Esther 8
Geneva Bible of 1587 Par ▾ 

Esther Appeals for the Jews

1The same day did King Ahashuerosh giue the house of Haman the aduersarie of the Iewes vnto the Queene Ester; Mordecai came before the King: for Ester tolde what hee was vnto her. 2And the King tooke off his ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gaue it vnto Mordecai: and Ester set Mordecai ouer the house of Haman.

3And Ester spake yet more before the King, and fell downe at his feete weeping, & besought him that he would put away the wickednes of Haman the Agagite, and his deuice that he had imagined against the Iewes. 4And the King held out the golden scepter toward Ester. Then arose Ester, and stood before the King, 5And sayd, If it please the King, & if I haue found fauour in his sight, and the thing be acceptable before the King, and I please him, let it be written, that the letters of the deuice of Haman the sonne of Ammedatha the Agagite may be called againe, which he wrote to destroy the Iewes, that are in all the Kings prouinces. 6For how can I suffer and see the euil, that shall come vnto my people? Or howe can I suffer and see the destruction of my kinred?

The Decree of Xerxes

7And the King Ahashuerosh sayde vnto the Queene Ester, & to Mordecai the Iewe, Behold, I haue giuen Ester the house of Haman, whome they haue hanged vpon the tree, because he layd hand vpon the Iewes.

8Write yee also for the Iewes, as it liketh you in the Kinges name, and seale it with the Kings ring (for the writings written in the Kings name, and sealed with the Kings ring, may no man reuoke)

9Then were the Kings Scribes called at the same time, euen in the thirde moneth, that is the moneth Siuan, on the three and twentieth day thereof: and it was written, according to all as Mordecai commanded, vnto the Iewes and to the princes, and captaines, and rulers of the prouinces, which were from India euen vnto Ethiopia, an hundreth and seuen and twentie prouinces, vnto euery prouince, according to the writing thereof, and to euery people after their speache, and to the Iewes, according to their writing, and according to their language. 10And hee wrote in the King Ahashuerosh name, and sealed it with the Kings ring: and he sent letters by postes on horsebacke and that rode on beastes of price, as dromedaries and coltes of mares. 11Wherein the King graunted the Iewes (in what cities so euer they were) to gather theselues together, and to stand for their life, & to roote out, to slay & to destroy al the power of the people & of the prouince that vexed them, both children and women, and to spoyle their goods: 12Vpon one day in all the prouinces of King Ahashuerosh, euen in the thirteenth day of the twelft moneth, which is the moneth Adar. (16:1) The great King Artaxerxes, which reigneth from India vnto Ethiopia, ouer an hundreth & seuen and twentie prouinces, sendeth vnto the princes and rulers that haue ye charge of our affaires, Salutation.(16:2) There be many that through the goodnesse of Princes and honour giuen vnto them, become very proud,(16:3) And indeuour not onely to hurt our subiects, but not content to liue in wealth, doe also imagine destruction against those that doe them good,(16:4) And take not onely all thankefulnesse away from men, but in pride and presumption, as they that be vnmindefull of benefites, they thinke to escape the vengeance of God, that seeth all thinges, and is contrary to euill.(16:5) And oft times many, which bee set in office, and vnto whome their friendes causes are committed, by vaine intisements doe wrappe them in calamities, that cannot be remedied: for they make them partakers of innocent blood,(16:6) And deceitfully abuse the simplicitie, and gentlenesse of Princes with lying tales.(16:7) This may be proued not onely by olde histories, but also by those things that are before our eyes, and are wickedly committed of such pestilences as are not worthy to beare rule.(16:8) Therefore we must take heede hereafter that we may make the kingdome peaceable for all men, what chance soeuer shall come,(16:9) And discerne the thinges that are before our eyes, to withstand them with gentlenesse.(16:10) For Aman, a Macedonian, the sonne of Amadathus,being in deede a stranger from the Persians blood, & far from our goodnes, was receiued of vs,(16:11) And hath proued the friendship that we beare toward all nations, so that he was called our father, and was honoured of euery man, as the next person vnto the King.(16:12) But he could not vse himselfe soberly in this great dignitie, but went about to depriue vs of the kingdome, and of our life.(16:13) With manifolde deceite also hath he desired to destroy Mardocheus our preseruer, which hath done vs good in all things, and innocent Esther the partaker of our kingdome, with all her nation.(16:14) For his minde was (when he had taken them out of the way) to lay waite for vs, and by this meanes to translate the kingdome of the Persians vnto them of Macedonia.(16:15) But we finde that ye Iewes (which were accused of this most wicked man that they might be destroyed) are no euill doers, but vse most iust lawes,(16:16) And that they be the children of the most High and Almightie & euerliuing God, by whome the kingdome hath bene preserued vnto vs, and our progenitours in very good order.(16:17) Wherefore ye shall doe well, if ye doe not put in execution those letters, that Aman the sonne of Amadathus did write vnto you.(16:18) For he that inuented them, hangeth at Susis before the gates with all his familie, and God (which hath all things in his power) hath speedely rewarded him after his deseruing.(16:19) Therefore ye shall publish the copy of this letter in all places, that the Iewes may freely liue after their owne Lawes.(16:20) And ye shall ayde them, that vpon the thirteenth day of the twelfth moneth Adar they may be auenged of them, which in the time of their trouble would haue oppressed them.(16:21) For almightie God hath turned to ioy ye day wherein the chosen people should haue perished.(16:22) Moreouer, among other solemne dayes ye shall keepe this day with all gladnes,(16:23) That both nowe and in time to come this day may be a remembrance of deliuerance for vs and all such as loue the prosperitie of the Persians, but a remembrance of destruction to those that be seditious vnto vs.(16:24) Therefore all cities and countreys that doe not this, shall horribly be destroyed with sworde and fire, and shall not onely not be inhabited of men, but be abhorred also of the wilde beasts and foules for euer. 13The copie of the writing was, howe there should be a commandement giuen in all & euery prouince, published among all the people, & that the Iewes should be ready against that day to auenge themselues on their enemies. 14So the postes rode vpon beasts of price, and dromedaries, & went forth with speede, to execute the Kings commaundement, and the decree was giuen at Shushan the palace.

15And Mordecai went out from the King in royall apparell of blewe, and white, and with a great crowne of gold, and with a garment of fine linen and purple, and the citie of Shushan reioyced and was glad. 16And vnto the Iewes was come light and ioy and gladnes, and honour. 17Also in all and euery prouince, and in al & euery citie & place, where the Kings commandement and his decree came, there was ioy and gladnes to the Iewes, a feast and good day, and many of the people of the land became Iewes: for the feare of the Iewes fell vpon them.

Geneva Bible of 1587

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible

Esther 7
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