What's the Conservative Baptist Assoc.?
What is the Conservative Baptist Association of America?

Historical Background

The Conservative Baptist Association of America traces its origins to the mid-twentieth century, emerging as a fellowship of churches that sought to remain steadfast in biblical doctrine and practice. Around 1947, multiple congregations separated from the American (Northern) Baptist Convention due to concerns over the drift toward liberal theology.

Recognizing that fidelity to the Word of God was paramount, these churches formed the Conservative Baptist movement, emphasizing the authority of Scripture, the necessity of Christ’s substitutionary atonement, and a commitment to evangelism. By 1950, the movement formally organized under the name Conservative Baptist Association of America, also known informally as CBAmerica.

Foundational Principles

The Conservative Baptist Association rests on core theological commitments. Chief among these is the conviction that the Bible is uniquely God-breathed, fully authoritative, and without error when correctly understood. This stance aligns with the teaching that “All Scripture is God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16).

CBAmerica churches stand on the essential doctrines of the Christian faith, including the deity and humanity of Christ (John 1:1,14), His atoning death and bodily resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:3–4), and the necessity of faith in Him for salvation (John 14:6). They likewise affirm the personhood and deity of the Holy Spirit, who guides and empowers believers for godly living and ministry (John 16:13).

Doctrinal Distinctives

- Biblical Inerrancy and Authority

The inerrancy of Scripture remains a cornerstone of Conservative Baptist belief. In line with 2 Timothy 3:16–17, they uphold the Bible as the ultimate standard for faith and practice, reaffirming that every believer has direct access to the truths of God revealed in the Scriptures.

- Christ-Centered Salvation

Members of the Conservative Baptist Association proclaim salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9–10). This unyielding focus on the cross and the empty tomb aligns with the broader evangelical tradition and underscores Christ’s victory over sin and death.

- Local Church Autonomy

Conservative Baptists have historically championed the autonomy of the local congregation, believing each local church is fully capable, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, to govern its affairs (Acts 14:23). Though they cooperate under the umbrella of CBAmerica, each church retains freedom in areas of leadership and ministry.

Organizational Structure and Governance

CBAmerica does not operate as a hierarchical denomination. Instead, it provides resources, fellowship, and mutual support for local churches that share a commitment to Conservative Baptist principles. Churches often collaborate for missionary endeavors, pastoral training, and national or regional conferences.

National offices help coordinate foreign missions, church-planting initiatives, and leadership development. However, local congregations remain ultimately responsible for doctrinal fidelity, pastoral oversight, and the administration of ordinances such as baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 28:19–20; 1 Corinthians 11:24–25).

Emphasis on Missions and Evangelism

From the earliest days of its formation, the Conservative Baptist Association has championed global missions. Mission boards such as the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society (later known under different names) were established to advance the gospel worldwide. Drawing on passages like Matthew 28:19–20 and Acts 1:8, churches send and support missionaries in numerous countries.

Domestically, CBAmerica emphasizes church planting, evangelistic outreach, and discipleship programs designed to equip believers to share their faith. These efforts spring from the association’s unwavering belief that genuine faith in Christ is humanity’s only source of redemption and peace with God (Romans 5:1–2).

Theological Context and Connection to Baptist Heritage

The Conservative Baptist Association retains the classic marks of the Baptist tradition, including believer’s baptism by immersion, regenerated church membership, and a commitment to the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:9). In harmony with other evangelical Baptists, CBAmerica upholds a congregational form of church government, where members corporately discern God’s leading.

Unlike some Baptist groups that have adopted broader theological latitude, CBAmerica continues to assert a conservative stance, particularly regarding the historical truth of biblical events and the bodily resurrection of Christ. This consistency with historic Christian orthodoxy reflects a desire to maintain fidelity to what is regarded as “the faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3).

Relation to Broader Evangelical Circles

While remaining distinct in identity, the Conservative Baptist Association collaborates with other like-minded evangelical bodies for various ministry endeavors, relief efforts, and evangelistic campaigns. Events and conferences often feature cooperative partnerships with groups that share a similar high regard for Scripture and a fervent commitment to proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Through these partnerships, Conservative Baptists extend their voice in theological and apologetic discussions, contributing firm support for the reliability and sufficiency of Scripture, the nature of salvation by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8–9), and the importance of faithful, biblical preaching.

Contemporary Significance

Over the ensuing decades, the Conservative Baptist Association has grown beyond its roots within the United States. Although the name and organizational structures have sometimes undergone modifications, the churches affiliated with CBAmerica continue to express the same biblical convictions that inspired their original formation.

In an era where cultural pressures often challenge traditional biblical interpretation, CBAmerica remains a fellowship of congregations seeking to honor the Word of God in all aspects of faith and life. Many of these churches actively engage in addressing the moral and social issues of the day by upholding the truths of Scripture as timeless and authoritative.


The Conservative Baptist Association of America stands as a collective of local churches dedicated to preserving biblical orthodoxy. Emerging in the mid-twentieth century as a response to theological liberalism, CBAmerica has maintained a profound commitment to absolute trust in the Scriptures, the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, and the Great Commission mandate.

Through missions, evangelism, pastoral training, and missionary sending agencies, the association continues to extend its influence both at home and abroad. Undergirding every initiative is a conviction that the gospel offers the only lasting hope for humanity and that the Scriptures, which proclaim the gospel, are truly the living and enduring Word of God (1 Peter 1:23).

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