Mark 11
Difficult Questions and Answers
Mark 11:2–6: How can we verify historically that Jesus accurately predicted the colt’s location and its willing release?

Mark 11:12–14, 20–21: Why would Jesus curse a fig tree for lacking fruit when it was not the season for figs?

Mark 11:15–17: How is Jesus driving out merchants from the temple consistent with a message of peace and compassion?

Mark 11:23–24: Is the promise of moving mountains through faith meant literally, and what are the scientific implications if taken at face value?

Mark 11:27–33: Why is there no clear record outside the Gospels confirming Jesus’ authority if it was truly divinely established?

Bible Study Questions

1. What does Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem teach us about His view of kingship and authority?

2. How does the cursing of the fig tree relate to Jesus' message and ministry?

3. Why does Jesus react so strongly to the merchants and money changers in the temple? What does this teach us about His expectations for worship?

4. How does the lesson from the withered fig tree deepen your understanding of faith and prayer?

5. Why does Jesus refuse to directly answer the question about His authority?

6. How can we apply the lessons of faith and prayer from the withered fig tree to our own lives?

7. What does Jesus' cleansing of the temple tell us about the relationship between commerce and worship?

8. How do you see the authority of Jesus challenged in today's society? How can you defend it?

9. Can you identify any "barren fig trees" in your own life that need to be addressed?

10. How does Jesus' entry into Jerusalem inspire humility in your own life?

11. How can you keep your personal "temple" - your life, your heart - free from becoming a 'den of robbers'?

12. Why does Jesus emphasize forgiveness when teaching about prayer?

13. How does Jesus' approach to His own authority inspire you in your walk of faith?

14. What actions can you take in your life to reflect the lessons from the cleansing of the temple?

15. How can you grow your faith in God to move "mountains" in your life?

16. How do you feel when you see Jesus' righteous anger in the temple? How does this shape your understanding of God's character?

17. How can you use Jesus' teaching about faith and prayer in Mark 11 to improve your own prayer life?

18. How do you handle questions about your faith or the authority of Jesus?

19. Can you think of an instance in your life when you could have benefited from the kind of faith that Jesus describes in verses 22-24?

20. What aspects of your life might Jesus want to 'cleanse' as He did the temple, and how can you cooperate with Him in that process?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Mark 10
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