Nave's Topical Index
Acts 19:35And when the town cleark had appeased the people, he said, You men of Ephesus, what man is there that knows not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter?
Nave's Topical Index
The Uproar in Ephesus.
... The uproar was quelled by the town-clerk, or secretary of the city, a person of
considerable authority, in the Asiatic cities, who having obtained a hearing ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xxiii the uproar in.htm
Acts xix. 21, 23
... Well, and with rebuke does the town clerk say, "What man is there that knoweth not ...
Great are the evils theatres cause to cities, great indeed, and we do not ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily xlii acts xix 21.htm
Political Parties in Connecticut at the Beginning of the ...
... father, while from 1798 he had been clerk of the ... have ceased to transplant from town
to town Quakers, New ... the meeting of the Assembly in those cities, and of ...
/.../chapter xiv political parties in.htm
... constantly violated by this misrepresentation, which especially affects the population
in the cities, and is ... Carefully compiled and attested by the town clerk. ...
/.../greene/the development of religious liberty in connecticut/appendix.htm
... freemen of the towns to assemble in town meeting on ... shall leave written notice thereof
with the Clerk of such ... later days in a development of the cities at the ...
/.../chapter xv disestablishment.htm
From the Death of Bishop Asbury to the Close of the General ...
... dissentient sects the privilege of depositing a certificate in the town clerk's
office of ... that city only, but also in most of the populous cities and villages ...
/.../chapter 3 from the death.htm
The Acts of the Apostles.
... The allusions to countries, cities, islands, in Syria, Asia Minor, Greece ... city, the
Roman proconsul (anthupatos), the recorder or "town-clerk" (grammateus), and ...
/.../schaff/history of the christian church volume i/section 85 the acts of.htm
From 1787 to 1791 Inclusive
... penetrated almost every part of the country, old and new " the cities, towns, and ...
unless they lodged a certificate in the office of the town clerk that they ...
/.../a history of the methodist episcopal church volume i/chapter 2 from 1787 to.htm
Gambling, Card-Playing
... a famous gambler and saloon proprietor of two German cities, went to ... in a bank, a
farm hand, or a clerk in a ... In a town where we once lived a young man and his ...
/.../questionable amusements and worthy substitutes/iii gambling card-playing.htm
Away in Paris, a Vast Concourse of People were Assembled Round an ...
... are very few holy things in great cities,"but there ... am at home I go out of the town
to work ... concerned in the strange disappearance of his clerk, Claude Cazeau ...
// master-christian/xxxii away in paris a.htm
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