What does the Bible say on hauntings?
What does the Bible say about haunted houses?

Definition of “Haunted Houses”

“Haunted houses” typically refer to homes or locations believed to be occupied by spirits, ghosts, or unexplained supernatural forces. Many narratives describe strange noises, apparitions, or unsettling phenomena attributed to restless souls. While such stories are widespread in popular culture, Scripture offers a distinct framework for understanding spiritual realities.

Spiritual and Physical Realms in Scripture

The Bible consistently teaches that there is a material realm (the physical world) and a spiritual realm. Ephesians 6:12 states, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” This passage highlights that spiritual activity indeed exists and can influence the physical realm.

However, neither the Old Testament nor the New Testament describes a situation in which the ghosts of departed human beings linger in houses. Instead, Scripture presents two categories of spiritual beings who may interact with the physical realm: divine messengers (angels) and demonic spirits (fallen angels). Any odd or sinister manifestations are more accurately attributed to demonic deception rather than to the spirits of the deceased (Hebrews 9:27, explains that humans die once and then face judgment).

Biblical Perspective on Spirits of the Dead

Many beliefs about haunted houses assume the presence of deceased individuals who have not “moved on.” Yet the Bible teaches that upon death, believers and unbelievers alike enter into a distinct experience beyond earthly life (Luke 16:22–23). The souls of the righteous are comforted, while the unrighteous experience separation from God.

The account in 1 Samuel 28 sometimes raises questions about spirits of the dead, where King Saul consults the medium at Endor. That event, however, is presented as an extraordinary judgment situation involving God permitting the spirit of the prophet Samuel to appear—an exceptional divine act, not a normative haunting. The broader biblical teaching makes clear that ghosts of the dead are not routinely roaming about in homes.

Demons, Evil Spirits, and Their Influence

If a location is reported to be “haunted,” Scripture suggests that demonic forces may be at play, attempting to confuse or instill fear. Demons can manifest through deceptive signs or supernatural displays (2 Corinthians 11:14). They often masquerade as the spirits of the dead or as benevolent entities to distract people from truth and draw them toward occult practices.

Jesus Himself confronted and cast out “unclean spirits” (Mark 5:2–13), showing His authority over them and illustrating that, while these spirits can impact people and places, they ultimately bow to the power of God. When confronted with strange occurrences, believers are taught to turn to God, focus on His sovereignty, and not attribute undue power or authority to demonic powers (James 4:7: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”).

God’s Sovereignty Over All Places

Scripture repeatedly highlights that God is the one who upholds and rules over every part of creation (Psalm 24:1: “The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof”). Nothing lies outside His sight or dominion, including every home and piece of land. In Matthew 28:18, Jesus affirms, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.” This includes any space that people might suspect is “haunted.” If a house is dedicated to the living God and covered by prayer, there is no biblical basis to fear that malevolent spirits can take uncontested residence there.

Avoiding Occult Practices

The Bible consistently warns against engaging in occult or spiritistic practices, such as attempting to communicate with the dead, invoking spirits, or participating in dark rituals. Deuteronomy 18:10–12 says, “Let no one be found among you who…practices divination or conjury, interprets omens, practices sorcery…For everyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD.” Seeking out mediums, Ouija boards, and related forms of occult activity is not only forbidden but also opens the door to deception and harmful spiritual influences.

Freedom Through Faith

Though accounts of haunted houses often spark fear, Scripture repeatedly encourages believers not to be afraid but to trust in God’s power. Second Timothy 1:7 assures, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.” Fear can be dispelled by faith in God’s authority over all realms.

From a practical standpoint, believers are instructed to:

• Pray and commit their homes to God’s care (Philippians 4:6–7).

• Refrain from dabbling in superstitions or occult methods.

• Stand firm in biblical truth, remembering that “the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

A Word on Historical and Cultural Claims

Historical records and archaeological findings from ancient Near Eastern cultures often reference spirits or family gods meant to protect households or, conversely, malevolent entities that cause turmoil. While these beliefs reflect common human attempts to explain spiritual phenomena, Scripture clarifies God’s desire for people to trust solely in Him. Even today, reported “hauntings” can have various natural explanations—structural noises, psychological influences, or deliberate exaggerations—though in rare circumstances, demonic activity may be involved. In every scenario, the biblical response centers on prayer, seeking God’s help, and resisting the influence of evil forces.


“Houses” that people call “haunted” are never beyond the reach of God’s authority. The Bible does not teach that the souls of the dead linger in physical locations, but it does affirm the reality of demonic influence. Scripture reminds believers to reject fear, trust in God’s power, avoid occult practices, and rely on the definitive power of prayer and the Holy Spirit.

James 4:8 exhorts, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” By actively seeking God and resting in the truth of His Word, believers can be assured of His protection and sovereignty over any place, whether rumored to be haunted or not.

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