Matthew 6
Gifts, Prayer, Fasting, Treasures
Spiritual Practices in Secret: Kingdom Values in Action

Matthew 6 challenges believers to examine their motivations in spiritual practices and redirect their focus towards God and His Kingdom. It provides a blueprint for a life that is not obsessed with material wealth and daily worries, but a life that is immersed in sincere worship, trusting in God's provision, and pursuing God's righteousness.

Section 1: Giving to the Needy (Matthew 6:1-4)

Jesus warns against practicing righteousness for show. When giving to the needy, He encourages doing so secretly, promising that the Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward openly.

Section 2: The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)

Addressing prayer, Jesus cautions against ostentatious and repetitive prayers. He then presents the Lord's Prayer, a model prayer that acknowledges God's holiness, seeks His will, requests provision, forgiveness, and protection.

Section 3: Fasting (Matthew 6:16-18)

On fasting, Jesus advocates for it to be done in secret, without showing signs of discomfort or sadness. He assures that God sees and will reward those who fast sincerely.

Section 4: Treasures in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-24)

Jesus teaches about storing up treasures in heaven, not on earth, emphasizing the impermanence of worldly wealth. He speaks of the eye as the lamp of the body and concludes that no one can serve two masters, God and wealth.

Section 5: Do Not Worry (Matthew 6:25-34)

Jesus admonishes against worry about material needs, pointing out God's care for nature as evidence of His provision. Instead, He encourages seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness first. Jesus assures that by focusing on God, all needs will be met and encourages living in the present, tackling each day's troubles as they come.

Matthew 6 continues Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, delving deeper into the heart of spiritual practices. It cautions against performative righteousness and instead emphasizes sincerity in worship, trust in God's provision, and prioritizing the Kingdom of God.

Authentic Worship: The rejection of hypocrisy in spiritual practices.
Trust in God's Provision: The call to rely on God for our needs.
Prayer: The Lord's Prayer as a model for communicating with God.
Prioritization: The Kingdom of God as the primary focus of life.
Discernment: The challenge to perceive what truly matters.
Giving to the Needy
The Lord's Prayer
Treasures in Heaven
Do Not Worry
Judging Others
Jesus Christ
The disciples
The crowds
The mountainside (the setting for the Sermon on the Mount)
Bible Study Questions

1. How does Jesus' teaching on giving to the needy challenge societal norms around charity?

2. Reflect on the Lord's Prayer as a model for your personal prayers. How can it guide your prayer life?

3. How does Jesus' teaching on fasting apply to other spiritual disciplines you practice?

4. In what ways does the teaching about treasures in heaven reshape your understanding of success?

5. How does Jesus' teaching on worry challenge your approach to handling life's anxieties?

6. What does the phrase "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness" mean to you in your present context?

7. How can Jesus' teachings on sincerity in worship impact your spiritual practices?

8. How does the concept of God seeing what is done in secret influence your approach to acts of righteousness?

9. Reflect on the statement "No one can serve two masters." How does it speak to your own priorities and commitments?

10. How do Jesus' words about God's provision in nature reassure you in times of worry?

11. In what ways can you store up treasures in heaven in your daily life?

12. How does Jesus' admonition to live each day as it comes influence your perspective on planning and future worries?

13. How does the idea of the eye as the lamp of the body reflect on spiritual and moral vision?

14. How can you implement the principles of not worrying about tomorrow in your life?

15. What does the dichotomy between earthly and heavenly treasures teach us about the values of the Kingdom of God?

16. How can the teachings in this chapter shape your attitude towards material possessions?

17. How does Jesus' reassurance of God's provision help to build trust in God?

18. How can you practice the principle of seeking God's Kingdom first in your personal and professional life?

19. Reflect on how the teachings in this chapter can influence the way you handle stress and anxiety.

20. How can you practically apply Jesus' teachings on sincere worship in your day-to-day faith journey?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Matthew 5
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