Ruth 1:11
But Naomi replied, "Return home, my daughters. Why would you go with me? Are there still sons in my womb to become your husbands?
SeparationJ.R. Thomson Ruth 1:10-14
Naomi's Parting AddressG. Lawson.Ruth 1:11-13

These three women were bound together by the memory of common happiness, by the memory of common sorrows. The proposal that they should part, however reasonable and just, could not but reopen the flood-gates of their grief. Orpah found her consolation in her home in Moab, and Ruth found hers in Naomi's life-long society and affection. But as the three stand before us on the borders of the land, as Naomi begs her daughters-in-law to return, the sorrow and the sanctity of human separations are suggested to our minds.






It grieveth me much for your sakes that the hand of the Lord is gone out against me.
This is a great aggravation of the afflictions of many parents, that their children are involved with themselves. They could bear poverty, they could bear reproach, they could bear death itself, had they none who depended on them for bread and for respectability in the world. God has the same right to rule over the fruit of our bodies as over ourselves, and to allot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them their share bear pallearm their share bear pallRRUPlacesem their share gn="ceatareack tbre lelloOD, PROre lellopallot to them tgn="ceatareack tmoabt to thoabm their share bear pallRRU SEPoorderto them their shab/addrOD, PROrarpallot to them their shab/aodyOD, PROodypallot to them their shab/aobeasOD, PROobeaspallot to them their shad/2" title="D, PRD" title=pallot to them their shaht:20e"D, PRH20epallot to them their shaht:"Themes"D, PRH"Themestheir share bear pallot to them their share bear pallot to them to 'them their 'share bear pallot to them re ear par pallear pre bear pallot to them s/ld. = wind="#li bear pallot to them t/ar par palTr pre bear pallot to them w/s="car palW="cre bear pallot to them y/lloar palYet is gollot eir share bear pallRRUOut!-- em theiI. SEall"link>1D, "llot eI. SEout!-- "link>EE; I WILL NEVER F bear pallot to,lot tonlot to neto thev>Thes thate be is gollot ebreiI. SEall"link>4D, "llot eI. SEout!-- "link>EE; I WILL NEVER 4ear pallot tto thir sharThes thlotso is gollot ebreiI. SEall"link>6D, "llot eI. SEout!-- "link>EE; I WILL NEVER 6m their sha, bear peir :20ehard is gollot ebreiI. SEall"link>8D, "llot eI. SEout!-- "link>EE; I WILL NEVER 8m theitheir sh howevtwover reasonable andear pallot to them is gollot ebreiI. SEall"link>14D, "llot eI. SEout!-- "link>EE; I WILL NEVER 14hare bear ir svh howe, bearTHEE"to th me. SEall"link>19D, "llot eI. SEout!-- "link>EE; I WILL NEVER 19ar palTem twovap2" theOre lellolot to themy themgladhemo telv"d is gollot ebreibreiir share ="0" ceallot">
5117dib>s" clas" clas" clalearm thepeib> 5674dib>s" clas" clas" clad" title=pallepeib> 5339dib>s" clas" clas" clah20epallepeib> 5736dib>s" clas" clas" cla to leniv classpeib> 57ble b>s" clas" clas" claall sot beai>bearrllot toclasspeib> 568Oe b>s" clas" clas" cla to tybeai>pallot thclassir shareadleft"><"#sermonm their share bear pallotss="cliem theiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpalpanren/llot tot to_of_holy_425649lot_f/a_genhar_ tolloe_a_genhearRSAKE A Genhar Htolloe to Genhear Cear pt is gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>'A three w "//wwIntme. shaons ellot te. 18R W tn bearsand llot to tas llotfastly thei her copics&nbowe, t tn bearm" t beaakeir unto the. 19D,Sothemy twovwenh untilthemy ca2" theOre -lelloO A thitdiv class="L<"#sermpalpanren/llot tot to_of_holy_425649lot_f/a_genhar_ tolloe_a_genhearRSAKE 8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE Alexlot beMlpanrene>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUElot tot to sharoly S25649loti"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpwatustra_dr sha_c beiem the_themt_ could_thek_ bear palTem Whemto tould Whek beaGo respethare ly is gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>DOm themiotake mhalIado thesayd llottheir shae bpallot tto themaonsould themgo re beahemy themaof many patto cpall bearheheghahemy thempallo themevil,allot toicssflictiruleir :ir share be bt to tir se floofyallot lolohemy themthe themgo rO Aot to e3d5b8b theiheghaofled tserm qual thei,allota great soghemphare t lolohe pallot ot tthekr pallhayouriousuth/n be beahemear povpatto unir palns/ar pa pallw'>8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE mile paWatuste>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUAeir sharC beiemi"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpbevan/hymto_of_tti_lloegen_suso_ir _otowes/hemes_of_lblear palBaeir shaLble is gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>P. G.hree wi. 16, 17 A :20eare St to tar ourglot t ca2" Tho desheir sharsslot thr peir; Htpt'lkear pallphart but reopeshomhalThrheghainsultallot e phallot sc bpeir. A Mr sharn.htm">, shaaoiltlot tre , A HIM cast Mr slot atlonely;ness,Htpheir"/sermmhallot terheghaeto themr pallHim over I lble--Him only. T tn pallot belawson.n.htm"ar par palFallot beir shart pallH the shaed;ness,ar plshareshare eyo thot tetaaou pallore bhot Hlawm" t 2" b frun-ear ped. Aot Ispanv botHim allH t bear iv class="L<"#sermpbevan/hymto_of_tti_lloegen_suso_ir _otowes/hemes_of_lblear pa 8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE F toare Bevane>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUHymtoalloTtarSloegen, Susolohot Otowesi"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpguy (adurg_of_durgs_of_duloour/9_ar p_is_ cy_belbledar palW to theTeyaBelbled, Mheir sharArotoweaBelbled, Oomilu Falloer ourg Wh5b8!lot to heTeyaBelbled, Mheir sharArotoweaBelbled, he pamilu Doer SotChayge Us">&s gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>Tem d" title= bearerusa3d5ado theceas botcot t be ter shaoer ourg mment,kchaaus bemoer painar pwr sho them iddnt,khot tesharar palthemre bearto thadawmD HAe to thembeaut to themthemastoabilalloo beholdto ti lble soghe fpallso8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE Mada2" Guy (e>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUSurg theSurgs theSuloouri"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpaquinas/summa_ ceulogr s/hare b_ ce_old_law_sloar palWare behem Olde b SlotFheir SmansharePo tepts Abheir shaMemboposal thatHouslhold">&s gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>Obm their 1:lot o themeaharetheir shOlde b slo their unsuansharepo tepts abheir shamemboposal thathouslhold.tFhealloanv "ipa paer pal>G. Law bmastlebearbear ty,", by thePhilos alirry oto t(Pol t. i, 2).ness,arheiar palainstth/bearbear tyv class=be balre m theirmon sanytas unfitare beahemeLand juthemson.(Ex. 21:2),arheioanv sv class="goHIM Wfree"po them sto tir r pans/bm their 2: Furtowe, lloanv e b bmastlebearbear ty, bea, byr sloimalloe.r. r slsm ther shx.ness,ito hethemsonrre(Dt. iv class="L<"#sermpaquinas/summa_ ceulogr s/hare b_ ce_old_law_sloar pa 8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE ST AP mile paAquinase>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUSumma theulogr si"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpgregormp ce_epiot th_of_dT AP_gregorm_ ce_ me. /epiot t_xxxii_to_n ress_ cear palEpiot t xxxii. ThoN ressy theParrllian. >&s gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>ThoN ressy theParrllian. Gregormd juN ress, &c. Yonsoloer sweettChaythemeat sr shthem ht mhpo theadilettre bounprassflifbmyaar podeeame to ot ttr palI theefhemo ptybeCot tmem theNoeha, t to thebeautiar bearcot tmemhem , t to thebuld b beaI o ar llifbbuld bniv (ree wi. 20)iness, by petharaaus al thatpo sbytre b[1555] ,iar palainref=lot to thmo thotoweason.fe pal-bbilopbear ploer rer plnr ParrlarpalJohn,, had thy shoI o thee beaeadi tvre erm ar pr palof twilebsp;Tn> ero them ear irousual ir shalot iv class="L<"#sermpgregormp ce_epiot th_of_dT AP_gregorm_ ce_ me. /epiot t_xxxii_to_n ress_ cear pa 8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE ST AP Gregormd r pGme. e>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRU r pEpiot ts theST AP Gregormd r pGme. i"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpgregormp ce_epiot th_of_dT AP_gregorm_ ce_ me. /epiot t_cxxi_to_lelot b_bbilopar palEpiot t cxxi. ThoLelot b, Bbilopallore palain(Seville). >&s gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>ThoLelot b, Bbilopallore palain(Seville). Gregormd juLelot b, BbilopalloSpain.oI hsvhthem epiot t al th3401l/sermonwruld n"tl">8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE ST AP Gregormd r pGme. e>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRU r pEpiot ts theST AP Gregormd r pGme. i"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpbunyanp ce_rllhth_of_bunyanpiv_of ear palln. >&s gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>THE IMAGFRIENGOD. arate llot timot behot to cpall"tlckedhem r pimot theG re is to cpall"a greiref=f. Smp beahe tostth/v class=saydcs&nbo bmIM ho I"tosh etheir shkeirbearicllot ry Hom bear; o them thetb bma/beasoghayalloplnrr phim allasharem them theworld. al thatkeir?iEr ion.,ito hetl">8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE Johnnesnyane>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUT toRllhth theesnyani"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpgregormp ce_epiot th_of_dT AP_gregorm_ ce_ me. /epiot t_vi_to_n ress_parrllian.r palEpiot t vi. ThoN ress,eParrllian . >&s gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>ThoN ress,eParrllian [1305] . Gregormd juN ress, &c. Inear criblot loftihem r psweetniv al ed thmp to th,bsp;Td they newre t lllotaf="/rutt tllenry oto,themaroIoear aarheiI hsvhtloer inhardhemar llotto tiear pthardhetheiheghaunrr shalot,them thetoploer -BTF -"/ru aff. iK bethetahe toI o arrllk n"tl">8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE ST AP Gregormd r pGme. e>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRU r pEpiot ts theST AP Gregormd r pGme. i"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpedhardsp ce_elot toors_/tabl_ ce_epiot t_to_ ce_hebrews/cintabl_xiii_a_cloud_ofRSAKE A Cloud theWitniv o th>&s gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>"Byr shth Isaac 10iv od Jacobehot Esau,rto thct to them thergs juthee. Byr shth Jacoblot to ho tas a-dylot,t10iv od ea pallo r ps to shaJ beph;to ththem thped, lelohem to t thetop sha betaff. Byr shth J bephlot to he enshare nsha,bmadflentheir shahemede shalot thaheme8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE mile paChay ts Edhardse>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUT toElot toorbeadiv a:eparaEpiot t hem theHebrewsi"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermplawlor/st_bo tard_of_panirvauxs_er b_of_dt_ofla py_of_armoth/cintabl_viii_de shalot_pall_ireem thSAKE De shalot palloIreem th Dslot Burial lotCanirvauxth>&s gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>[Side tha:e1148, Mayd(?)] 67. (30)ineheir ssr"/sercellot arheiplacelot tae8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE H. Jre blore>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUSp. Bo tard beaCanirvauxbeaLr b theSp. Mfla py theArmothi"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermp/dianp ce_er b_of_jesus/cintabl_i_place_of_jesushSAKE Place bearesuspo them Hr smson/sehem Woach, >&s gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>T llloe. aak n"aeir smaonsemorhen rereyrpallin,itby theoogle ness,ar porigiclass="vrI voluheir iclquiveeir tl">8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE Ebnivt Rdiane>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUT llLr b theresusi"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpwatustra_aody_of_dr shthe/2_cpallo_ ce_mi sasms_ofRSAKE pallot="vrMi sasmslass="vrCov iant is gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>'resusp="vrMi sasmslass="vrNiv Cov iant,' &c. Heb 12:24.aresusp pallottheeio sumehot quintiv onc could bearsrel;ehem ronrr poulto tls;rty, jo of corrlumpa>hartT APs. T lldsha sha pallotthesweet,rito heas oveicpo them rpato tnea>
TmIM ho hot l c beiem heir shear p. s="hot twaar pall ed thxtallot onlypbeaakcould heiar palct to t alloopo senh pur be. Hvveir e c pallpovpatto cov iant theseacelos="hot tbeaakc bevpatto Mi sasmslass="vrcov iantbehot tetaaoerheislasslapllposi/n bo,eresusp="vrMi sasmsliv class="L<"#sermpwatustra_aody_of_dr shthe/2_cpallo_ ce_mi sasms_ofRSAKE 8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE mile paWatuste>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUAeOodylassDr shthei"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermperr ilaimp ce_er b_hot_share_of_jesus_ ce_missiah///prebix_xii_tce_bntatsm_ofRSAKE A/prebix xii. T"vrBntatsm shaPr bely bear pgbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>ONLY teshararo them tadflstudylassit ch/vthem h/1-heir h belaygeallot sthem ther sha><(rbebely bcould becov iant). iv class="L<"#sermperr ilaimp ce_er b_hot_share_of_jesus_ ce_missiah///prebix_xii_tce_bntatsm_ofRSAKE 8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE AlfrereErr ilaime>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUT llLr b hot T therbearesusp="vrMissiahi"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpbaylmp ce_hem thei_of_pory /mi stto tho_of_tce_b0iv od_y otoear pali stto thocould beB0iv od S otopoult Rdgen e te Mr share svhn. >&s gbrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>Hto tty mi stto th dazzl are invlasr n tllsHIM Worutt :ir ;rty, re beeir theshare bct toilee nbeahemeotowe ht dr cribre bearloer ex">&nenh blosare inved bnem wBTF -"/rugloryd(2rC b. iv. 17; Rom sviii. 18)--beto oflot to ths">8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE LetosrBnylme>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUT llPem theirshaPory i"llot epeiI. SEar pall"link>EE; I WILL<"#sermpmcfadyen/o tro pal th_to_ ce_old_ beta PROe bear pallearm thebrei"llot eI. SEsnippenk>Go/a>8230; is gbrei"llot eI. SEcitto thE JohnnEdgar McFadyene>8212;i"llot eI. SEcitto thRRUI tro pal thespetharOldeTbeta PROi"llot epeiir share bear pallRRULthesem their share nivL NEVER FORSAKE THEE" - T NIV is gbr'> SEp" gbr'> <"llot er share gn="ceapps/divL NEVER FORSAKE THEE" - Tediv aoA/ps is gbr'> SEp" gbr'> <"llot er share gn="cethem tto /divL NEVER FORSAKE THEE" - TeC'S PROVIDEN is gI. SEp" gbr'> <"llot er share >