Jahath was the first and Zizah was the second; but Jeush and Beriah did not have many sons, so they were counted as one family and received a single assignment. People Aaron, Amariah, Amram, Beriah, David, Eder, Eleazar, Eliezer, Gershom, Gershon, Gershonites, Haran, Haziel, Isshiah, Izhar, Jahath, Jahaziel, Jehiel, Jekameam, Jeremoth, Jeriah, Jerimoth, Jesiah, Jeush, Joel, Kish, Kohath, Laadan, Levi, Levites, Mahli, Merari, Micah, Mushi, Rehabiah, Shebuel, Shelomith, Shelomoth, Shimei, Shubael, Solomon, Uzziel, Zetham, Zina, Ziza, ZizahPlaces JerusalemTopics Assignment, Beriah, Beri'ah, Chief, Class, Counted, Didn't, Family, Fathers, Father's, Grouped, Household, Jahath, Jeush, Je'ush, Multiplied, Numbering, Reckoned, Reckoning, Sons, Ziza, ZizahOutline 1. David in his old age makes Solomon king2. The number and distribution of the Levites7. The families of the Gershonites12. The sons of Kohath21. The sons of Merari24. The office of the Levites |