Acts 8
Saul Persecutes the Church
The Spread of the Gospel: Persecution, Preaching, and the Power of God

Acts 8 showcases how God can use even persecution to spread His word. It reminds us of the transformative power of the Gospel, its availability to everyone, and the importance of genuine belief. Philip's unwavering obedience, the openness of the Ethiopian eunuch, and the striking correction of Simon the sorcerer all serve to underscore the extraordinary growth and challenges of the early church.

Verses 1-3: The Persecution of the Church

After Stephen's execution, severe persecution begins against the church in Jerusalem, leading to a scattering of believers throughout Judea and Samaria. Saul is noted as one who approves of Stephen's death and contributes greatly to the persecution.

Verses 4-25: Philip's Ministry and Simon the Sorcerer

Those scattered preach the word wherever they go. Particularly, Philip goes to Samaria, where he preaches Christ and performs miracles, bringing joy to the city. Many Samaritans believe and are baptized, including Simon, a man formerly known for sorcery. Seeing the apostles Peter and John bestow the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands, Simon offers money to possess this power, leading to Peter's stern rebuke.

Verses 26-40: The Ethiopian Eunuch's Conversion

An angel of the Lord directs Philip to the road from Jerusalem to Gaza, where he encounters an Ethiopian eunuch, a court official and a man of authority. Philip explains Isaiah's prophecy that the eunuch was reading, leading to the eunuch's baptism and conversion. Subsequently, the Spirit takes Philip away, and he continues to preach the Gospel in other towns.

Acts 8 presents the expansion of the Gospel beyond Jerusalem, driven largely by persecution. It introduces us to Philip's successful ministry in Samaria, the account of Simon the sorcerer, and the significant conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch. The chapter offers a multifaceted view of the early church's experience: persecution, miracles, conversions, and challenges.

Persecution and its role in spreading the Gospel
The ministry and miracles of Philip
The genuine versus false belief
The power and work of the Holy Spirit
Persecution of the Church in Jerusalem
Philip's ministry in Samaria
Simon the sorcerer's belief and error
The Ethiopian eunuch's conversion
Saul (later known as Paul)
Simon the sorcerer
The Ethiopian eunuch
The road to Gaza
Bible Study Questions

1. How did the persecution of the church contribute to the spread of the Gospel?

2. What can we learn from Philip's ministry and his obedience to God's direction?

3. How does Simon the sorcerer's story illustrate the difference between genuine and false belief?

4. What lessons can we draw from the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch?

5. How does Saul's role in persecuting the church contrast with his later mission?

6. Why was it significant that the Gospel was being preached and accepted in Samaria?

7. What does Peter's confrontation with Simon the sorcerer reveal about the early church's stance on spiritual integrity?

8. How did the Holy Spirit guide and empower the believers in this chapter?

9. What significance does the Ethiopian eunuch's authority in his homeland hold for the spread of the Gospel?

10. How does this chapter inspire us to be open to God's leading in sharing the Gospel?

11. In the face of adversity and displacement, how would you share the Gospel like the persecuted believers?

12. How would you respond if you encounter a situation like Simon's in today's church?

13. How does the Ethiopian eunuch's eagerness to understand the Scripture challenge your Bible study habits?

14. Can you identify areas in your life where you might be behaving like Simon the sorcerer, seeking to gain from God rather than to know God?

15. How do you see the work of the Holy Spirit in your life and in the lives of others around you?

16. How can you cultivate the same obedience and attentiveness to the Holy Spirit as seen in Philip's life?

17. How would you guide someone who, like the Ethiopian eunuch, is seeking to understand the Scriptures?

18. How does the chapter challenge your understanding and response to persecution for the sake of the Gospel?

19. How can you apply the lesson of Simon the sorcerer to guard against the commercialization of the Gospel in today's world?

20. In what ways does Acts 8 inspire you to spread the Gospel in your own sphere of influence?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Acts 7
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