Topical Encyclopedia Definition and Context: In the context of the Bible, "signing" can refer to the act of making a sign or mark, often as a form of communication or covenant. This concept is deeply rooted in biblical narratives where signs serve as divine indicators or symbols of God's promises and covenants with His people. Biblical Instances: 1. Covenantal Signs: One of the most significant uses of signing in the Bible is the establishment of covenants. In Genesis 9:12-13, God sets a rainbow in the sky as a sign of His covenant with Noah, promising never to flood the earth again: "And God said, 'This is the sign of the covenant I am making between Me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.'" 2. Circumcision as a Sign: Circumcision is another example of a sign in the Bible, serving as a physical mark of the covenant between God and Abraham's descendants. Genesis 17:11 states, "You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between Me and you." This act was a perpetual reminder of the Israelites' unique relationship with God. 3. Miraculous Signs: Throughout the Scriptures, God uses miraculous signs to communicate His power and presence. In Exodus 4:8, God provides Moses with signs to convince the Israelites of his divine mission: "And the LORD said, 'If they do not believe you or pay attention to the first sign, they may believe the second.'" These signs were meant to authenticate Moses' leadership and God's deliverance. 4. Prophetic Signs: Prophets often performed symbolic acts as signs to convey God's messages. In Isaiah 20:3, the prophet Isaiah walks naked and barefoot as a sign against Egypt and Cush: "Then the LORD said, 'Just as My servant Isaiah has gone naked and barefoot for three years as a sign and portent against Egypt and Cush.'" Such acts were vivid illustrations of impending judgment or deliverance. 5. New Testament Signs: In the New Testament, signs continue to play a crucial role, particularly in the ministry of Jesus. The Gospel of John frequently refers to Jesus' miracles as "signs" that reveal His divine nature and mission. John 2:11 records the first of these signs: "Jesus performed this first sign at Cana in Galilee. He thus revealed His glory, and His disciples believed in Him." These signs were intended to inspire faith and demonstrate the inbreaking of God's kingdom. Theological Significance: Signs in the Bible are not merely supernatural events or physical marks; they are deeply theological, pointing to God's faithfulness, authority, and the unfolding of His redemptive plan. They serve as reminders of God's promises and as calls to faith and obedience. The use of signs underscores the tangible ways in which God interacts with His creation, providing assurance and guidance to His people throughout history. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sign.Library Whether the Actions Performed in Celebrating this Sacrament are ... Slavery of Redemptioners. Epistle xxvi. To Januarius, Bishop. The Crossing of the Jordan Mission Work A Royal-Hearted Exile Centenary Commemoration Success. Children Brought to Christ, and not to the Font The Truce of God Thesaurus Signing (1 Occurrence)... Noah Webster's Dictionary (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Sign. Multi-Version Concordance Signing (1 Occurrence). Daniel 6:8 Now, O King, put ... /s/signing.htm - 6k Unite (10 Occurrences) Execution (4 Occurrences) Execute (83 Occurrences) Consign (2 Occurrences) Subscribe (2 Occurrences) Signpost (1 Occurrence) Signifying (6 Occurrences) Cyprus (12 Occurrences) Hashabneiah (2 Occurrences) Resources How can salvation be not of works when faith is required? isn't believing a work? | GotQuestions.orgShould a Christian co-sign on a loan? | What is decisional regeneration / decision theology? | Signing: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Signing (1 Occurrence)Daniel 6:8 Subtopics Related Terms |