Topical Encyclopedia Barzillai the Gileadite is a notable figure in the Bible, particularly recognized for his advanced age and the wisdom and generosity that accompanied it. His account is primarily found in the books of 2 Samuel and 1 Kings, where he is depicted as a wealthy and influential man from Rogelim in Gilead.Biblical Account Barzillai's most significant biblical appearance occurs during the rebellion of Absalom, King David's son. As David fled Jerusalem to escape Absalom's uprising, Barzillai provided substantial support to the king and his followers. The Bible records in 2 Samuel 17:27-29 that Barzillai, along with others, brought beds, basins, pottery, wheat, barley, flour, roasted grain, beans, lentils, honey, curds, sheep, and cheese for David and his people, who were in need of sustenance in the wilderness. After Absalom's defeat, as David prepared to return to Jerusalem, Barzillai accompanied the king to the Jordan River. David, in gratitude for Barzillai's loyalty and generosity, offered to take him to Jerusalem and provide for him there. However, Barzillai declined the offer, citing his advanced age as a reason. In 2 Samuel 19:35 , Barzillai says, "I am now eighty years old. Can I discern what is good and what is not? Can your servant taste what he eats and drinks? Can I still hear the voices of male and female singers? Why should your servant be an added burden to my lord the king?" Attributes and Significance Barzillai's response to King David highlights several key attributes associated with longevity in the biblical context: 1. Wisdom and Self-awareness: Barzillai's acknowledgment of his limitations at eighty years old reflects a deep self-awareness and wisdom. He recognizes the natural decline that comes with age and chooses to remain in his familiar surroundings rather than seek the comforts of the royal court. 2. Generosity and Loyalty: Despite his age, Barzillai's actions during Absalom's rebellion demonstrate a remarkable spirit of generosity and loyalty. His willingness to support David in a time of crisis underscores the value of steadfastness and faithfulness, qualities often associated with the righteous in Scripture. 3. Contentment and Humility: Barzillai's refusal of David's offer to live in Jerusalem reveals a contentment with his life and circumstances. He expresses a desire to die in his own city, near the grave of his parents, showing a humble acceptance of his life's journey and its eventual end. Legacy Barzillai's legacy extends beyond his own life. In 1 Kings 2:7 , as David instructs Solomon before his death, he says, "But show kindness to the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite and let them be among those who eat at your table, for they stood by me when I fled from your brother Absalom." This directive ensures that Barzillai's family continues to receive the king's favor, highlighting the lasting impact of Barzillai's loyalty and service. Barzillai's account serves as an example of how longevity, when coupled with wisdom, generosity, and humility, can leave a profound and enduring influence on others. His life is a testament to the virtues that are esteemed in the biblical narrative, offering a model for living faithfully and righteously into old age. Nave's Topical Index 2 Samuel 19:32Now Barzillai was a very aged man, even fourscore years old: and he had provided the king of sustenance while he lay at Mahanaim; for he was a very great man. Nave's Topical Index Resources How old was Abraham when he died? | GotQuestions.orgSummary of the Book of Ecclesiastes - Bible Survey | How can I contribute to world evangelism? | Longevity: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Subtopics Longevity: Aaron, One-Hundred and Twenty-Three Years Longevity: Abraham, One-Hundred and Seventy-Five Years Longevity: Adam, Nine-Hundred and Thirty Years Longevity: Amram, One-Hundred and Thirty-Seven Years Longevity: Anna, Older than Eighty-Four Years Longevity: Arphaxad, Four-Hundred and Thirty-Eight Years Longevity: Barzillai, Eighty Years Longevity: Cainan, Nine-Hundred and Ten Years Longevity: Eber, Four-Hundred and Sixty-Four Years Longevity: Eli, Ninety-Eight Years Longevity: Enoch, Three-Hundred and Sixty-Five Years Longevity: Enos, Nine-Hundred and Five Years Longevity: General Scriptures Concerning Longevity: Isaac, One-Hundred and Eighty Years Longevity: Jacob, One-Hundred and Forty-Seven Years Longevity: Jared, Nine-Hundred and Sixty-Two Years Longevity: Jehoiada, One-Hundred and Thirty Years Longevity: Job, "Lived One-Hundred and Forty Years" After his Ordeal Longevity: Joseph, One-Hundred and Ten Years Longevity: Joshua, One-Hundred and Ten Years Longevity: Lamech, Seven-Hundred and Seventy-Seven Years Longevity: Mahalaleel, Eight-Hundred and Ninety-Five Years Longevity: Methuselah, Nine-Hundred and Sixty-Nine Years Longevity: Moses, One-Hundred and Twenty Years Longevity: Nahor, One-Hundred and Forty-Eight Years Longevity: Noah, Nine-Hundred and Fifty Years Longevity: Paul, "The Aged One" Longevity: Peleg, Two-Hundred and Thirty-Nine Years Longevity: Reu, Two-Hundred and Thirty-Nine Years Longevity: Salah, Four-Hundred and Thirty-Three Years Longevity: Sarah, One-Hundred and Twenty-Seven Years Longevity: Serug, Two-Hundred and Thirty Years Longevity: Seth, Nine-Hundred and Twelve Years Longevity: Shem, Six-Hundred Years Longevity: Terah, Two-Hundred and Five Years Related Terms |