Topical Encyclopedia Copying, in the context of the Bible, refers to the act of reproducing texts, particularly the Scriptures, for the purpose of preservation, dissemination, and study. This practice has been crucial in the transmission of biblical texts throughout history, ensuring that the Word of God is accessible to successive generations.Old Testament Context The practice of copying Scripture is rooted in the Old Testament. The Israelites were commanded to preserve the words of God meticulously. In Deuteronomy 17:18-19, the king of Israel was instructed to write for himself a copy of the law: "When he is seated on his royal throne, he must write for himself a copy of this instruction on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. It is to remain with him, and he is to read from it all the days of his life, so that he may learn to fear the LORD his God by carefully observing all the words of this instruction and these statutes" . This command underscores the importance of personal engagement with the Scriptures and the role of copying in maintaining the integrity of God's Word. The scribes, or "Sopherim," were responsible for copying the Scriptures. Their meticulous work ensured that the texts were transmitted accurately. The reverence for the text was so great that they counted every letter and word to avoid errors. This dedication highlights the sacredness attributed to the Scriptures and the responsibility of preserving them without alteration. New Testament Context In the New Testament era, the practice of copying continued as the early church sought to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles. The apostle Paul, in his letters, often instructed the recipients to share his writings with other churches. For instance, in Colossians 4:16, Paul writes, "After this letter has been read among you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceans, and that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea" . This exchange of letters necessitated the copying of texts to ensure that all congregations had access to apostolic teachings. The early Christians recognized the authority of the apostolic writings, and the need for accurate copies was paramount. The process of copying was not only a practical necessity but also a spiritual duty, as these texts were considered divinely inspired. The Role of Copying in the Preservation of Scripture The faithful copying of biblical texts has been instrumental in preserving the Scriptures through the centuries. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, for example, revealed the remarkable consistency of the Hebrew Bible over a millennium, affirming the reliability of the copying process. The scribes' dedication to accuracy ensured that the Scriptures remained uncorrupted, allowing believers to trust in the authenticity of the biblical text. Copying also played a significant role in the translation of the Bible into various languages. The Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, and the Latin Vulgate are examples of how copying facilitated the spread of God's Word beyond its original linguistic and cultural boundaries. Conclusion The practice of copying Scripture is a testament to the enduring value placed on the Word of God. Through the diligent efforts of scribes and early Christians, the Bible has been preserved and transmitted with remarkable fidelity, allowing it to continue to be a source of spiritual guidance and authority for believers worldwide. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Copy.Library When He was Living at Rome He Wrote a Treatise on the Preservation ... *** end of this project gutenberg ebook history of egypt, chaldaea ... *** end of this project gutenberg ebook history of egypt, chaldaea ... The Family Likeness The Changed Life The River of Life How the Books were Written. Appendix v. Rabbinic Theology and Literature Introductory Notice to Excerpts of Theodotus; Or, Selections from ... The Nearness of the Kingdom Thesaurus Copying (10 Occurrences)... 2. (a. & n.) from Copy. Multi-Version Concordance Copying (10 Occurrences). 3 John 1:11 My loved one, do not be copying what is evil, but what is good. ... /c/copying.htm - 9k Disgusting (149 Occurrences) Copy (18 Occurrences) Samaritan (8 Occurrences) Books (16 Occurrences) Write (865 Occurrences) Worshipper (15 Occurrences) Imitation (3 Occurrences) Tracing (1 Occurrence) Pattern (28 Occurrences) Resources Is the Bible reliable? | GotQuestions.orgIs it a sin to share, download, or pirate copyrighted material (music, movies, software) on the internet? | Was some of Proverbs copied from the Instruction of Amenemope? | Copying: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Copying (10 Occurrences)3 John 1:11 1 Kings 15:26 1 Kings 15:34 1 Kings 16:26 1 Kings 16:31 2 Kings 13:2 2 Kings 16:3 2 Kings 21:2 2 Chronicles 28:3 2 Chronicles 33:2 Subtopics Related Terms |