The Godly Are No More 1
2Euery one vseth vayne talke with his neyghbour: and speaketh with a double heart out of flatteryng lippes.
3God wyll cut away all flatteryng lippes:
4Whiche say, we wyll preuayle with our tongue: our lippes are our owne, who is Lorde ouer vs?
5For the calamities of the oppressed, for the deepe sighyng of the poore, I wyll nowe vp sayeth God: and I wyll put in safetie,
6The wordes of God be wordes pure, as the siluer tryed in a furnace of earth: and purified seuen times.
8The vngodly walke on euery side: when the worst sort be exalted amongst the chyldren of men. |