Who is W. A. Criswell? Early Life and Background W. A. Criswell (1909–2002) was born in Eldorado, Oklahoma, and his upbringing took place in a culture that held unwavering respect for Scripture and pastoral ministry. From an early age, he exhibited a profound interest in both biblical teachings and the power of preaching. His family’s devotion to church life shaped his formative years and fueled his desire to serve in a pastoral capacity. Education and Preparation for Ministry Criswell pursued higher education at Baylor University, where he earned his undergraduate degree before completing theological training at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. His studies refined his skills in homiletics (the art of preaching) and deepened his commitment to the authority of Scripture. Maintaining that “all Scripture is God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16), he consistently approached pastoral work and scholarship with a high view of biblical inerrancy. Pastoral Call and Early Ministry After completing his seminary education, Criswell began pastoring several small congregations. His ministry style was marked by rigorous expository preaching and meticulous attention to the text of Scripture. He often drew from passages such as 1 Timothy 3:1: “This is a trustworthy saying: If anyone aspires to be an overseer, he desires a noble task,” highlighting the dignity and responsibility of pastoral work. Pastorate at First Baptist Church of Dallas One of the most defining elements of Criswell’s life was his decades-long tenure at the First Baptist Church of Dallas. He succeeded the renowned pastor George W. Truett in 1944 and quickly became known for his steadfast devotion to biblical preaching. Criswell’s approach involved comprehensive, verse-by-verse exposition, as he believed this method best honored passages such as Nehemiah 8:8: “They read from the Book of the Law of God, explaining it and giving insight so that the people could understand the reading.” Under Criswell’s leadership, First Baptist Dallas grew in national influence. Many pastors, theologians, and laity were shaped by his commitment to the belief that “the word of God is living and active” (Hebrews 4:12), and church members frequently testified to the transformative impact of his sermons. Doctrinal Emphasis and Theological Contributions Criswell’s ministry emphasized the inerrancy of Scripture—a conviction he upheld in writing, preaching, and one-on-one pastoral conversations. He often cited passages such as 2 Peter 1:20–21: “Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture comes from one’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever brought forth by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” Criswell used such texts to present a robust defense of the trustworthiness and inspiration of the Bible. He also held firmly to the need for personal faith in Christ for salvation, frequently quoting Romans 10:9: “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” This emphasis shaped the evangelistic outreach of the church and contributed to a steady stream of new converts. Major Writings and Sermons Over the course of his ministry, Criswell produced numerous books, articles, and sermon collections. Some titles addressed the literal interpretation of the Bible, highlighting his belief that Scripture should be understood in its plain sense whenever possible. He also wrote on pastoral leadership and the practice of expository preaching. His “Expository Sermons on Revelation” gained particular notice among pastors and scholars. Drawing from a futurist perspective on eschatology, Criswell laid out the significance of Christ’s return and urged congregations to maintain steadfast hope, in keeping with the confidence of believers echoed in passages such as Revelation 1:7: “Look, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him—even those who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him.” Leadership in the Southern Baptist Convention Criswell was a leading figure within the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). His preaching, administrative gifts, and conviction regarding biblical inerrancy positioned him as a central voice during significant denominational shifts. He championed the fundamental doctrines of the faith and influenced many younger pastors who would later shape the theology and practice of local congregations across the country. Founding of Criswell College and Academic Influence Desiring to train future generations in rigorous Scriptural study and pastoral ministry, Criswell founded Criswell College (originally known as Criswell Bible Institute) in 1971. The curriculum stressed fidelity to Scripture, expository preaching, and missionary outreach, all built on the scriptural mandate found in 2 Timothy 4:2: “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction.” Over the years, Criswell College produced graduates who continued his legacy of revering and teaching the Bible in local churches and mission fields. Evangelistic Approach and Public Influence Criswell believed strongly in local and global evangelism, aligning with the Great Commission imperative from Matthew 28:19: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations...” His personal commitment to soul-winning was evident in evangelistic outreaches, citywide events, and international missions endeavors. Individuals who encountered his preaching often commented on his ability to connect scriptural truth to daily life, making the gospel accessible to a broad population. Longevity of Ministry and Retirement Criswell’s tenure at First Baptist Dallas lasted nearly half a century—a remarkable span that allowed him to impact generations of congregants. Even after he retired as senior pastor in 1993, he continued to preach occasionally and to serve as pastor emeritus. His presence and counsel remained influential in the church and beyond, reflecting the scriptural ideal in Proverbs 16:31: “Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is attained along the path of righteousness.” Legacy and Continuing Impact The enduring legacy of W. A. Criswell can be seen in the pastors, missionaries, and church leaders shaped by his expository preaching and passion for Scripture. Introductory to advanced students of theology continue to study his sermons, guided by the principle that effective ministry grows from a high view of Scripture’s authority and clarity. Materials such as The Criswell Study Bible and the W. A. Criswell Sermon Library (containing transcribed messages and recordings) allow modern audiences to remain acquainted with his theological perspectives. His robust defense of biblical inerrancy and his strong stand on evangelism and pastoral teaching models remain pivotal for many Baptist and evangelical congregations. Conclusion W. A. Criswell remains a defining figure within modern church history for those who cherish the authority of Scripture and the proclamation of life-transforming truth. His unwavering stance on biblical inerrancy, his devotion to expository preaching, and his extensive pastoral leadership shaped not only First Baptist Church of Dallas but also the broader evangelical landscape. His life stands as a testament to the power of faithfully heralding “the whole counsel of God” (see Acts 20:27), inviting believers and seekers alike to encounter the life-changing message of the Word. |