Bishops' Bible of 1568 | Par ▾ |
Thirsting for God (2 Samuel 15:30–37) 1A psalme of Dauid when he was in the wyldernesse of Iuda. O Lorde thou art my Lorde: early in the morning I do seeke thee. (63:2) My soule thirsteth for thee: my fleshe also longeth after thee in a baren and drye lande where no water is.
2(63:3) To see thee euen so as I haue seene thee in the sanctuary: that I might beholde thy power and glory.
3(63:4) For thy louing kindnes is better then life itselfe: my lippes shall prayse thee.
4(63:5) As long as I liue I wyll blesse thee on this maner: and in thy name I wyll lyft vp my handes.
5(63:6) My soule is satisfied euen as it were with mary and fatnes: and my mouth prayseth thee with ioyfull lippes.
6(63:7) Haue I not remembred thee in my bed: and thought vpon thee when I was waking?
7(63:8) Because thou hast ben my helper: therfore vnder the shadowe of thy wynges do I reioyce.
8(63:9) My soule cleaueth fast vnto thee: thy right hande hath vpholden me.
9(63:10) And they that seeke my soule to oppresse it: shall go vnder the earth.
10(63:11) Euery one of them shalbe killed with the edge of a sworde: and they shalbe a portion for Foxes.
11(63:12) But the king shal reioyce in the Lord, al they shal glory that sweare by him: for the mouth of all them that speake a lye, shalbe stopped.
Bishops' Bible of 1568 Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible