Christian view on sweepstakes?
What is the Christian perspective on sweepstakes and contests?

Definition and Scope

Sweepstakes and contests typically involve a chance to win prizes-whether cash, goods, or services-by entering a drawing or competition, often with minimal or no entry fee or purchase required. These activities can range from large-scale national promotions to smaller local events. While the Bible does not explicitly mention or forbid modern-day sweepstakes or contests, it does provide overarching principles that guide believers’ attitudes regarding such pursuits.

Biblical Principles of Stewardship

The Scriptures continually emphasize the importance of responsible stewardship. Since every resource ultimately comes from the Creator, believers are called to use their time, money, and abilities wisely. Proverbs 13:11 states, “Dishonest wealth will dwindle, but he who gathers by labor will increase it.” This principle encourages gathering and earning resources through diligent work rather than relying on quick, chance-based gains.

Sweepstakes and contests may not always be “dishonest wealth,” but they do present an opportunity for self-examination: Does entering them reflect a heart seeking quick riches, or is it simply an occasional leisure activity pursued responsibly? Luke 16:10 reminds us that “Whoever is faithful with very little is also faithful with much.” The way believers handle potential winnings-even from something as seemingly harmless as a contest-reveals how they embrace or neglect their stewardship responsibilities.

Guarding Against Greed

Scripture repeatedly warns against the love of money and the powerful grip it can have on the heart. First Timothy 6:10 cautions that “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” While participating in sweepstakes or contests can be done innocently, the risk of greed lingering in the heart is real.

Believers are urged to ask themselves questions such as:

• Am I placing my hope in the unlikely chance of a big win rather than in God’s provision?

• Am I frequently daydreaming about financial windfalls, potentially overlooking the sufficiency of God’s daily bread?

• Am I risking relationships or integrity for the sake of possible gain?

Contests that spark envy, discontentment, or covetous thoughts may be signs that one’s engagement with such promotions is hindering spiritual growth or overshadowing trust in God’s sovereignty.

Heart Attitude and Trust

“It is the blessing of the LORD that enriches, and He adds no sorrow to it” (Proverbs 10:22). Continual reliance on God rather than on unpredictable winnings reflects a heart posture that recognizes Him as the provider. A healthy approach to any game of chance or competition includes a willingness to trust in God’s goodness, provision, and timing regardless of any prize outcome.

Additionally, 1 Corinthians 10:31 asserts, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.” This principle challenges believers to examine whether their involvement in any sweepstakes or contest is consistent with glorifying God. If participation leads to dishonesty, discontent, or disregard for godly pursuits, it strays from the biblical mandate.

Avoiding the Appearance of Exploitation

Plenty of modern promotions are above board, requiring no dishonest or exploitative behavior. However, certain contests may exploit participants’ vulnerabilities, compelling them to spend money in hopes of better odds. Proverbs 22:16 warns, “Oppressing the poor to enrich oneself, or giving to the rich, will surely lead to poverty.” While this verse focuses on wealth gained through oppression, it underscores the biblical concern for guarding those who could be exploited financially. Believers should exercise discernment to avoid supporting or promoting contests and sweepstakes that prey upon others’ desperation.

Witness and Influence

Every believer’s actions-spending habits, recreational pursuits, dealings with finances-can affect their witness to others. Romans 14:13 admonishes, “Therefore let us stop judging one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in a brother’s way.” While not all participation in sweepstakes or contests is morally wrong, Christians are encouraged to consider how their actions might be perceived by fellow believers or those outside the faith. If entering a contest creates confusion or leads someone weaker in faith to stumble, avoiding such participation may honor God's call to love one another (John 13:34-35).

Practical Guidelines

1. Examine Motivations: Ask whether involvement arises from contentment and harmless enjoyment or from discontent and greed.

2. Maintain Integrity: If an entry fee is required, ensure it is reasonable and does not sap funds better used for essential expenses or kingdom work (e.g., caring for family, supporting ministry, aiding the poor).

3. Seek Accountability: Discuss these choices with trusted believers or mentors. Transparency and counsel help guard against self-deception.

4. Celebrate God’s Provision: If winnings do occur, view them primarily as opportunities for greater giving, generosity, or investment in God’s kingdom rather than fodder for self-indulgence.

5. Practice Contentment: Whether winning or losing, practice gratitude. “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have” (Hebrews 13:5).


No direct biblical law forbids entering sweepstakes or contests, yet Scripture’s call to humble stewardship, purity of heart, and love for God and neighbor should guide every believer. Discernment is necessary to avoid greed, exploitation, or a misplaced reliance on chance gains. When aligned with biblical principles, occasional participation in sweepstakes and contests can be a harmless pastime. However, believers are cautioned to remain on guard so that their motivation and actions honor God above all else.

As with all matters of conscience, prayerful consideration of one’s heart motives and the long-term impact on faith, finances, and testimony should precede any decision to enter a sweepstakes or contest. Aligning actions with biblical truth fosters growth in the believer’s relationship with God and helps maintain a consistent, godly witness in the world.

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