Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
The Voice of The LORD is Majestic |
1840.5 εξοδίου for the holiday recess |
29:1 5342 29:1 ενέγκατε 29:1 Bring |
29:2 5342 29:2 ενέγκατε 29:2 Bring |
4352 προσκυνήσατε Do obeisance |
29:3 5456 29:3 φωνή 29:3 The voice |
29:4 5456 29:4 φωνή 29:4 The voice |
29:5 5456 29:5 φωνή 29:5 The voice |
29:6 2532 29:6 και 29:6 and |
25 ηγαπημένος one being loved |
29:7 5456 29:7 φωνή 29:7 The voice |
1249.2 διακόπτοντος cutting through |
29:8 5456 29:8 φωνή 29:8 The voice |
2048 έρημον the wilderness; |
29:9 5456 29:9 φωνή 29:9 The voice |
2675 καταρτιζομένη fashioning |
601 αποκαλύψει he shall uncover |
29:10 2962 29:10 κύριος 29:10 The lord |
2733.1 κατοικιεί 1shall settle]; |
29:11 2962 29:11 κύριος 29:11 The lord |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.