Proverbs 4
Holman Christian Standard BibleBerean Standard Bible
1Listen, my sons, to a father's discipline, and pay attention so that you may gain understanding, 1Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction; pay attention and gain understanding.
2for I am giving you good instruction. Don't abandon my teaching. 2For I give you sound teaching; do not abandon my directive.
3When I was a son with my father, tender and precious to my mother, 3When I was a son to my father, tender and the only child of my mother,
4he taught me and said:" Your heart must hold on to my words. Keep my commands and live. 4he taught me and said, “Let your heart lay hold of my words; keep my commands and you will live.
5Get wisdom, get understanding; don't forget or turn away from the words of my mouth. 5Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn from them.
6Don't abandon wisdom, and she will watch over you; love her, and she will guard you. 6Do not forsake wisdom, and she will preserve you; love her, and she will guard you.
7Wisdom is supreme--so get wisdom. And whatever else you get, get understanding. 7Wisdom is supreme; so acquire wisdom. And whatever you may acquire, gain understanding.
8Cherish her, and she will exalt you; if you embrace her, she will honor you. 8Prize her, and she will exalt you; if you embrace her, she will honor you.
9She will place a garland of grace on your head; she will give you a crown of beauty." 9She will set a garland of grace on your head; she will present you with a crown of beauty.”
10Listen, my son. Accept my words, and you will live many years. 10Listen, my son, and receive my words, and the years of your life will be many.
11I am teaching you the way of wisdom; I am guiding you on straight paths. 11I will guide you in the way of wisdom; I will lead you on straight paths.
12When you walk, your steps will not be hindered; when you run, you will not stumble. 12When you walk, your steps will not be impeded; when you run, you will not stumble.
13Hold on to instruction; don't let go. Guard it, for it is your life. 13Hold on to instruction; do not let go. Guard it, for it is your life.
14Don't set foot on the path of the wicked; don't proceed in the way of evil ones. 14Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evildoers.
15Avoid it; don't travel on it. Turn away from it, and pass it by. 15Avoid it; do not travel on it. Turn from it and pass on by.
16For they can't sleep unless they have done what is evil; they are robbed of sleep unless they make someone stumble. 16For they cannot sleep unless they do evil; they are deprived of slumber until they make someone fall.
17They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence. 17For they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence.
18The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, shining brighter and brighter until midday. 18The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining brighter and brighter until midday.
19But the way of the wicked is like the darkest gloom; they don't know what makes them stumble. 19But the way of the wicked is like the darkest gloom; they do not know what makes them stumble.
20My son, pay attention to my words; listen closely to my sayings. 20My son, pay attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings.
21Don't lose sight of them; keep them within your heart. 21Do not lose sight of them; keep them within your heart.
22For they are life to those who find them, and health to one's whole body. 22For they are life to those who find them, and health to the whole body.
23Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. 23Guard your heart with all diligence, for from it flow springs of life.
24Don't let your mouth speak dishonestly, and don't let your lips talk deviously. 24Put away deception from your mouth; keep your lips from perverse speech.
25Let your eyes look forward; fix your gaze straight ahead. 25Let your eyes look forward; fix your gaze straight ahead.
26Carefully consider the path for your feet, and all your ways will be established. 26Make a level path for your feet, and all your ways will be sure.
27Don't turn to the right or to the left; keep your feet away from evil. 27Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your feet away from evil.
Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission.This text of God's Word has been dedicated to the public domain.
Proverbs 3
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