Topical Encyclopedia In the context of the Bible, the concept of an "accident" is not explicitly defined as it is in modern terminology. However, the Scriptures do address events that occur unexpectedly or without apparent intention, which can be understood as accidents. From a conservative Christian viewpoint, accidents are often seen within the framework of divine providence and human responsibility.Biblical References and Context 1. Accidental Death and Cities of Refuge: One of the clearest biblical references to accidental events is found in the laws concerning accidental death. In the Old Testament, God provided for cities of refuge where someone who had killed another unintentionally could flee for safety. Numbers 35:11-12 states, "Select for yourselves cities to be your cities of refuge, so that a manslayer who kills someone unintentionally may flee there. These cities will be a refuge from the avenger, so that the manslayer will not die until he stands trial before the assembly." This provision underscores the distinction between intentional murder and accidental killing, highlighting God's justice and mercy. 2. Deuteronomy 19:4-5 further elaborates on this: "Now this is the case of the manslayer who flees there to live: When someone kills his neighbor unintentionally, without having hated him in the past, as when a man goes into the forest with his neighbor to cut timber and his hand swings the axe to cut down a tree, but the iron head slips from the handle and strikes his neighbor so that he dies, he may flee to one of these cities and live." 3. Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility: While accidents may seem random or chaotic, the Bible affirms God's sovereignty over all events. Proverbs 16:33 states, "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD." This suggests that even seemingly random events are under God's control. From a conservative Christian perspective, this does not negate human responsibility but rather assures believers of God's ultimate authority and purpose. 4. Ecclesiastes 9:11 reflects on the unpredictability of life: "I saw something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all." This passage acknowledges the role of unforeseen events in human experience, yet within the broader biblical narrative, these are still under God's sovereign will. 5. Moral and Ethical Implications: The Bible's treatment of accidents, particularly in the context of accidental death, emphasizes the importance of intent and the heart's condition. The provision of cities of refuge illustrates God's concern for justice and the protection of the innocent, while also providing a means for reconciliation and restoration. Theological Considerations From a conservative Christian viewpoint, accidents are understood within the tension between God's sovereignty and human free will. While humans may perceive events as accidental, God's omniscience and omnipotence assure believers that nothing occurs outside His divine plan. This perspective encourages trust in God's goodness and wisdom, even amidst life's uncertainties. Furthermore, the biblical approach to accidents underscores the value of human life and the importance of community and justice. The laws regarding accidental death and refuge cities reflect a deep concern for both the victim and the perpetrator, promoting a society that values life, justice, and mercy. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (n.) Literally, a befalling; an event that takes place without one's foresight or expectation; an undesigned, sudden, and unexpected event; chance; contingency; often, an undesigned and unforeseen occurrence of an afflictive or unfortunate character; a casualty; a mishap; as, to die by an accident.2. (n.) A property attached to a word, but not essential to it, as gender, number, case. 3. (n.) A point or mark which may be retained or omitted in a coat of arms. 4. (n.) A property or quality of a thing which is not essential to it, as whiteness in paper; an attribute. 5. (n.) A quality or attribute in distinction from the substance, as sweetness, softness. 6. (n.) Any accidental property, fact, or relation; an accidental or nonessential; as, beauty is an accident. 7. (n.) Unusual appearance or effect. Greek 4795. sugkuria -- chance ... Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: sugkuria Phonetic Spelling: (soong-koo-ree'-ah) Short Definition: a coincidence, accident, chance Definition: ... // - 7k 5177. tugchano -- to hit, hit upon, meet, happen 4941. Suntuche -- "happy event," Syntyche, a Christian woman at ... Strong's Hebrew 4745. miqreh -- accident, chance, fortune... 4744, 4745. miqreh. 4746 . accident, chance, fortune. Transliteration: miqreh Phonetic Spelling: (mik-reh') Short Definition: fate. ... /hebrew/4745.htm - 6k 7137. qareh -- chance, accident 6293. paga -- to meet, encounter, reach 6298. pagash -- to meet, encounter 7136. qarah -- to encounter, meet, befall 6295. Pagiel -- "occurrence of God," an Asherite Library Whether a Circumstance is an Accident of a Human Act? Whether There is any Accident in God Remarkable Accident to Wesley An Accident and a Long Sermon Nothing is Spoken of God According to Accident, but According to ... For it is Impossible that the Good which is the Result of Accident ... Whether a Habit Can Diminish? Whether the Soul is the Subject of Habit in Respect of Its Essence ... Whether the Accidents Remain in this Sacrament Without a Subject? Whether in God There are any Accidents? Thesaurus Accident (3 Occurrences)... chance; contingency; often, an undesigned and unforeseen occurrence of an afflictive or unfortunate character; a casualty; a mishap; as, to die by an accident. ... /a/accident.htm - 8k Victim (3 Occurrences) Beauty (98 Occurrences) Venture (10 Occurrences) Uzza (10 Occurrences) Uzzah (10 Occurrences) Untoward (1 Occurrence) Judaeus Liable (7 Occurrences) Lose (59 Occurrences) Resources What is Branhamism? | GotQuestions.orgWhat does the Bible say about an out of body experience / astral projection? | What does it mean that Esther was appointed “for such a time as this”? | Accident: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Accident (3 Occurrences)Deuteronomy 23:10 1 Samuel 6:9 1 Samuel 20:26 Subtopics Related Terms |