Mark 10
Difficult Questions and Answers
How does Mark 10:6 reconcile God creating humans “from the beginning” with scientific evidence for human evolution?

Why does Jesus’ strict stance on divorce in Mark 10:2–12 appear to contradict earlier Jewish law that allowed it?

Doesn’t Jesus’ command in Mark 10:21 to “sell everything” conflict with modern economic realities and social responsibilities?

Is Mark 10:25’s metaphor of a camel passing through the eye of a needle scientifically or logically plausible?

How credible is the miraculous healing of Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46–52 given the lack of external historical documentation?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does Jesus' teaching on divorce in verses 1-12 challenge or affirm your understanding of marriage?

2. What does it mean to receive the kingdom of God like a little child?

3. What does the encounter with the rich young ruler reveal about the dangers of wealth and the nature of discipleship?

4. How does the third prediction of Jesus' death and resurrection add to your understanding of His mission?

5. In the request of James and John, how do you see your own desires for significance or recognition reflected?

6. What does the healing of Bartimaeus teach us about faith and persistence?

7. How does Jesus' teaching about greatness in the kingdom of God challenge worldly concepts of success and power?

8. How can you apply the lesson from the rich young ruler to your own life? Are there things you value more than following Jesus?

9. How can you cultivate a childlike faith as Jesus encourages in verses 13-16?

10. What does it mean in a modern context to give one's life as a ransom for many?

11. Why do you think Jesus' teachings on wealth and poverty were so counter-cultural then and remain so today?

12. How do you feel when you read Jesus' clear expectation of self-sacrifice for His disciples? Is it challenging, inspiring, daunting, or something else?

13. Can you identify ways in which you might have been blind in your faith, and how you can learn from Bartimaeus' encounter with Jesus?

14. What does it look like in your everyday life to serve others as Jesus instructed His disciples?

15. In the context of modern relationships and society, how can Jesus' teachings on marriage and divorce be applied?

16. How can Jesus' interaction with children influence your approach to younger generations within the faith community?

17. How does the rich young ruler's response to Jesus challenge your own responses to God's commands?

18. How can you demonstrate servant leadership in your own life, following the example of Jesus?

19. In what ways have you experienced the truth of Jesus' statement that many who are first will be last, and the last will be first?

20. What steps can you take to cultivate a faith that persists in calling out to Jesus, like Bartimaeus, even when others might try to silence you?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Mark 9
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