The lot for the South Gate fell to Obed-edom, and the lot for the storehouses to his sons. People Abner, Ahijah, Ammiel, Amramites, Asaph, Chenaniah, David, Ebiasaph, Elam, Eliezer, Elihu, Elioenai, Elzabad, Ezra, Gadites, Gershom, Gershonites, Hashabiah, Hebronites, Hilkiah, Hosah, Isaiah, Issachar, Izharites, Jathniel, Jediael, Jehieli, Jehielites, Jehohanan, Jehozabad, Jeriah, Jerijah, Jeshaiah, Jizharites, Joab, Joah, Joel, Johanan, Joram, Kish, Korah, Korahites, Kore, Korhites, Laadan, Levites, Manasseh, Manassites, Merari, Meshelemiah, Ner, Nethaneel, Obed, Obededom, Othni, Peulthai, Rehabiah, Rephael, Reubenites, Sacar, Samuel, Saul, Semachiah, Shebuel, Shelemiah, Shelomith, Shelomoth, Shemaiah, Shimri, Shuppim, Simri, Tebaliah, Uzzielites, Zebadiah, Zechariah, Zeruiah, Zetham, ZichriPlaces Gilead, Jazer, Jerusalem, Jordan River, ShallechethTopics Allotted, Asuppim, Fell, Gate, Gatherings, Lot, Obededom, Obed-edom, O'bed-e'dom's, Sons, South, Southward, Storehouse, Store-houseOutline 1. The divisions of the porters13. The gates assigned by lot20. The Levites that had charge of the treasures29. Officers and judges |