Topical Encyclopedia
The term "Agrapha" refers to sayings attributed to Jesus Christ that are not found in the canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The word "agrapha" is derived from the Greek word "agraphos," meaning "unwritten." These sayings are considered "unwritten" in the sense that they are not recorded in the four Gospels but are found in other early Christian writings, apocryphal texts, or even within the New Testament outside the Gospels.
Sources of Agrapha1.
New Testament Writings: Some agrapha are found within the New Testament itself, outside the four Gospels. For example,
Acts 20:35 records the words of Jesus, "It is more blessed to give than to receive," a saying not found in the Gospels but quoted by the Apostle Paul.
Early Christian Literature: Agrapha can also be found in early Christian writings such as the Apostolic Fathers, the Didache, and other apocryphal texts. These writings often contain teachings and sayings attributed to Jesus that were circulated among early Christian communities.
Church Fathers: The writings of early Church Fathers, such as Clement of Alexandria and Origen, sometimes include references to sayings of Jesus not found in the canonical Gospels. These references provide insight into the oral traditions and teachings that were prevalent in the early Church.
Theological SignificanceThe agrapha hold a unique place in biblical studies and Christian theology. While they are not considered part of the inspired canon of Scripture, they offer a glimpse into the oral traditions and teachings that may have been part of the early Christian community's understanding of Jesus' message. The agrapha can sometimes illuminate or complement the teachings found in the canonical Gospels, though they are approached with caution due to questions about their authenticity and origin.
Authenticity and UseThe authenticity of the agrapha is a subject of scholarly debate. Some sayings may genuinely reflect the teachings of Jesus, while others could be later additions or interpretations by early Christian writers. As such, the agrapha are not used as a primary source for doctrine but are studied for their historical and theological value.
Examples of Agrapha·
Acts 20:35: "In everything, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus Himself: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
The Didache: This early Christian text, also known as "The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles," includes teachings attributed to Jesus that are not found in the canonical Gospels, such as instructions on prayer and fasting.
The Gospel of Thomas: Although not part of the canonical Bible, this apocryphal gospel contains numerous sayings attributed to Jesus, some of which parallel those in the canonical Gospels, while others are unique.
In summary, the agrapha represent a fascinating aspect of early Christian tradition, offering additional context and insight into the teachings of Jesus as understood by the early Church. While not part of the canonical Scriptures, they continue to be a subject of interest for theologians and historians alike.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
AGRAPHAag'-ra-fa (agrapha).
1. The Term and Its History:
The word agraphos of which agrapha is the neuter plural is met with in classical Greek and in Greek papyri in its primary sense of "unwritten," "unrecorded." In early Christian literature, especially in the writings of Clement of Alexandria, it was used of oral tradition; and in this sense it was revived by Koerner in a Leipzig Program issued in 1776 under the title De sermonibus Christi agraphois. For some time it was restricted to sayings of Christ not recorded in the Gospels and believed to have reached the sources in which they are found by means of oral tradition. As however graphe, the noun with which agrapha is connected, can have not only the general meaning "writing," but the special meaning "Scripture," the, adjective could signify not only "oral" but also uncanonical or "non-canonical"; and it was employed by Resch in the latter sense in the 1st edition of his great work on the subject which appeared in German in 1889 under the title, Agrapha: Extra-canonical Gospel Fragments. The term was now also extended so as to include narratives as well as sayings. In the second edition (also in German) it is further widened so as to embrace all extra-canonical sayings or passages connected with the Bible. The new title runs: Agrapha Extra-canonical Fragments of Scripture; and the volume contains a first collection of Old Testament agrapha. The term is still however used most frequently of non-canonical sayings ascribed to Jesus, and to the consideration of these this article will mainly be devoted.
2. Extent of Material:
Of the 361 agrapha and apocrypha given by Resch about 160 are directly ascribed to Christ. About 30 others can be added from Christian and Jewish sources and about 80 sayings found in Muhammadan literature (Expository Times, V, 59, 107, 177, 503, 561, etc.). The last-mentioned group, although not entirely without interest, may largely be disregarded as it is highly improbable that it represents early tradition. The others come from a variety of sources: the New Testament outside of the Gospels, Gospel manuscripts and VSS, Apocryphal Gospels and an early collection of sayings of Jesus, liturgical texts, patristic and medieval literature and the Talmud.
3. Sayings to Be Excluded:
Many of these sayings have no claim to be regarded as independent agrapha. At least five classes come under this category.
(1) Some are mere parallels or variants, for instance: "Pray and be not weary," which is evidently connected with Luke 18:1; and the saying in the Talmud: "I, the Gospel, did not come to take away from the law of Moses but to add to the law of Moses have I come" (Shab 116b) which is clearly a variant of Matthew 5:17.
(2) Some sayings are made up of two or more canonical texts. "I chose you before the world was," for example, is a combination of John 15:19 and Ephesians 1:4; and "Abide in my love and I will give you eternal life" of John 8:31 and John 10:28.
(3) Misquotation or loose quotation accounts for a number of alleged agrapha. "Sodom is justified more than thou" seems to be really from Ezekiel 16:53 and its context. "Let not the sun go down upon your wrath" is of apostolic not evangelic origin (Ephesians 4:26). "Anger destroys even the prudent" comes from Septuagint of Proverbs 15:1.
(4) Some sayings must be rejected because they cannot be traced to an early source, for instance, the fine saying: "Be brave in war, and fight with the old serpent, and ye shall receive eternal life," which is first met with in a text of the 12th century
(5) Several sayings are suspicious by reason of their source or their character. The reference to "my mother the Holy Spirit," in one of them, has no warrant in the acknowledged teaching of Christ and comes from a source of uncertain value, the Gospel according to the Hebrews. Pantheistic sayings such as "I am thou and thou art I, and wherever thou art I am"; "You are I and I am you"; and perhaps the famous saying: "Raise the stone and thou wilt find me; cleave the wood and there am I," as well as the sayings reported by Epiphanius from the Gospel of the Ebionites seem to breathe an atmosphere different from that of the canonical Gospels.
4. Sayings in New Testament:
When all the sayings belonging to these five classes, and a few others of liturgical origin, have been deducted there remain about thirty-five which are worthy of mention and in some cases of careful consideration. Some are dealt with in the article LOGIA (which see). The others, which are given here, are numbered consecutively to facilitate reference. The best authenticated are of course those found in the New Testament outside of the Gospels. These are
(1) the great saying cited by Paul at Miletus: "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35);
(2) the words used in the institution of the Eucharist preserved only in 1 Corinthians 11:24;
(3) the promise of the baptism of the Spirit (Acts 1:5, 11:16); and
(4) the answer to the question: "Dost thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1:7). Less certain are
(5) the description of the Second Advent, said to be "by the word of the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 4:15); and
(6) the promise of the crown of life to them that love God (James 1:12).
5. Sayings in Manuscripts and Versions:
Of considerable interest are some additions, in manuscripts of the Gospels and versions One of the most remarkable
(7) is the comment of Jesus on a man's working on the Sabbath day inserted after Luke 6:4 in Codex Bezae (D) and the Freer manuscript recently discovered in Egypt: "If thou knowest what thou doest, O man, blessed art thou, but if thou knowest not, thou art accursed and a transgressor of the law." Another
(8) also found in D and in several other authorities is appended to Matthew 20:28: "But ye seek ye from little to increase and from greater to be less." In the Curetonian Syriac the latter clause runs: "and not from greater to be less." The new saying is noteworthy but obscure. A third passage
(9) of less value but still of interest is an insertion in the longer ending of Mark, between 16:14 and 16:15, which was referred to by Jerome as present in codices in his day but has now been met with in Greek for the first time in the above-mentioned Freer MS. (For facsimile see American Journal of Archaeology, 1908.) In reply to a complaint of the disciples about the opposition of Satan and their request: "Therefore reveal thy righteousness even now," Jesus is reported to have said: "The limit of the years of the authority of Satan is fulfilled, but other dreadful things are approaching, and in behalf of those who had sinned was I delivered unto death in order that they might return to the truth and might sin no longer, that they might inherit the spiritual and incorruptible glory of righteousness in heaven." This alleged utterance of the risen Lord is most probably of secondary character (compare Gregory, Das Freer Logion; Swete, Two New Gospel Fragments).
6. Sayings from the Fathers, etc.:
Apocryphal and patristic literature supplies some notable sayings. The first place must be given
(10) to the great saying which in its shortest form consists of only three words: "Be ("become," "show yourselves to be") approved money-changers." Resch (Agrapha2, number 87) gives 69 references, at least 19 of which date from the 2nd and 3rd centuries, although they represent only a few authorities, all Egyptian. The saying seems to have circulated widely in the early church and may be genuine. Other early sayings of interest or value, from these sources, must be given without comment.
(11) "The heavenly Father willeth the repentance of the sinner rather than his punishment" (Justin Martyr).
(12) "That which is weak shall be saved by that which is strong" (circa 300 A.D.).
(13) "Come out from bonds ye who will" (Clement of Alexandria).
(14) "Be thou saved and thy soul" (Theodotus in id).
(15) "Blessed are they who mourn for the perdition of unbelievers" (Didaskalia).
(16) "He who is near me is near the fire; he who is far from me is far from the kingdom" (Origen).
(17) "He who has not been tempted has not been approved" (Didaskalia, etc.).
(18) He who makes sad a brother's spirit is one of the greatest of criminals" (Ev Heb).
(19) "Never be glad except when ye have seen your brother in love" (same place).
(20) "Let not him who seeks cease. until he find, and when he finds he shall be astonished; astonished he shall reach the kingdom, and when he has reached the kingdom he shall rest" (Clement of Alexandria and Logia of Oxyrhynchus).
(21) In a fragment of a Gospel found by Grenfell and Hunt at Oxyrhynchus (O Papyri number 655) is the following non-canonical passage in a canonical context: "He Himself will give you clothing. His disciples say unto Him: When wilt thou be manifest to us and when shall we see thee? He saith: When ye shall be stripped and not be ashamed." The saying or apocryphon exhibits considerable likeness to a saying cited by Clement of Alexandria from the Gospel according to the Egyptians, but the difference is great enough to make original identity doubtful. Another fragment found by the same explorers on the same site (O Papyri number 840) preserves two agrapha or apocrypha which though clearly secondary are very curious. The first
(22) is the concluding portion of a saying about the punishment of evil-doers: "Before a man does wrong he makes all manner of subtle excuses. But give heed lest you also suffer the same things as they for the evil-doers among men receive not their due among the living (Greek zois) only but also await punishment and much torment." Professor Swete (Two New Gospel Fragments), accents zoois as the plural of zoon and thus finds a contrast between the fate of animals and that of human beings. The second saying
(23) is a rather lengthy reply to the complaint of a Pharisaic stickler for outward purity. The most interesting part of it as edited by Swete runs as follows: "Woe to you blind who see not. But I and my disciples who thou sayest have not been dipped have dipped in the waters of eternal life which come down from God out of heaven." All these texts from Oxyrhynchus probably date from the 2nd century. Other Egypt sources, the so-called Coptic Apocryphal Gospels (Texts and Studies Camb. IV, 2, 1896), contain several sayings which are of interest as coming from the same religious environment. The following three are the most remarkable.
(24) "Repent, for it is better that a man find a cup of water in the age that is coming than all the riches of this world" (130).
(25) "Better is a single footstep in My Father's house than all the wealth of this world" (130).
(26) "Now therefore have faith in the love of My Father; for faith is the end of all things" (176). As in the case of the Logia these sayings are found in association with canonical sayings and parallels. Since the Logan may well have numbered scores, if not hundreds, it is at least possible that these Coptic sayings may have been taken from the missing portions of this collection, or a recension of it, and therefore they are not unworthy of notice as conceivably early agrapha. To these sayings of Christian derivation may be added
(27) one Muhammadan saying, that inscribed in Arabic on the chief gateway of the city Futteypore Sikri built by Akbar: "The world is but a bridge, over which you must pass, but must not linger to build your dwelling" (In the Himalayas by Miss Gordon Cumming, cited by Griffenhoofe, The Unwritten Sayings of Christ, 128).
7. Result:
Although the number of agrapha purporting to be sayings of Jesus which have been collected by scholars seems at first sight imposing, those which have anything like a strong claim to acceptance on the ground of early and reliable source and internal character are disappointingly few. Of those given above numbers 1-4, 7, 8, 10 which have mostly early attestation clearly take precedence of the rest. Numbers 11-20 are early enough and good enough to merit respectful consideration. Still the proportion of genuine, or possibly genuine, material is very small. Ropes is probably not far from the truth when he remarks that "the writers of the Synoptic Gospels did their work so well that only stray bits here and there, and these but of small value, were left for the gleaners." On the other hand it is not necessary to follow Wellhausen in rejecting the agrapha in toto. Recent discoveries have shown that they are the remains of a considerable body of extra-canonical sayings which circulated more or less in Christian circles, especially in Egypt, in the early centuries, and the possible presence in what we possess of a sentence or two actually spoken by Jesus fully justifies research.
8. Other Agrapha:
The second edition of the work of Resch includes 17 agrapha from manuscripts of Acts and 1 John most of which are from Codex Bezae (D), 31 apostolic apocrypha, and 66 agrapha and apocrypha connected with the Old Testament. 19 of the latter are largely taken from pseudepigrapha, a pseudo-Ezekiel for instance These agrapha some of which are really textual variants are of inferior interest and value.
The chief authorities are the German book of the American scholar J. H. Ropes, Die Spruche Jesu, die in den kanonischen Evangelien nicht uberliefert sind, and his article "Agrapha in HDB (extra vol); and the often-mentioned work of Resch. The former has great critical value, and the latter, especially in the 2nd edition, is a veritable thesaurus of material. For a full survey of the literature up to 1905 see that work, pp. 14-17. There is much criticism in Bauer's Das Leben Jesu im Zeitalter der neutestamentlichen Apokryphen, chapter vii. Among smaller works special mention may be made of Prebendary Blomfield's Twenty-Five Agrapha (1900); and the book of Griffenhoofe, the title of which is given above. There are recent articles on the subject in HDB (1909), "Unwritten Sayings," and DCG, "Sayings (Unwritten)"; Am. Journal of Archaeology, XII (1908), 49-55; H. A. Sanders, New manuscripts from Egypt; also ib, XIII (1909), 130.
William Taylor Smith
The Abominable Error of the Heretics; the Divine vision of ...
... Moreover, we may, since Resch's careful discussion of the whole subject of the Agrapha
(or extra-canonical sayings of Christ), with considerable confidence ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter vii the abominable error of.htm
... 16. For a collection of probably genuine Agrapha see Ropes, Die Spruche Jesu,
154-161, and Amer. ... Theol.1897, 758-776; Resch, Agrapha, gives a much longer list. ...
// life of jesus of nazareth/references.htm
Eucharistic Rites. Liturgy.
... Patriarch of Alexandria (Antioch), concerning the rites of Baptism and of Holy
Communion (Synaxis) as received among the Syrian Christians" (Resch, Agrapha, Sec ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/chapter v eucharistic rites liturgy.htm
... Page 183 add: On the Apocryphal Traditions of Christ, comp. throughout. Alfred Resch:
Agrapha. Aussercanonische Evangelienfragmente gesammelt und untersucht. ...
/.../schaff/history of the christian church volume i/addenda.htm
On Bk. Iii. Chap. 39, 1 (Note 1, Continued).
... 39, 1 (note 1, continued). Since the above note was in type Resch's important work
on the Agrapha(von Gebhardt and Harnack's Texte und Untersuchungen, Bd. ...
// history/on bk iii chap 39.htm
The Church History of Eusebius. Index of Subjects.
... Agathobuli, the two, [75]319. Agathonice, a martyr, [76]193. Agrapha, or
extra-canonical sayings of Christ, [77]296 (note 3). Agrippa I. See Herod Agrippa ...
/.../pamphilius/the life of constantine/the church history of eusebius.htm
The Order of the Gospels.
... Evang., 1887, and Resch, Agrapha, Leipzig, 1889. The very natural reason which
Eusebius gives for the composition of Matthew's Gospel--viz. ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter xxiv the order of the.htm
The Heresy of the Ebionites.
... I find that Resch in his Agrapha emphasizes the apocryphal character of the Gospel
in its original form, and makes it later than and in part dependent upon our ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter xxvii the heresy of the.htm
(On the Mysteries. V. )
... II.:viii.: "The Scripture says, A man that is a reprobate (adokimos) is not tried
(apeirastos) by God.'" Resch, Agrapha, Logion 26, p. 188, quotes allusions to ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/lecture xxiii on the mysteries.htm
Aristeas Philokratei
... maton emphasin. hosa d' an e agrapha, pros kallonen ekeleuse poiein; hosa
de dia grapton, metra autois katakolouthesai. gar , de ...
/.../aristeas philokratei.htm
Agrapha... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia
AGRAPHA. ag'-ra-fa (
agrapha). 1. The Term
and Its History: The word agraphos of which
agrapha is
.../a/agrapha.htm - 21kSayings (134 Occurrences)
SAYINGS. un-rit'-'-n. See AGRAPHA. Multi-Version Concordance ...
/s/sayings.htm - 41k
... Other remains of early Christian texts have been found on the same site
(compare AGRAPHA) but none of precisely the same character. ...
/l/logia.htm - 19k
Agony (20 Occurrences)
/a/agony.htm - 18k
/a/agrarian.htm - 17k
... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. SAYINGS, UNWRITTEN. un-rit'-'-n. See
/u/unwritten.htm - 6k
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