Who is known as the Bible Answer Man?
Who is known as the Bible Answer Man?

Definition and Origin of the Title “Bible Answer Man”

The designation “Bible Answer Man” has historically referred to the host of a long‐running Christian radio program committed to answering questions about Scripture, theology, and practical Christian living. Initially established by the Christian Research Institute (CRI), the title was linked to a specific role in equipping believers and inquirers with biblical, historical, and theological perspectives.

The first individual credited with adopting the name “Bible Answer Man” on a wide scale was Dr. Walter Martin, the founder of the Christian Research Institute in 1960. He created a forum—both in print and over the airwaves—to address biblical questions, theological misunderstandings, cult teachings, and various controversies in contemporary Christian circles. Over time, the title was passed on, most notably to Hank Hanegraaff, who assumed the role of “Bible Answer Man” in 1989 following Dr. Martin’s death.

Early Beginnings and the Person Behind the Title

Dr. Walter Martin (1928–1989) was among the earliest apologists in modern evangelical circles to confront emerging cults such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His influential book “The Kingdom of the Cults” addressed differences between orthodox Christian teaching and various movements. He became widely recognized for his ability to communicate biblical truths clearly, forging what would become the “Bible Answer Man” brand.

After his passing, Hank Hanegraaff continued the radio broadcast. Hanegraaff shared Martin’s vision of educating Christians in apologetics, theology, and biblical study. Known for tackling questions on the Trinity, salvation, biblical inerrancy, and moral issues, the “Bible Answer Man” show under Hanegraaff’s guidance became a staple in Christian radio, offering succinct answers to often complex biblical and cultural issues.

Radio Ministry and Impact on Christian Apologetics

The “Bible Answer Man” program distinguished itself through live call‐ins, creating an interactive space for believers and non‐believers alike to approach theological questions. Topics have ranged from textual transmission of Scripture and interpretation of prophecy to world religions and contemporary ethical dilemmas.

Supporting the reliability of the Bible became central to the show’s mission, often citing diverse scholarly findings, including:

• Historical manuscripts (such as the Dead Sea Scrolls), showing remarkable consistency with the Masoretic Text of the Old Testament.

• Archaeological discoveries (e.g., the Tel Dan Stele, the Merneptah Stele, and references to biblical figures like King Hezekiah, attested in the Siloam Inscription) reinforcing the historical context of Scripture.

• Logical arguments for the resurrection of Christ, akin to the minimal facts approach, which surveys foundational claims acknowledged even by many critical scholars (see 1 Corinthians 15:3–8).

In defending the Scriptures’ trustworthiness, the radio ministry aligns its focus with the repeated biblical affirmation that God’s word endures (see Isaiah 40:8).

Key Teachings Associated with the Bible Answer Man

1. Authority of Scripture: The program consistently upholds the Bible as the sole infallible authority for Christian faith and practice (see 2 Timothy 3:16).

2. Importance of Sound Doctrine: Listeners are encouraged to contend earnestly for core doctrines, especially the deity of Christ, the Trinity (Matthew 28:19), and salvation through faith in Jesus alone (Ephesians 2:8–9).

3. Apologetic Engagement: The show delves into defending the faith, including addressing scientific inquiries on the reliability of a young earth and intelligent design, pointing to evidences like irreducible complexity in biology (as proposed in contemporary works on design) and debate on the Cambrian fossil record, which many argue points to an intelligent Designer rather than random chance.

4. Practical Christian Living: Listeners receive biblically grounded counsel on ethical issues, emphasizing holiness, moral purity, and love for one’s neighbor (Romans 13:10).

Involvement with Contemporary Christian Issues

The “Bible Answer Man” broadcast addresses challenges posed by modern secularism, syncretism, and skepticism. From responding to natural disasters with a biblical worldview to exploring complex cultural issues, the program applies scriptural wisdom. Highlighted topics include:

Miracles: Validation that miracles, both biblical and modern, are plausible within a theistic worldview, as exemplified by Jesus’ miracles (John 20:30–31).

Young Earth Creationism: In line with a biblical timeline, the “Bible Answer Man” has entertained discussions supporting a young earth interpretation; proponents cite genealogies in Genesis (Genesis 5) and geological phenomena that some interpret as consistent with a catastrophic global flood (Genesis 7).

Rational Defense of the Resurrection: Emphasis on the centrality of Christ’s resurrection for salvation (1 Corinthians 15:14), underscoring that this event is historically defensible through extensive manuscript evidence, eyewitness documents, and the transformed lives of the disciples.

Controversies and Debates

Over the years, discussions on the show have sometimes drawn intense debate. Host transitions, theological nuances, and denominational perspectives have all generated questions regarding the direction and tone of the program. Yet core commitments to Scripture, the deity of Christ, and the necessity of redemption through His sacrifice (John 3:16) remain steadfast.

Critics have occasionally questioned positions on secondary doctrinal points. Nevertheless, proponents maintain that the program provides an invaluable service by charting through disputes—citing biblical passages, early Church writings, and scholarly works that keep the conversation grounded in authoritative sources.

Influence and Legacy

The “Bible Answer Man” platform has become a recognized beacon for those seeking biblical answers. Offering practical insights and scholarly apologetics, it has spurred thousands of Christians to engage more seriously with biblical study and to grow in confidence that the Bible is indeed trustworthy and relevant.

Publications, broadcasts, and affiliated websites continue to document debates and explore questions about creation, manuscript evidence, prophecy, orthodoxy, and the life‐transforming power of the gospel. This legacy intertwines with the broader Christian mandate to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) by positively elevating the importance of sound biblical interpretation and theological reflection.

Relevant Scriptural References

• “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction…” (2 Timothy 3:16).

• “Heaven and earth may pass away, but My words will never pass away.” (Matthew 24:35).

• “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith.” (1 Corinthians 15:14).

• “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:10).

These passages underscore the significance of personal salvation and the call to know God’s Word thoroughly.


The individual referred to as the “Bible Answer Man” is typically the host of a Christian broadcast that equips believers with scriptural truths and addresses inquiries on theology, ethics, and Christian living. Dr. Walter Martin established the identity associated with this ministry, and subsequently, Hank Hanegraaff became known by the same title. Through decades of biblical exposition, apologetic engagement, and pastoral concern for listeners, the “Bible Answer Man” has helped shape evangelical discourse, exemplifying a commitment to living out the truths of Scripture “in spirit and truth” (John 4:24), always returning to the foundational authority and reliability of God’s Word.

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