Is God all-knowing and all-powerful? Definition of Omniscience and Omnipotence Omniscience refers to complete and perfect knowledge-knowing all actual and potential events, thoughts, and possibilities. Omnipotence refers to having unlimited power, the ability to create, sustain, or alter anything in existence. Within Scripture, these attributes describe the unique and supreme character of God. Biblical Basis of God's Omniscience Scripture consistently affirms that God knows all things: • In Isaiah 46:9-10, God declares, “I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times what is yet to come.” This statement points to His knowledge spanning all of history in one timeless gaze. • Psalm 147:5 says, “Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit.” Nothing is hidden from Him, including the secrets of the human heart. • 1 John 3:20 highlights that “God is greater than our hearts, and He knows all things.” His knowledge permeates every aspect of creation and extends beyond time. Throughout the biblical narrative, God’s foreknowledge of events, such as the prophesied downfall of nations (Isaiah 13-23) and the coming of the Messiah (Psalm 22; Isaiah 53), displays comprehensive insight into all events, past and future. Biblical Basis of God's Omnipotence Biblical writers equally emphasize God’s supreme power to create, intervene, and resolve every challenge: • Jeremiah 32:17 proclaims, “Ah, Lord GOD! You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for You!” This text underscores His limitless capacity. • Genesis 1:1 records, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The act of creation from nothing exemplifies power beyond any natural process. • Job 42:2 affirms, “I know that You can do all things and that no plan of Yours can be thwarted.” Here, God’s purposeful power is portrayed as unstoppable and perfectly guided by His will. Miraculous events such as the parting of the Red Sea (Exodus 14) and the resurrection of Christ (Matthew 28) further highlight divine dominion over nature and life itself. Consistency of Scripture and Historical Reliability Archaeological finds, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls (discovered in the mid-20th century at Qumran), provide extensive fragments from the Hebrew Scriptures dating as early as the third century BC. These texts largely match the later Masoretic manuscripts, underscoring the consistency of the biblical message about God’s nature. The scrolls affirm that these mighty attributes of God have been faithfully preserved over centuries. Additionally, historical documents cited by researchers (including first-century works by Josephus) corroborate events, locations, and figures described in Scripture, indicating that the portrayal of God’s actions in human history is grounded in real places and times. This consistent testimony bolsters confidence that God’s revealed character as all-knowing and all-powerful permeates genuine records rather than mythological tales. Philosophical and Behavioral Considerations From a philosophical standpoint, if God were not fully knowledgeable or supremely powerful, He would cease to be the ultimate Being described in Scripture. For human behavior, trust in God’s care resonates with the knowledge that He knows every circumstance and can intervene at will (Matthew 6:8). This understanding fosters responsibility and hope: He fully perceives hearts and motivations, and He has the power to guide and sustain believers through trials. Evidence from Science and Intelligent Design Certain lines of argument within intelligent design suggest complexities in biology, physics, and cosmology that point to purposeful creation. Detailed studies of DNA, alongside the precise calibration of universal constants, highlight patterns that remain difficult to attribute to random chance. These indications of design align with the biblical narrative of an all-powerful Creator who thoughtfully brought forth life and cosmic order (Psalm 19:1: “The heavens declare the glory of God…”). Geological findings, such as sedimentary layers bearing fossils that appear rapidly deposited and catastrophic flood narratives in ancient civilizations, are used by some to support the biblical account of a young earth. While interpretations vary, these viewpoints aim to affirm God’s authority over creation, consistent with His revealed omniscience and omnipotence. Implications for Christian Doctrine Believers find assurance in the knowledge that an all-knowing, all-powerful God hears prayers, heals the sick, and guides history toward His redemptive purposes (Romans 8:28). The resurrection of Christ emerges as the ultimate demonstration of divine power over death. As attested by multiple sources and witnesses (1 Corinthians 15:3-8), this event testifies to God’s capability to raise the dead and secure salvation for all who believe. Moreover, God’s omniscience ensures that the gospel call reaches precisely those He intends, and His omnipotence guarantees that no force can thwart His salvific plan. This comprehensive authority and foresight combine to offer a foundation of hope, resiliency, and purpose. Addressing Common Objections Some question whether unlimited power and foreknowledge make human free will obsolete or make suffering inexplicable. However, Scripture portrays God as working sovereignly while upholding human responsibility. Though paradoxical to finite minds, this tension is preserved in passages like Romans 9-10, where divine election and personal accountability coexist. Others assert that evil in the world contradicts an omnipotent, omniscient God. Yet the Bible explains that sin’s existence is due to human rebellion, and redemption is found in Christ’s sacrifice. God’s power ensures He can and will ultimately eradicate evil without violating His perfectly wise plan, as described in Revelation 21. Conclusion The consistent testimony of Scripture-from Genesis to Revelation-paints a portrait of a God whose knowledge knows no bounds and whose power is absolute. Demonstrated in His creative acts, His interventions throughout salvation history, and culminating in the resurrection of Christ, these attributes offer believers a foundation for trust and reverence. To affirm that God is all-knowing and all-powerful is neither a mere theological assertion nor a baseless claim. It stands on firmly preserved manuscripts, historically grounded events, philosophical reasonings resonant with human experience, and a creation that reflects its Creator’s matchless design. Such a God is worthy of worship, submission, and awe, drawing every believing heart to rest in His care and find hope in His promises. |