Exodus 3
Moses at the Burning Bush
Divine Commission: Moses and the Burning Bush

This chapter beautifully encapsulates the divine commissioning of Moses, reflecting on his fear, doubt, and the reassurances from God. It serves as a reminder that faith often requires stepping into unknown territories, armed with nothing but divine assurance.

The Burning Bush (Verses 1-4)

Moses, while shepherding his father-in-law Jethro's flock, encounters a bush ablaze that is not consumed. An angel of the Lord appears to him from the bush.

The Holy Ground (Verses 5-6)

Moses is commanded to remove his sandals as he is standing on holy ground. God introduces Himself as the God of his forefathers.

God's Concern for His People (Verses 7-9)

God acknowledges the suffering of His people in Egypt and His plan to rescue them, promising to bring them to a prosperous land.

The Call of Moses (Verses 10-13)

Moses is commissioned by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, expressing his doubt about his capabilities.

I AM WHO I AM (Verses 14-15)

God reveals Himself as "I AM WHO I AM", a name to be remembered throughout generations.

The Promise and the Sign (Verses 16-22)

God assures Moses of the elders' acceptance and foretells the challenges with Pharaoh. He promises signs and wonders, and the eventual plunder of the Egyptians.

This chapter delves into the pivotal moment where Moses, while shepherding his father-in-law's flock, encounters God in a burning bush and is tasked with the momentous mission of liberating the Israelites from Egyptian oppression.

1. Divine Calling
2. Faith and Doubt
3. Oppression and Liberation
4. Divine Promise
1. Encounter with God
2. The task of liberation
3. The power of faith
4. The divine promise and sign
1. Moses
2. God
3. The Israelites
4. Pharaoh
5. Jethro
1. Horeb, the mountain of God
2. Egypt
Bible Study Questions

1. Why do you think God chose to appear to Moses in a burning bush?

2. How does Moses’ reaction to his call reflect our own reactions when God calls us to tasks we find daunting?

3. How does the phrase "I AM WHO I AM" resonate with you personally in understanding God's nature?

4. How does God's awareness of the Israelites' suffering speak to His character?

5. How does God's promise of the land flowing with milk and honey encourage you in your present situation?

6. Why do you think Moses was hesitant about the task given to him despite the divine assurance?

7. What does it mean to you that the place where Moses stood was considered "holy ground"?

8. What can we learn about faith from Moses’ conversation with God?

9. How does God's response to Moses' doubt reassure you in your moments of doubt?

10. How can the phrase "I will surely be with you" help us when we face difficult situations?

11. Why did God allow the Israelites to plunder the Egyptians after their liberation?

12. How does the story of Moses' calling challenge your view of God's plans for your life?

13. In what ways does God's promise to be with Moses throughout the task impact your understanding of God's presence in your life?

14. How can you apply the concept of "plundering the Egyptians" to your present-day life?

15. How does this passage inspire you to react when you feel called to do something beyond your capabilities?

16. Why do you think God insisted Moses be the one to lead the Israelites despite his self-doubt?

17. What role does faith play in answering God's call, as evidenced by Moses' experience?

18. How can you identify with Moses' fear and uncertainty in your life today?

19. How can this passage encourage someone going through oppression or difficult times?

20. In the context of the story, what does "a land flowing with milk and honey" symbolize, and how can this symbolism apply to your life?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Exodus 2
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