Who existed before Abraham?
Who existed before Abraham?

Who Existed Before Abraham?


Abraham is often recognized as one of the pivotal figures in Scripture, revered by many as the father of faith. Yet the Bible reveals that several entities and individuals existed long before Abraham, both human and divine. This entry explores each of these in detail, drawing from the Berean Standard Bible for references.

1. The Eternal God

God’s Existence from Eternity Past

Scripture affirms that God existed before all created things, including Abraham. Genesis 1:1 begins with, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This indicates that God existed before the universe itself. Psalm 90:2 further declares, “Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting You are God.”

Because God is eternal, no event or timeline constrains His existence. Isaiah 43:10 underscores this, stating, “‘You are My witnesses,’ declares the LORD, ‘and My servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe Me and understand that I am He. Before Me no god was formed, and after Me none will come.’” These verses point to God’s uncreated existence, a reality preceding Abraham by an infinite measure.

2. The Preexistence of the Word (Jesus Christ)

John 1 and the Eternal Word

Scripture identifies Jesus Christ-referred to as the Word (Greek: Logos)-as existing from eternity with God the Father. John 1:1-2 states, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” This means Christ existed before any human figure, including Abraham.

Jesus’ Direct Statement: “Before Abraham Was Born, I Am”

In John 8:58, Jesus makes a remarkable declaration: “Truly, truly, I tell you, before Abraham was born, I am!” This statement connects directly to Exodus 3:14, where God declares His name: “I AM WHO I AM.” By using the same divine name, Jesus affirms His eternal nature alongside the Father, existing well before Abraham came into being.

3. The Holy Spirit

The Spirit Active in Creation

Genesis 1:2 describes the Holy Spirit’s involvement in creation: “Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.” Present at the very beginning, the Holy Spirit indisputably precedes Abraham.

Moreover, references throughout Scripture (e.g., Psalm 104:30, John 14:26) confirm the Holy Spirit’s divine attributes. Like the Father and the Son, the Spirit is eternal, sharing in the uncreated nature of God.

4. Angelic Beings

Angels Witnessing Creation

Job 38:4-7 depicts the angels-or “morning stars”-as present when God laid the foundations of the earth:

“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?

Tell Me, if you have understanding…

while the morning stars sang together

and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

Since angels observed the creation of the world, they necessarily existed long before the time of Abraham. Although they are created beings, their creation preceded humanity, placing them in a pre-Abrahamic context.

5. Human Ancestors Before Abraham

Genealogies from Adam to Abraham

The genealogies in the Bible list several men who lived prior to Abraham’s birth. Genesis 5 traces the line from Adam to Noah, and Genesis 11 then traces from Noah’s son Shem down to Abraham. Notable figures in these genealogies include:

Adam - The first man created by God (Genesis 2:7).

Seth - The son given to Adam and Eve after the death of Abel (Genesis 4:25; 5:3).

Enoch - Who “walked with God” and was taken up by God (Genesis 5:24).

Methuselah - Known for the longest recorded lifespan (Genesis 5:27).

Noah - Builder of the ark, who survived the global flood (Genesis 6-9).

Shem - One of Noah’s sons, through whom Abraham eventually descended (Genesis 11:10-26).

Each person in the genealogical line lived and died before Abraham was called out of Ur (Genesis 11:27-32; Genesis 12:1-3).

6. Early Civilizations and Historical Corroborations

Archaeological Evidence for Pre-Abrahamic Peoples

Beyond the biblical genealogies, archaeology supports the existence of earlier human civilizations. Excavations in the Near East (e.g., in Mesopotamia, where Ur is located) have uncovered ancient cities, artifacts, and inscriptions that coincide with the biblical timeframe for the era before Abraham.

For instance, substantial research into the Sumerian civilization indicates an advanced society in lower Mesopotamia centuries before Abraham’s lifetime. Tablets and city ruins, like those at Uruk and Ur, attest to populated urban centers consistent with a context in which Abram (later Abraham) could have been called to leave his homeland (Genesis 12:1).

7. Philosophical and Theological Reflections

Eternal Existence and Ultimate Causation

The notion that God existed uncreated before Abraham fits the understanding of an uncaused cause-One who originates all that exists but is Himself unoriginated. Such a viewpoint is consistent with passages describing God’s self-existence and infinite nature (Exodus 3:14; Isaiah 57:15).

From a broader perspective, the claim that Jesus existed before Abraham calls attention to His unique identity as God incarnate, forming the basis of Christian teaching on His divinity. This anchors theological convictions on salvation and the overarching purpose of humanity to glorify God, as indicated in numerous Scriptures (e.g., Isaiah 43:7; Ephesians 1:11-12).

8. Summary

God the Father: Existent from eternity, the Creator and sustainer of the universe, existing before anyone or anything (Genesis 1:1; Psalm 90:2).

Jesus Christ (the Son): Preexistent and eternally with the Father, explicitly stating “before Abraham was born, I am!” (John 8:58).

Holy Spirit: Present at creation (Genesis 1:2), possessing full deity, and existing before the foundation of the world.

Angelic Beings: Witnesses to creation (Job 38:4-7), thereby preceding humanity.

Early Humans Prior to Abraham: Adam, Seth, Enosh, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Shem, and others listed in Genesis 5 and 11.

Archaeological and Historical Data: Support a vibrant population in Mesopotamia and other ancient regions prior to Abraham’s time, validating that many human communities existed before his calling.

Hence, numerous beings-divine and human-existed before Abraham. Most importantly, the triune God has neither beginning nor end, underscoring the foundational biblical truth that He alone underpins all existence.

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