previous Armlets Articles Atonement Bracelets Chains Earrings Ear-Rings Jewels Necklaces Oblation Obtained Offering Rings Signet Signet-Rings Souls TabletsJump to Next Armlets Articles Atonement Bracelets Chains Earrings Ear-Rings Jewels Necklaces Oblation Obtained Offering Rings Signet Signet-Rings Souls TabletsLibrary Numbers Like the last part of Exodus, and the whole of Leviticus, the first part of Numbers, i.-x. 28--so called,[1] rather inappropriately, from the census in i., iii., (iv.), xxvi.--is unmistakably priestly in its interests and language. Beginning with a census of the men of war (i.) and the order of the camp (ii.), it devotes specific attention to the Levites, their numbers and duties (iii., iv.). Then follow laws for the exclusion of the unclean, v. 1-4, for determining the manner and amount of restitution … John Edgar McFadyen—Introduction to the Old TestamentParallel Verses NASB: "So we have brought as an offering to the LORD what each man found, articles of gold, armlets and bracelets, signet rings, earrings and necklaces, to make atonement for ourselves before the LORD."KJV: We have therefore brought an oblation for the LORD, what every man hath gotten, of jewels of gold, chains, and bracelets, rings, earrings, and tablets, to make an atonement for our souls before the LORD.
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