When Joab saw the battle lines before him and behind him, he selected some of the best men of Israel and arrayed them against the Arameans. People Abishai, Ammonites, Aram, David, Hadadezer, Hadarezer, Hanun, Joab, Maacah, Maachah, Nahash, Shophach, SyriansPlaces Aram-maacah, Edom, Euphrates River, Jericho, Jerusalem, Jordan River, Maacah, Medeba, Mesopotamia, ZobahTopics Aram, Aramaeans, Arameans, Array, Arrayed, Battle, Behind, Best, Choice, Chooseth, Chose, Deployed, Forces, Front, Joab, Jo'ab, Line, Lines, Meet, Picked, Position, Rear, Selected, Setteth, Syrians, Themselves, TroopsOutline 1. David's messengers, sent to comfort Hanun, are villainously treated6. The Ammonites, strengthened by the Syrians, are overcome by Joab and Abishai16. Shobach, making a new supply of the Syrians, is slain by David |