Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The LORD is Unto the Eons |
90:1 2962 90:1 κύριε 90:1 O lord, |
90:2 4253 90:2 προ 90:2 Before |
4111 πλασθήναι [5took shape |
3611 οικουμένην 4inhabitable world]; |
90:3 3361 90:3 μη 90:3 You should not |
5014 ταπείνωσιν humiliation, |
90:4 3754 90:4 ότι 90:4 For |
3928 παρέλθοι 1may it go by]; |
90:6 4404 90:6 τοπρωϊ 90:6 [2in the morning |
3928 παρέλθοι may it go by; |
634 αποπέσοι it shall fall away, |
4645 σκληρυνθείη may it be hardened |
90:7 3754 90:7 ότι 90:7 For |
1587 εξελίπομεν we faltered |
5015 εταράχθημεν we were disturbed. |
90:8 5087 90:8 έθου 90:8 You put |
5462 φωτισμόν the illumination |
90:9 3754 90:9 ότι 90:9 For |
90:10 3588 90:10 αι 90:10 The |
1440 εβδομήκοντα are seventy |
3811 παιδευθησόμεθα we shall be corrected. |
90:11 5100 90:11 τις 90:11 Who |
1821.2 εξαριθμήσασθαι 1 how to count out his days]? |
3811 πεπαιδευμένους being corrected |
90:13 1994 90:13 επίστρεψον 90:13 Return, |
3870 παρακλήθητι give comfort |
90:14 1705 90:14 ενεπλήσθημεν 90:14 We were filled up |
21 ηγαλλιασάμεθα we exulted |
90:15 2165 90:15 ευφρανθείημεν 90:15 We were gladdened |
5013 εταπείνωσας you humbled |
90:16 2532 90:16 και 90:16 And |
90:17 2532 90:17 και 90:17 And |
5495 χειρών ημών 4of our hands |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.