Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
22:1 2532 22:1 και 22:1 And |
936 εβασίλευσαν [5gave reign |
2730 κατοικούντες 2dwelling |
4245 πρεσβυτέρους elder sons |
3026.1 ληστήριον the band of robbers, |
22:2 5207 22:2 υιός 22:2 [2 was a son |
936 εβασίλευσεν 1he reigned] |
22:3 2532 22:3 και 22:3 And |
22:4 2532 22:4 και 22:4 And |
1842 εξολοθρεύσαι to utterly destroy |
22:5 2532 22:5 και 22:5 And |
22:6 2532 22:6 και 22:6 And |
1994-* επέστρεψεν Ιωράμ Jehoram returned |
2394.4 ιατρευθήναι to be treated medically |
731.2 ηρρώστει he was infirm. |
22:7 2532 22:7 και 22:7 And |
2692 καταστροφή the final event |
1831-* εξήλθε Ιωράμ Jehoram went forth |
1842 εξολοθρεύσαι to utterly destroy |
22:8 2532 22:8 και 22:8 And |
1096 εγένετο it came to pass |
1556 εκδικήσαι [2taking vengeance |
3008 λειτουργούντας the ones officiating |
22:9 2532 22:9 και 22:9 And |
2036-* είπεν Ιού Jehu told them |
2638 κατέλαβον they overtook |
2394.4 ιατρευόμενον in his being treated medically |
Athaliah Kills the Royal Seed |
22:10 2532 22:10 και 22:10 And |
22:11 2532 22:11 και 22:11 But |
2289 θανατουμένων ones being put to death. |
22:12 2532 22:12 και 22:12 And |
2633.1 κατακεκρυμμένος being hid |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.